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Meeting Date Item NAME WO LSE_TYPE Improvements Location PRC_Number Non_PRC County Lease_Status
2024-10-17EO RptDonald F. Williams and Shirley Williams, Co-Trustees of the Linda Williams Trust under the Donald F. Williams Residential Trust u/a/d August 29, 2005N/AGeneral Lease-Recreational Useexisting pier, marine rail, and four boat slipsLake Tahoe, adjacent to 1306 West Lake Boulevard, near Tahoe City5760PlacerLease
2024-10-1741Stuart R. Seiff and Marilou S. Seiff, TrusteesA4226General Lease-Recreational and Protective Structure Useboat dock, appurtenant facilities, and bank protectionSacramento River, adjacent to 155 Edgewater Drive, near Rio Vista6074Solano
2024-10-1760Notice of Conference with Real Property NegotiatorN/AOil & Gas?Instructions to staff negotiators in Closed Session, pursuant to Government Code section 11126(c)(7), regarding applications for assignment of four leases governing the use of existing offshore oil and gas pipelines traversing state waters associated with the Santa Ynez Unit in federal waters, the Ellwood Pier, and two mooring buoysfederal waters and offshore Santa Barbara CountyPRC 4977, PRC 7163, PRC 5515, and PRC 6371Santa Barbara
2024-08-298Robert A. Hyer and Sonoma HyerA4553General Lease-Recreational Useboat dock and appurtenant facilitiesSacramento River, adjacent to 16510 County Road 117, near West Sacramento8460YoloActive
2024-08-2926Colin Boone Arnold and Victoria Lynn Arnold, TrusteesA4183General Lease-Recreational and Protective Structure Useboat dock, appurtenant facilities, and bank protectionSacramento River, adjacent to 2915 Garden Highway, near Sacramento6064Sacramento
2024-08-2937William Dennis Lewallen and April Joanne Lewallen, Co-trustees of the John and Diana Lewallen irrevocable trust dated December 18, 1998, as amended and restated May 7, 2018A4206General Lease-Recreational Usedock and appurtenant facilitiesSacramento River, adjacent to 13800 River Road, near Walnut Grove6036SacramentoActive
2024-08-2957Russell H. Lepper and Marsha L. Lepper, Co-TrusteesA4604General Lease-Recreational Useboat dock, access ramp and cantilevered deckMain Channel of Huntington Harbour, adjacent to 16622 Somerset Lane, Huntington Beach3172Orange
2024-08-2960Southern California Gas CompanyN/AGeneral Lease-Right of Way Use16-inch diameter underground natural gas pipeline, two block valves, and one cathodic protection rectifierState school land on two parcels in portions of Section 16, T5N R15E and Section 36, T3N R12E, SBM, near Twentynine Palms8836San BernardinoContinuation of Rent and a Revision of Bond
2024-06-0728Jacqueline D. Wilder, as TrusteeA4551General Lease-Recreational and Protective Structure Useboat dock, two pilings, gangway, walkway, deck area and retaining wall with fillNapa River, adjacent to 1632 Milton Road, near Napa6608Napa
2024-06-0743Melodie K. Rufer and Chris J. Rufer, TrusteesA4304General Lease-Recreational and Protective Structure Useboat dock, six pilings, ramp, utility conduits, and bank protectionSacramento River, adjacent to 4153 Garden Highway, Sacramento6037Sacramento