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Meeting Date Item NAME WO LSE_TYPE Improvements Location PRC_Number Non_PRC County Lease_Status
2024-10-1713Tahoe Marina Owners' AssociationA3992General Lease-Recreational Usepier, storage building, and 24 mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 270 North Lake Boulevard, near Tahoe City8559Placer
2024-10-1731Elisabeth A. Claytor, Joseph G. Rehrmann, and Stephen T. Rehrmann, as co-trustees of the Long Island 2020 Irrevocable TrustA4286General Lease-Recreational and Protective Structure Useboat dock with boat lift, ramp, sundeck, walkway, stairs, and bank protectionSacramento River, adjacent to 17468 Grand Island Road, Long Island, near Isleton8550Sacramento
2024-10-1733Brian D. OlsonA4643General Lease-Recreational and Protective Structure Useboat dock, appurtenant facilities, one unattached piling, and bank protectionSacramento River, adjacent to 3101 Garden Highway, Sacramento5155Sacramento
2024-10-1742West Bay Sanitary DistrictA3559, A4542General Lease-Public Agency Useecotone levee, and oyster reef structuresWestpoint Slough, near Menlo Park9722San MateoAmendment
2024-10-1755U.S. Navy (Party)FJ 0116.1N/AConsider cession of jurisdiction to establish concurrent criminal jurisdiction pursuant to California Government Code Section 126Naval Air Station LemooreN/AKing, Fresno
2024-10-1760Notice of Conference with Real Property NegotiatorN/AOil & Gas?Instructions to staff negotiators in Closed Session, pursuant to Government Code section 11126(c)(7), regarding applications for assignment of four leases governing the use of existing offshore oil and gas pipelines traversing state waters associated with the Santa Ynez Unit in federal waters, the Ellwood Pier, and two mooring buoysfederal waters and offshore Santa Barbara CountyPRC 4977, PRC 7163, PRC 5515, and PRC 6371Santa Barbara
2024-08-29EO RptBassetts Tahoe Tomato LLC, a California Limited Liability CompanyA4616General Lease-Recreational Useone existing mooring buoyLake Tahoe, adjacent to 2710 West Lake Boulevard, Tahoe City7557PlacerDelegation of Authority
2024-08-29EO RptThe Marchini Family Partnership, a California Limited PartnershipA4558General Lease-Recreational Usean existing pier, boathouse, sundeck with stairs, boat lift, gantry with a boat hoist, and two mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 5618 North Lake Boulevard, near Carnelian Bay4956PlacerDelegation of Authority
2024-08-298Robert A. Hyer and Sonoma HyerA4553General Lease-Recreational Useboat dock and appurtenant facilitiesSacramento River, adjacent to 16510 County Road 117, near West Sacramento8460YoloActive
2024-08-2935Liz Graham and Greg GrahamA4552General Lease-Recreational Useboathouse, two boat docks, and appurtenant facilitiesPetaluma River, adjacent to 104 Harbor Drive, Novato3540Marin