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Meeting Date Item NAME WO LSE_TYPE Improvements Location PRC_Number Non_PRC County Lease_Status
2019-06-286Alan Bryan and Martha Bryan, TrusteesW 27196GL-Recone mooring buoyLake Tahoe, adjacent to 7422 North Lake Boulevard, near Tahoe Vista9553.1PlacerInitialized
2019-06-2814Marcus Monte, TrusteeW 27232GL-Rectwo mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 6100 North Lake Boulevard, near Tahoe Vista9554.1PlacerInitialized
2019-06-2815RTI Infrastructure, Inc.W 27136GL-R/Wone 2-inch-diameter subsea fiber-optic cable and four 6-inch-diameter horizontal directionally drilled conduits to hold subsea fiber-optic cablesPacific Ocean, near Manchester State Beach9555.9MendocinoInitialized
2019-06-2821Kennedy White and Jeanette Rae White, as TrusteesW 27234GL-RecpierheadDonner Lake, adjacent to 14926 South Shore Drive, near Truckee9556.1NevadaInitialized
2019-06-2835Andorea Hope GoodmanW 27229GL-Recmooring buoyTomales Bay, adjacent to 19225 State Route 1, near Marshall9557.1MarinInitialized
2019-06-2837Andrew K. MarckwaldW 27230GL-Recone mooring buoyTomales Bay, adjacent to 19695 State Route 1, near Marshall9558.1MarinInitialized
2019-06-2842Tomales Bay Sailing LLCW 27227GL-Comone mooring buoyTomales Bay, adjacent to 19225 State Route 1, near Marshall9559.1MarinInitialized
2019-06-2855Blue Daisy, LLC; CSLC; California Coastal CommissionW 24665Acceptance of an offer to dedicate a lateral public access easementadjacent to 21100 Pacific Coast Highway, MalibuAD 677Los Angeles
2019-06-2882City of SacramentoW 6005.198Geol Survey PmtSacramento River, near the I Street Bridge9550.9Sacramento, YoloInitialized
2019-06-2883Lincoln Gold US Corp.W 41000Min Prospect PmtState fee-owned school land (State Parcel No. 244-009 and No. 244-010; within Section 36, T14S R20E, SBM, within the Cargo Muchachos Mountains9551.2ImperialInitialized