Final Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (EIR) – January 2019
- Appendix A – Public Scoping Documents (Index to where each NOP Comment is addressed in the Subsequent EIR, Public Scoping Comments, Hearing Transcripts, & NOP)
- Appendix B – 2018 Monitoring Plan for the SONGS’ Reef Mitigation Project
- Appendix C – Air Quality Supplementary Information
- Appendix D – Abridged List of Major Federal and State Laws, Regulations, & Policies Potentially Applicable to the Wheeler North Reef Expansion Project
- Appendix E – Final Program Environmental Impact Report for the Construction and Management of an Artificial Reef in the Pacific Ocean Near San Clemente, California
- Appendix F – Kelp Wrack Monitoring for Existing Wheeler North Reef
- Appendix G – Cultural Resources Records
- Appendix H – Subsequent EIR Distribution List
CEQA Documents
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APTR = Analysis of Impacts to Public Trust Resources and Values
CEQA = California Environmental Quality Act
EA = Environmental Assessment
EIR = Environmental Impact Report
EIS = Environmental Impact Statement
FONSI = Finding of No Significant Impact
IS = Initial Study
MND = Mitigated Negative Declaration
ND = Negative Declaration
NEPA = National Environmental Policy Act
NOI = Notice of Intent
NOP = Notice of Preparation
Electronic copies of CEQA documents before 2010 may be requested from:
Nicole Dobroski, Chief
Environmental Science, Planning, and Management Division