
Meeting Date: 2014-02-21

Item/Link Name Work Order/App Number Lease/Permit Type Improvements Location Lease/Permit Number Other County Status
1Stockton Marina Properties LLCN/AGeneral Lease-Commercial Usea commercial marina known as the Owl Harbor MarinaSeven Mile Slough near the city of IsletonP 4049SacramentoRevision of Rent
2Chevron U.S.A., Inc.N/AGeneral Lease-Right-of-Way Useeight-inch refined products pipeline used to transport gasoline, diesel, and jet fuelHonker Bay, Roaring River Slough, Montezuma Slough, Grizzly Slough, and the Sacramento RiverP 3277Solano, Contra Costa, Yolo, SacramentoRevision of Rent
3Lincoln ChanN/AGeneral Lease-Right-of-Way Useright-of-way for ingress and egress to Lessee’s adjoining propertyHensley Slough, adjacent to Assessor’s Parcel Number 132-0190-050, near the town of CourtlandP 4221SacramentoRevision of Rent
4Suisun Resource Conservation DistrictW 26708Dredging Leasedredged material to be used for exterior levee maintenance and repairsovereign land located in the Suisun MarshP 9117Solano
5Thomas Weborg as Sole Trustee of the Stanley F. Rodriguez Revocable Trust, dba Stan’s Yolo Marina / James Robert Uhl, dba Stan’s Yolo MarinaN/AGeneral Lease-Commercial Usean existing commercial marina, known as Stan’s Yolo Marina, consisting of two uncovered floating side-tie boat docks, electrical and water hookups, dolphins, pilings, gangway, launch ramp with dock, moveable debris diverter, four 5-mile speed buoys, and one security vesselSacramento River, adjacent to 31070 South River RoadP 4405YoloAssignment and Amendment
6San Francisco Sailing Whaleboat Association, Inc.N/AGeneral Lease-Recreational Usetwo existing wood pilings and a walkwayWhite Slough at Empire Tract, adjacent to Assessor’s Parcel Number 069-080-15, near the city of StocktonP 5437San Joaquin
7Walter R. Hurlbut and Linda H. Hurlbut / Walter R. Hurlbut and Linda H. Hurlbut, Trustees of the Hurlbut Family Revocable Trust u/v/d June 21, 2006N/AGeneral Lease-Recreational and Protective Structure Useexisting bank protection; use and maintenance of an existing uncovered single-berth floating boat dock with boat lift, steel dolphin, two steel pilings with steel stabilizer bar, gangway, and electrical utility outletSacramento River, adjacent to 7095 Garden Highway, near the city of SacramentoP 7795SacramentoQuitclaim Deed and Issuance
8Steven F. Gianandrea and Judy L. Baker-Gianandrea, Trustees of the Gianandrea Family Trust Dated October 30, 2007N/AGeneral Lease-Recreational and Protective Structure Useexisting single-berth floating boat dock, four pilings, ramp, and bulkhead; and the use and maintenance of an existing dock cover, storage box, electrical outlet, and fillSan Joaquin River, adjacent to 2039 Cove Court, near the city of StocktonP 6527San Joaquin
9George B. Almeida, Trustee, George B. Almeida 1991 Trust dated July 29, 1991N/AGeneral Lease-Recreational Useexisting uncovered single-berth floating boat dock, ramp, and six pilings; and an existing shed, utility conduit, debris deflector, chain attached to a deadman, and one additional pilingCalaveras River, adjacent to 2725 Calariva Drive, near the city of StocktonP 7015San JoaquinQuitclaim Deed and Issuance
10County of SacramentoN/AGeneral Lease-Public Agency Useexisting bridge known as the Twin Cities Road BridgeSnodgrass Slough, adjacent to Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 146-0070-008, 146-0070-014, 146-0100-084, and 146-0120-051, near Walnut GroveP 3216Sacramento
11Peter F. Snook and Judith L. Snook, as Trustees of the Snook Family Revocable Trust, dated April 11, 2000N/AGeneral Lease-Recreational Useexisting pier, boathouse, and two mooring buoys and an existing boat lift and sundeck with stairsLake Tahoe, adjacent to 4688 North Lake Boulevard, near Carnelian BayP 1617PlacerPULLED
12Delta Diamond Ventures, LLC, a California Limited Liability CompanyN/AGeneral Lease-Recreational Useexisting boat dock, walkway, and five pilingsSacramento River, adjacent to 15175 State Highway 160, near the city of IsletonP 8488Sacramento
13Susan S. Metcalf, as Trustee of the Susan S. Metcalf Revocable Trust dated May 16, 1995, and John Brockway MetcalfW 21450General Lease-Recreational Useexisting pier and two mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 9031 Lupine Way, near the city of South Lake TahoeN/AEl DoradoPULLED
14William R. Timken and Judith P. Timken, Trustees of the 2007 William R. Timken Qualified Personal Residence Trust I B and Trust II B U/D/T dated September 10, 2007; and William R. Timken and Judith P. Timken, Trustees of the 2007 Judith P. Timken Qualified Personal Residence Trust I B And Trust II B U/D/T dated September 10, 2007N/AGeneral Lease-Recreational Useexisting pier, boat hoist, slip and sundeckLake Tahoe, adjacent to 1300 West Lake Boulevard, Tahoe CityP 3705PlacerContinuation of Rent
15Lloyd A. Lundstrom, III; Nancy Gill; Margy Lundstrom; Geraldine M. Lundstrom, Trustee of the Geraldine M. Lundstrom Survivor’s Trust UDT Dated December 21, 1991 as amended and successor trustees thereunder; Geraldine M. Lundstrom, Trustee of the Lloyd A. Lundstrom, Jr. Bypass Trust UDT Dated December 21, 1991 as amended and successor trustees thereunderN/AGeneral Lease-Recreational Useexisting pier, boathouse, boat hoist, existing sundeck with stairs, and one mooring buoy; and use and maintenance of one existing mooring buoyLake Tahoe, adjacent to 4920 North Lake Boulevard, Carnelian BayP 4226Placer
16Delta Beach Properties, Inc.N/AGeneral Lease-Recreational Useexisting boat launch ramp and an accommodation dock; and the use and maintenance of 20 existing double-point mooring buoysSacramento River, adjacent to 14250 Isleton Road, near IsletonP 5383Sacramento
17The Bow Corporation, a California Corporation / River View MHC, LLCN/AGeneral Lease-Recreational and Protective Structure Useexisting boat launch ramp and bank protectionSacramento River, adjacent to 11705 Parey Avenue, near the city of Red BluffP 5189TehamaRescission and Issuance
18Steven L. Merrill, Trustee of the Steven L. Merrill Living Trust u/a/d 4/17/1995, and Jacqueline Merrill, Trustee of the Jacqueline Merrill 2006 Trust under Trust Agreement dated February 17, 2006, as amendedN/AGeneral Lease-Recreational Useexisting pier, boathouse, two mooring buoys, and one unattached piling; and one existing boat liftLake Tahoe, adjacent to 2000 North Lake Boulevard, near Tahoe CityP 2666PlacerPULLED
19Coney Island Farms, Inc.N/AGeneral Lease-Right-of-Way Useexisting floating boat dock, two pilings, and gangway; and revise the lease description, and the annual rentthe Old River, adjacent to Contra Costa County Assessor Parcel Number 001-111-005 and San Joaquin County APN 189-250-07P 2222Contra Costa, San JoaquinPULLED
20Jeffrey B. O’Neill and Darice D. O’Neill, as Trustees of the O’Neill Trust UTA Dated 4/10/1996N/AGeneral Lease-Recreational Usetwo existing mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 3940 Belleview Avenue, Tahoe PinesP 6958PlacerRevision of Rent
21Mark L. FrancisN/ARecreational Pier Leaseexisting single berth floating boat dock, seven steel pilings, and gangwaySacramento River, adjacent to 14400 State Highway 160, Walnut GroveP 8625SacramentoTermination
21Aaron Beaver and Natalie Beaver, trustees of The Aaron Beaver and Natalie Beaver AB Living Trust, dated 4/15/08N/AGeneral Lease-Recreational Useexisting single berth floating boat dock, seven steel pilings, and gangwaySacramento River, adjacent to 14400 State Highway 160, Walnut GroveP 8625Sacramento
23Edwin M. Kado and Jean A. Kado, Trustees of the Ed and Jean Kado Family Revocable Trust, Established December 17, 1998N/AGeneral Lease-Recreational and Protective Structure Useexisting covered single-berth floating boat dock, two pilings, one three-pile dolphin, ramp, and bank protectionSacramento River, adjacent to 1635 Garden Highway, city of SacramentoP 6524Sacramento
26L. C. Bowman, Trustee of the L. C. Bowman Trust initially created on April 15, 2009N/AGeneral Lease-Recreational Usetwo existing mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 247 Drum Road, near Meeks BayP 7420El Dorado
22OMP / I&G Creekside Investors, LLCW 26688General Lease-Right-of-Way UseInstallation, use, maintenance, and operation of a 12-inch inside diameter (ID) sanitary sewer pipeline within a 30-inch inside diameter (ID) steel casing beneath the bed of Scott CreekScott Creek, Assessor\'s Parcel Number 519-0820-002-13, city of FremontP 9118Alameda
24Loche M. Johnson and Susan M. Johnson, and successors in trust, as Trustees of the Johnson Family Trust dated August 13, 1999N/AGeneral Lease-Recreational and Protective Structure Useexisting floating boat dock, two-pile dolphin, gangway, and bank protectionSacramento River, adjacent to 4603 Garden Highway, SacramentoP 7212Sacramento
25Brian Ward and Teresinha S. Ward, as Co-Trustees of the Brian Ward and Teresinha Ward Living Trust dated May 6, 1993N/AGeneral Lease-Recreational Usetwo existing mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 3856 North Lake Boulevard, near Carnelian BayP 8508Placer
27County of Shasta Department of Public WorksN/AGeneral Lease-Public Agency Useexisting bridge, known as the Island Road Bridgee Fall River, adjacent to Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APN) 016-340-06, 016-320-56, and 016-320-67, near Fall River MillsP 7701Shasta
28City of Sacramento, a Municipal CorporationN/AGeneral Lease-Public Agency Useexisting bicycle trail– bridge known as the Guy West BridgeAmerican River, adjacent to Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APN) 295-0040-002, 295-0040-003, 295-0040-004, 005-0010-007, and 005-0010-008, city of SacramentoP 3402SacramentoQuitclaim Deed and Issuance
29Timothy Minton Anderson and Mitzi Joan Marvel, Trustees of the Anderson/Marvel Trust Agreement dated September 25th, 2006N/AGeneral Lease-Recreational Usetwo existing mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 323 Sierra Drive, near Rubicon BayP 5322El DoradoPULLED
29Kendrick Elton HooperN/AGeneral Lease-Recreational Usetwo existing mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 323 Sierra Drive, near Rubicon BayP 5322El DoradoPULLED
30Tahoe City Public Utility District / California Department of Fish and Wildlife Acting through the Wildlife Conservation BoardN/AGeneral Permit-Public Agency Usepublic recreational boating facilityLake Tahoe, adjacent to 2500 Lake Forest Road, near Tahoe CityP 2754PlacerAmendment
33Greenbrae Improvement Club, Inc.W 26603General Lease-Recreational Useexisting floating boat dock, access ramp, walkway and six pilingsCorte Madera Creek, adjacent to APN 023-012-33, near GreenbraeP 9119Marin
32California Department of Parks and RecreationN/AGeneral Lease-Public Agency Use32, three-foot diameter mooring buoysSan Francisco Bay, Angel IslandP 5921Marin
34J.W. Silveira, Trustee of the J.W. Silveira and Barbara O. Silveira Family Trust; and, SFTA, LLC, a California Limited Liability Company and SACROS, LLC, a California Limited Liability CompanyN/AGeneral Lease-Recreational Useexisting joint-use pier, two boat lifts, and four mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 2197 and 2201 Cascade Road, city of South Lake TahoeP 4282El Dorado
35Brockway ShoresN/AGeneral Lease-Recreational Useexisting pier, 20 mooring buoys, and two marker buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 144 Chipmunk Street, near BrockwayP 4195Placer
31Loren A. Jensen and Melissah A. Jensen, or their successor(s), as Trustees of the Loren and Melissah Jensen 2013 Family Trust, dated March 6, 2013; Doris A. Jensen, Trustee of the Elbert A. Jensen Bypass Trust; Birney Alan Jensen, Alice Winifred Croft, Janice Lee Jensen, Wayne Anders Jensen, Warren Boomer Jensen, and Marna June Javete; and Ronald A. Ubaldi and Esther Ubaldi, Trustees of the Ubaldi Living Trust dated July 19, 1993, and restated August 7, 2008N/AGeneral Lease-Recreational Useone existing mooring buoyLake Tahoe, adjacent to 1090 and 1130 West Lake Boulevard, near Tahoe CityP 5611PlacerPULLED
37Timothy P. Alpers and Pamela J. AlpersN/AMemorandum of Understandinga residential leach field systemMono Lake, near Lee ViningP 8172MonoRevision of Rent
36Robert McNeil and Carole Joyce McNeil, Trustees of the Robert and Carole McNeil 1993 Trust dated February 3, 1993; Carole J. McNeil, Trustee of the Robert and Carole McNeil 2000 Trust dated November 15, 2000N/ARecreational Pier Lease and General Lease-Recreational Useexisting pier; and three existing mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to Assessor’s Parcel Number’s 090-320-001 and 090-320-002, near Kings BeachP 3883PlacerPULLED
38Ironhouse Sanitary DistrictN/AGeneral Lease-Right-of-Way Use12-inch diameter effluent pipelineMarsh Creek, adjacent to Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APNs) 037-191-036 and 037-191-028, near the city of Oakley,P 6484Contra Costa
41Tesoro Refining & Marketing Company LLCN/AGeneral Lease-Industrial Useexisting marine oil terminal wharf in the Carquinez Strait; and two crossings at Pacheco Creek for various pipelines and a telephone cableCarquinez Strait and Pacheco Creek, in and near the city of MartinezP 3453Contra Costa
42Bridge Marina Yacht ClubN/AGeneral Lease-Recreational Useexisting yacht club house (Parcel A-1) and boat dock (Parcel A-2) ; and use and maintenance of an existing covered platformSan Joaquin River, adjacent to 20 Fleming Lane, in the city of Antioch (Parcel A-1), and in Dutch Slough adjacent to an unnamed island identified as Assessor Parcel Number 037-191-016 (Parcel A-2)P 3820Contra Costa
39Califia LLC, a California Limited Liability CompanyN/AGeneral Lease-Commercial Useexisting commercial marina, known as Mossdale Marina, consisting of two open floating boat docks secured to pilings accommodating approximately 21 boats, two walkways, one gas pump/dispenser, bank protection consisting of concrete riprap material, and appurtenant facilitiesSan Joaquin River, adjacent to Assessor’s Parcel Number 213-290-19, near the city of LathropP 7631San JoaquinAmendment and Revision of Rent
40Phillips 66 CompanyN/AGeneral Lease-Industrial Usedeconstruction of a non-operational marine terminal wharf and appurtenant structures, the extension of the Lease term one (1) additional year to November 30, 2015, and a change in the lease areaCarquinez Strait, near the town of Port CostaP 2869Contra CostaAmendment, Quitclaim Deed, and Termination and Abandonment Agreement
43Russell H. Butcher and Leonore Butcher and Nicholas M. Hanna and Andrea L. HannaW 26580General Lease-Recreational and Protective Structure Useexisting concrete stairway with rock retaining walls and electrical lighting appurtenances, two concrete sun decks with rock retaining walls, two planter areas with rock retaining walls and electrical lighting and plumbing appurtenances, and riprap banklineColorado River, adjacent to 1122 Beach Drive, city of NeedlesP 9120San Bernardino
44Todd Y. King and Shareen M. King, Trustees of the Todd and Shareen King Living Trust, Dated July 30, 2009W 26556General Lease-Recreational and Protective Structure Usetwo existing planter areas with rock retaining walls, concrete stairs with rock walls, shower with concrete pad, and riprap banklineColorado River, adjacent to 1166 Beach Drive, city of NeedlesP 9121San Bernardino
45Rio Buena Vista Homeowners’ AssociationW 26547General Lease-Recreational and Protective Structure Useexisting concrete stairway with railing and riprap banklineColorado River, adjacent to Lots 37, 38, and 39, Tract No. 15640, Map Book 257, Pages 86-92, Amended Map Book 261, Pages 88-94, city of NeedlesP 9122San Bernardino
46David and Susan Robinson Family TrustW 26727General Lease-Protective Structure Useriprap banklineColorado River, adjacent to 1210 Beach Drive, city of NeedlesP 9123San Bernardino
47Ventura County Fire Protection DistrictN/AGeneral Lease-Public Agency Usea portion of an existing fire station, paved parking area with lighting, landscaping, and drainage appurtenances, a weather gauging and telemetry station, a 6-foot concrete block wall, and a 6-foot chain link fencefilled tide and submerged land located adjacent to 5674 Pacific Coast Highway, near the city of San BuenaventuraP 7255Ventura
48Del Junco Children’s Investments, LLCN/AGeneral Lease-Recreational Useboat dock, access ramp, and cantilevered deck extending no more than five feet waterward of the bulkheade Main Channel of Huntington Harbour, adjacent to 16592 Somerset Lane, city of Huntington BeachP 3170Orange
49Santa Catalina Island Company and Santa Catalina Island ConservancyN/AGeneral Lease-Commercial Use720 revenue producing moorings, 32 nonrevenue producing moorings, and six revenue producing string linesCatalina Harbor, Santa Catalina IslandP 3639Los AngelesAmendment and Sublease
51The Kissel Company dba Paradise Cove Land CompanyN/AGeneral Lease-Commercial UseParadise Cove Pier for commercial events, commercial film set location, fishing, and recreational use. Authorized uses specifically exclude the mooring, docking, storage, fueling, and launching of any vessels including personal watercraft from the pierPacific Ocean, at Paradise Cove, MalibuP 391Los AngelesRevision of Rent
50Goleta Sanitary DistrictN/APublic Agency Leaseexisting thirty-six (36) inch diameter steel sanitary sewer outfall pipeline extending underground from the wastewater treatment plant to 5,800 feet offshore into the Santa Barbara Channel of the Pacific OceanGoleta Slough and the Santa Barbara Channel of the Pacific Ocean, GoletaP 3204Santa Barbara
52AT&T CorporationN/AGeneral Lease-Right-of-Way Usea fiber optic cable contained within a five-inch diameter steel conduit that is a portion of Segment 5 of the AT&T Asia-America Gateway (AAG) fiber optic systemPacific Ocean, near the community of Los OsosP 8144San Luis ObispoRevision of Rent
53Southern California Edison CompanyN/AGeneral Lease-Right-of-Way Usea 220 kilovolt (kV) overhead transmission lineKern River, northeast of BakersfieldP 6704KernRevision of Rent
54DCOR, L.L.C.W 9026Right-of-Way Easementa 3.2-inch-diameter submarine power cableSanta Barbara Channel at SummerlandP 4324Santa BarbaraRevision of Rent
55Kenneth Arthur Lester and Lana Christine Lester, Trustees of the Lester Family Trust, dated April 18, 1991N/AGeneral Lease-Recreational Useexisting boat dock and access ramp, and the retention of an existing cantilevered deck extending no more than five feet waterward of the bulkheadHuntington Harbour, adjacent to16821 Bolero Lane, city of Huntington BeachP 4095OrangeRevision of Rent
56Kwan Ming Chan and Karen Kung-Mei Chan, Trustees of the K.M. Living Trust, Dated May 24, 1995N/AGeneral Lease-Recreational Useexisting boat dock and access ramp, and the retention of an existing cantilevered deck extending no more than five feet waterward of the bulkheadHuntington Harbour, adjacent to 16847 Bolero Lane, city of Huntington BeachP 3852OrangeRevision of Rent
57Everingham Bros. Bait Company, Inc.W 26622General Lease-Commercial Usetwo bait bargesSan Diego BayP 9124San Diego
58Society for the Conservation of Bighorn SheepN/AGeneral Lease-Othertwo existing rainwater catchment basin systemsState school land in a portion of Section 16, Township 2 South, Range 18 East, SBM, near the Granite MountainsP 4910Riverside
59Southern California Gas CompanyN/AGeneral Lease-Right-of-Way Use30-inch diameter natural gas pipeline (known as Lines 235 and 3000) and a 34-inch diameter natural gas pipeline (Line 235)six parcels of State school land in portions of Section 36, Township 10 North, Range 13 East, SBM; Section 36, Township 10 North, Range 14 East, SBM; Section 16, Township 7 North, Range 1 East, SBM; Section 16, Township 7 North, Range 10 East, SBM; Section 16, Township 7 North, Range 13 East SBM; and Section 16, Township 7 North, Range 21 East, SBM; near Twenty Nine PalmsP 1801San BernardinoAmendment
60Imperial Wells Power LLCW 40969Negotiated State Geothermal Resources Leasenon-surface occupancy. an exploratory program and timeline for the drilling and testing of up to six (6) geothermal wells from up to three (3) well pads on private landsState\'s 100 percent reserved mineral interest school land located within the Wister Waterfowl Management Area, about 2.5 miles west and southwest of the community of Niland, near the Salton SeaP 9115Imperial
61Imperial Wells Power LLCW 40969Negotiated State Geothermal Resources Leasean exploratory program and timeline for drilling and testing up to six (6) geothermal wells, from up to three (3) well pads on private lands adjacent to the WWMAState proprietary land located within the Wister Waterfowl Management Area, about 2.5 miles west and southwest of the community of Niland, near the Salton SeaP 9116Imperial
62City of Alameda / State of California, acting by and through the State Lands CommissionW 25109N/AConsider authorization of the Phase 1 Transactions of the previously approved Naval Air Station Compromise Title Settlement AgreementN/AAD 617Alameda
63City of Newport BeachG 09-02N/AConsider approving a loan of $6,132,900 from the City of Newport Beach General Fund to the Newport Harbor Capital Fund for the development of the Marina portion of Marina ParkMarina portion of Marina Park in the city of Newport Beach.N/AOrange
64A. Nathaniel Goldhaber and Marilyn K. Goldhaber, Co-Trustees of the Goldhaber Revocable Trust u/a/d 11/11/2005N/AGeneral Lease-Recreational Useexisting pier, boat hoist, boathouse with a boat lift, and two mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 9818 Lake Street and 77 Speedboat Avenue, near Kings BeachP 3659PlacerRescission and Issuance
65Venoco, Inc.N/AOil & GasConsider certification of a Final Environmental Impact Report and an application for the Revised Lease Recommissioning ProjectCity of GoletaP 421Santa BarbaraPULLED