
Meeting Date: 2019-06-28

Item/Link Name Work Order/App Number Lease/Permit Type Improvements Location Lease/Permit Number Other County Status
EO RptDoris A. Jensen, Trustee, et al.GL-Recone mooring buoyLake Tahoe, adjacent to APN 083-195-013, Tahoe City5611.1PlacerRent Review
EO RptLoche M. Johnson and Susan M. Johnson, and successors in trust, as TrusteesGL-Rec+PSfloating boat dock, two-pile dolphin, gangway, and bank protectionSacramento River, adjacent to 4603 Garden Highway, Sacramento7212.1SacramentoRent Review
EO RptJohn M. Kruger and Ellen M. Kruger, Trustees et alGL-Recpier, boat lift and two mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 1040 West Lake Boulevard, near Tahoe City6937.1PlacerRent Review
EO RptCharlotte P. (Shirley) Mencarini, TrusteeGL-Rec+PSuncovered floating boat dock, gangway, dolphin, piling, 3/8-inch cable, and bank protectionSacramento River, adjacent to 3563 Garden Highway, city of Sacramento5376.1SacramentoRent Review
EO RptHarold M. Messmer, Jr. and Marcia N. Messmer, TrusteesGL-Recpier, boat lift, a wood marine rail, boat hoist, and two mooring buoysLake Tahoe adjacent to 4420 North Lake Boulevard, Carnelian Bay4315.1PlacerRent Review
EO RptPacific Fruit Farms, A CorporationGL-Recfloating boat dock, gangway, three pilings, and a two-pile dolphinSacramento River, adjacent to 14090 State Highway 160, Walnut Grove7796.1SacramentoRent Review
EO RptRichard Alan Rethford and Bambi-Lynn Rethford, TrusteesGL-Rec+PSdouble-berth floating boat dock with one boat lift, three steel pilings, gangway, electric and water utility outlet, portable jet-ski float, and bank protectionSacramento River, adjacent to 2399 Garden Highway, near the city of Sacramento9126.1SacramentoRent Review
EO RptJeffrey R. SchotsalGL-Rec+PSfloating dock, wood dolphin, steel piling, gangway and bank protection, storage facility on the dock with a toilet, sink, and electrical and water utility outletsSacramento River, adjacent to 4471 Garden Highway, near the city of Sacramento6672.1SacramentoRent Review
EO RptKenneth Erik Sorenson and Mary Elizabeth Sorenson, TrusteesGL-Rec+PSuncovered single-berth floating dock, gangway, three-pile dolphin and bank protectionSacramento River, adjacent to 17444 Grand Island Road, at Long Island, near Walnut Grove7213.1SacramentoRent Review
EO RptJoanne C. Taylor, or her successor(s) as Trustee et al.GL-Recpier and two mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 2580 West Lake Boulevard, near Homewood5560.1PlacerRent Review
EO RptWindland, Inc.GL-R/Wgraded dirt access road and 36-inch drainage culvert to facilitate access to a wind farm located on private propertyState indemnity school land in a portion of Section 18, T11N R13W, SBM, near the city of Mojave8110.2KernRent Review
EO RptJack G. Wilkinson and Shirley M. Wilkinson as TrusteesGL-Recfloating boat dock, boathouse, three pilings, and gangwayCalaveras River, adjacent to 2767 Calariva Drive, city of Stockton7793.1San JoaquinRent Review
1Gregory M. King and Karen M. King, as TrusteesGL-Recone mooring buoyLake Tahoe, adjacent to 8551 Meeks Bay Avenue, near Tahoma8419.1El DoradoNew Lease
2Luis Robert Ubillus AdelmanGL-Recpier and two mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 1590 North Lake Boulevard, near Tahoe City8644.1PlacerNew Lease
3Babbage, LLC, a California Limited Liability CompanyGL-Recpier with adjustable catwalk; a boat lift; and one mooring buoyLake Tahoe, adjacent to 1530 North Lake Boulevard, near Tahoe City8728.1PlacerAmendment
4Belle Haven Realty, a California CorporationGL-Recpier and two mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 710 West Lake Boulevard, near Homewood4893.1PlacerRenewal
5Bodega FarmsGL-R/Wone 12-inch-diameter polyethylene saltwater intake pipeline (at Estero Americano); one 8-inch-diameter polyethylene saltwater intake pipeline and one 8-inch-diameter polyethylene outfall (in Bodega Bay) to support an onshore shellfish farm facilityPacific Ocean at Estero Americano and Bodega Bay6617.1SonomaRent Review
6Alan Bryan and Martha Bryan, TrusteesW 27196GL-Recone mooring buoyLake Tahoe, adjacent to 7422 North Lake Boulevard, near Tahoe Vista9553.1PlacerInitialized
7Leslie CareyGL-Rec+PSboat dock, gangway, two pilings, and bank protectionNapa River, adjacent to 1812 Milton Road, Napa7250.1NapaNew Lease
8Cedar Point Homeowners AssociationGL-Recpier, 18 mooring buoys and six marker buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 1200 West Lake Boulevard, near Sunnyside2859.1PlacerRent Review
9Maquina De Vapor, LLC, a Delaware limited liability companyGL-Rectwo mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 6061 North Lake Boulevard, near Carnelian Bay09414.1PlacerNew Lease
10Robert A. Mandel, Trustee of the 6800 Dume Drive TrustGL-Rectwo mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 1250 West Lake Boulevard, near Tahoe City8871.1PlacerNew Lease
11BHR Tahoe, LP, a Delaware Limited PartnershipGL-Compier, boat lift, six mooring buoys, and one marker buoyLake Tahoe, adjacent to 7170 North Lake Boulevard, near Tahoe Vista8601.1PlacerNew Lease
12Todd W. Lockwood and Karen Sue Lockwood, his wife, Trustees, et al.GL-Recpier, boathouse with boat lift, and two mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 6650 West Lake Boulevard, near Tahoma3787.1PlacerRenewal
13Robert D. May and Judith T. May, TrusteesGL-Recpier and three mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 8441 Meeks Bay Avenue, near Rubicon Bay8983.1El DoradoNew Lease
14Marcus Monte, TrusteeW 27232GL-Rectwo mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 6100 North Lake Boulevard, near Tahoe Vista9554.1PlacerInitialized
15RTI Infrastructure, Inc.W 27136GL-R/Wone 2-inch-diameter subsea fiber-optic cable and four 6-inch-diameter horizontal directionally drilled conduits to hold subsea fiber-optic cablesPacific Ocean, near Manchester State Beach9555.9MendocinoInitialized
16Leonard Shaw and Judith B. Shaw, Trustees; et al.GL-Rectwo mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 7750 North Lake Boulevard, near Kings Beach8857.1PlacerRenewal
17Sierra Pacific Power CompanyGL-R/W345,000-volt (345-kV) overhead electric transmission line and associated facilitiesPit River, near Alturas7902.1ModocRent Review
18Elaine-Maryse Solari, Trustee; et al.GL-Recpier, boat lift, boat hoist, and two mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 8453 Meeks Bay Avenue, near Meeks Bay7416.1El DoradoRenewal
19Warren E. Spieker, Jr., TrusteeGL-Recpier, boat lift and four mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 251 and 261 Paradise Flat Lane, near Rubicon Bay4869.1El DoradoCorrection
20Virginia K. Stock and George JohannessenGL-Rectwo mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 5568 North Lake Boulevard, near Carnelian Bay7949.1PlacerRenewal
21Kennedy White and Jeanette Rae White, as TrusteesW 27234GL-RecpierheadDonner Lake, adjacent to 14926 South Shore Drive, near Truckee9556.1NevadaInitialized
22Jim Stehr and Danya Stehr, as Trustees; et al.GL-Recpier, boathouse, and two mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 2895 West Lake Boulevard, near Homewood3132.1PlacerRenewal
23David Hoyle and Sara L. WelchGL-PStwo-foot-wide cutoff stem wallPacific Ocean, adjacent to 4630 Opal Cliff Drive, near Santa Cruz8795.1Santa CruzAssignment
24California Department of Transportation - District 3GL-R/Wmooring of construction equipment associated with the Tower Bridge Fender System Replacement ProjectSacramento River, near the cities of Sacramento and West Sacramento9422.9Sacramento, YoloAmendment
25CSLCI1093Approval of the 2019 Category 2 Corte Madera Creek benchmark rental rateCorte Madera Creek, near GreenbraeMarin
26Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyA2066Indemnification AgmtIndemnify the State for any harm that may occur or arise from the installation, operation, and maintenance of the PG&E electrical lines on the bridgeBon Air Road Bridge, in Corte Madera Creek, near Larkspur1977.1Marin
27City of LarkspurGL-PArelocation of utilities; temporary cofferdams, two temporary trestle bridges, and a new Bon Air Road BridgeCorte Madera Creek, adjacent to Bon Air Road, near Larkspur1977.1MarinAmendment and Rent Review
28Brent J. Cohn and Hope Cohn, TrusteesGL-Recfloating boat dock with a single slip, four dock pilings, and gangwaySacramento River, adjacent to 513 River Road, near Rio Vista8832.1SolanoRenewal
29Gene H. Colver and Kathy C. Colver DBA DeckhandsGL-Comcommercial marina, known as Deckhands, consisting of an uncovered floating accommodation dock, fixed walkway, and pilingsSacramento River, adjacent to 14090 State Highway 160, near Walnut Grove5498.1SacramentoRent Review
30Coney Island Farms, Inc.GL-R/Wwood bridge, boat dock, two pilings and gangwayOld River, between Coney Island and Union Island2222.1San Joaquin, Contra CostaRent Review
31County of Santa CruzGL-PAperiodic breaching, for flood control purposes, of a sandbarat the mouth of the Pajaro River at Monterey Bay, near Watsonville7934.9Monterey, Santa CruzRenewal
32Raymond L. DeGennaro and Margaret E. DeGennaroGL-Recfloating boat dock, gangway, and a two-pile dolphinSacramento River at Long Island, adjacent to 17460 Grand Island Road, near Isleton4766.1SacramentoNew Lease
33Lionel L. Duff, Jr. and Joan R. DuffGL-Rec+PSfloating boathouse with boat lift, six pilings, ramp, landing platform, debris deflector, and bank protectionCalaveras River, adjacent to 2739 Calariva Drive, Stockton5653.1San JoaquinRenewal
34Equilon Enterprises LLC dba Shell Oil Products USGL-Indapproximately 1,850-ft.-long, 150-ft.-wide, concrete marine oil terminal wharf with mooring dolphins at each end, two active berths (#1 and #2) on the outer (north) side, two inactive berths (#3 and #4) on the inner (south) side, one crane rig and coCarquinez Strait, Martinez4908.1Contra CostaRent Review
35Andorea Hope GoodmanW 27229GL-Recmooring buoyTomales Bay, adjacent to 19225 State Route 1, near Marshall9557.1MarinInitialized
36Steven Jack Lininger, as Trustee of the Jack A. Lininger TrustGL-Rec+PSfloating boat dock, three-pile dolphin, steel ramp, and bank protectionSacramento River, at Long Island, adjacent to 17412 Grand Island Road, near Isleton7769.1SacramentoNew Lease
37Andrew K. MarckwaldW 27230GL-Recone mooring buoyTomales Bay, adjacent to 19695 State Route 1, near Marshall9558.1MarinInitialized
38Gary M. Martin and Coletta A. Martin, as TrusteesGL-Reccovered floating boat dock with boat slip, boat lift, gangway, six pilings, personal watercraft dock and utility conduitGeorgiana Slough, adjacent to 17211 Terminous Road, near Isleton8221.1SacramentoNew Lease
39Riverbank Holding Company LLCGL-Comcommercial marina known as Riverbank Marina, consisting of 132 covered berths, 25 uncovered berths, outside side-tie docks accommodating approximately 19 boats, an inside side-tie dock accommodating approximately nine boats, a sewage pumpout dock, deSacramento River, adjacent to 1371 Garden Highway, city of Sacramento6427.1SacramentoRent Review
40Sacramento Valley ConservancyGL-PAlodge building, shower/restroom building, storage buildings; two septic systems, well, fencing, driveways and landscaping; operation of the land and improvements comprising the lease premises, known as Camp Pollock, for public purposes of access, connorth side of the American River, west of Northgate Boulevard, within the city of Sacramento, commonly referred to as Camp Pollock9033.1SacramentoAmendment
41Michel and Teresa SmanioGL-Rec+PSfloating boat dock, four pilings, gangway, deck, partially-covered deck with balustrade, hoist, gangway, electrical utility outlet, and bank protectionSutter Slough, adjacent to 12080 Sutter Island Road, Courtland7912.1SacramentoRent Review
42Tomales Bay Sailing LLCW 27227GL-Comone mooring buoyTomales Bay, adjacent to 19225 State Route 1, near Marshall9559.1MarinInitialized
43Union Sanitary DistrictW 27235GL-PAoutfall pipeline and appurtenant facilitiesAlameda Creek Flood Control Channel9583.9AlamedaInitialized
44U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife ServiceGL-PASan Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge; construction dredging for levee breaching, temporary work area; spud pilings, warning signs and buoysSouth San Francisco Bay at Coyote Creek, Fremont; Corkscrew Slough, Smith Slough, Steinberger Slough, and Mountain View Slough, within the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge6045.9Alameda, San Mateo, Santa ClaraAmendment
45Carter Fisher and Sharon FisherGL-Recfloating boat dock, ramp, and pierSacramento River, adjacent to 14370 Highway 160, near Walnut Grove5226.1SacramentoNew Lease
46Westpoint Harbor, LLCW 27126GL-Dredgingmaintenance dredge a maximum of 15,000 cubic yards of sedimentWestpoint Slough, near the entrance to the Westpoint Harbor Marina, City of Redwood City9560.9San MateoInitialized
47Lauren VogtGL-Recraised walkway, access ramp, and a fixed boat dockPetaluma River, adjacent to 55 Havenwood Road, near Novato3582.1MarinAssignment
48Tom Accetta and Francine Accetta, TrusteesW 27013GL-Recboat dock, access ramp, and cantilevered deckMain Channel of Huntington Harbour, adjacent to 16872 Coral Cay Lane, Huntington Beach9561.1OrangeInitialized
49Nazir S. Antoun, Trustee of the Nazir and Mary Antoun TrustGL-Recboat dock, access ramp, and cantilevered deckMain Channel of Huntington Harbour, adjacent to 16971 Bolero Lane, Huntington Beach3568.1OrangeRenewal
50Nazir S. Antoun, TrusteeW 27046GL-Recboat dock, access ramp, and cantilevered deckMain Channel of Huntington Harbour, adjacent to 16787 Bolero Lane, Huntington Beach9562.1OrangeInitialized
51Chevron U.S.A. Products CompanyGL-Indwastewater outfall pipelinePacific Ocean, Santa Monica Bay, near El Segundo1915.1Los AngelesPulled
52California American Water CompanyGL-R/Wtemporary exploratory test slant water wellPacific Ocean, Monterey Bay, near Marina9177.1MontereyAmendment
53California High-Speed Rail AuthorityW 27137GL-PAconstruction, use, and maintenance of a new electric-powered highspeed, steel-wheel-on-steel-rail train system and steel truss bridge crossing; and temporary construction areacrossing the Kings River old channel, near Laton9563.9KingsInitialized
54Rosalita, LLC; CSLC; California Coastal CommissionW 24665Acceptance of an offer to dedicate a lateral public access easementadjacent to 28118 Pacific Coast Highway, MalibuAD 676Los Angeles
55Blue Daisy, LLC; CSLC; California Coastal CommissionW 24665Acceptance of an offer to dedicate a lateral public access easementadjacent to 21100 Pacific Coast Highway, MalibuAD 677Los Angeles
56Doerken 2003 Charitable Remainder Unitrust; CSLC; California Coastal CommissionW 24665Acceptance of an offer to dedicate a lateral public access easementadjacent to 21106 Pacific Coast Highway, MalibuAD 678Los Angeles
57Malibu Property Holdings LLC; CSLC; California Coastal CommissionW 24665Acceptance of an offer to dedicate a lateral public access easementadjacent to 18954 Pacific Coast Highway, MalibuAD 679Los Angeles
5819768 PCH LLC; CSLC; California Coastal CommissionW 24665Acceptance of an offer to dedicate a lateral public access easementadjacent to 19768 Pacific Coast Highway, MalibuAD 680Los Angeles
59City of AvalonGL-Com10 mooring buoysPacific Ocean at Hamilton Cove, Santa Catalina Island6696.1Los AngelesRent Review
60Duncan McIntosh Company, Inc.GL-Comtemporary marina for an annual boat showHarbor Island West Basin, San Diego Bay, San Diego, adjacent to the Sheraton Harbor Island Marina8602.1San DiegoNew Lease
61Gregory A. GraniW 26998GL-Recfloating boat dock, access ramp, and two cantilevered decksMidway Channel of Huntington Harbour, adjacent to 3302 Gilbert Drive, Huntington Beach9564.1OrangeInitialized
62Barbara Ann GreerW 27030GL-Recboat dock, access ramp, and cantilevered deckMain Channel of Huntington Harbour, adjacent to 16851 Bolero Lane, Huntington Beach9565.1OrangeInitialized
63Madera County/CSA-16W 27208GL-PAbank restoration, cove fill, and a temporary construction easementSan Joaquin River, 4 miles south of Friant Dam9566.9MaderaInitialized
64Peter W. McKinley and Liz Norris McKinley, TrusteesW 27012GL-Recdock, access ramp, and cantilevered deckMain Channel of Huntington Harbour, adjacent to 16882 Coral Cay Lane, Huntington Beach9567.1OrangeInitialized
65Kheim Van Nguyen and Van Kim Nguyen, TrusteesGL-Recboat dock, access ramp, and cantilevered deckMain Channel of Huntington Harbour, adjacent to 17001 Bolero Lane, Huntington Beach3567.1OrangeNew Lease
66North County Transit DistrictW 26644GL-PAburied armored revetmentBatiquitos Lagoon, CarlsbadSan DiegoPulled
67Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyW 27192GL-R/Welectrical overhead transmission line and a fiber-optic cablecrossing the San Joaquin River, near Fresno9524.1Fresno, MaderaRescind and Initialized
68Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyGL-Data Collectionfour autonomous ocean bottom seismometer unitsPacific Ocean, adjacent to Diablo Canyon Power Plant8985.1San Luis ObispoTermination and Quitclaim Deed
69Paradise Cove Land Company, LLCGL-Coma pierPacific Ocean at Paradise Cove, Malibu391.1Los AngelesPulled
70Pebble Beach CompanyGL-Recmulti-use pier with public accessStillwater Cove, Carmel Bay2714.1MontereyPending
71Teresa N. Rice, TrusteeW 27239GL-Recrecreational pierMorro Bay, adjacent to 1135 5th Street, Los Osos9568.1San Luis ObispoPending
72San Pedro Bay Pipeline CompanyGL-R/Woil pipelinePacific Ocean, offshore Seal Beach and Huntington Beach5636.1OrangePulled
73Surfsong Owners AssociationGL-PS120-foot-long by 35-foot-high seawall and associated sea cave/notch fill, a 55-foot-long by 37-foot-high seawall and associated sea cave/notch fill, and a 130-foot-long section of sea cave/notch filladjacent to 205-239 South Helix Avenue, City of Solana Beach8834.1San DiegoRenewal
74Steeve D. Tran and Mary A. TranGL-Recfloating boat dock, access ramp, and partially enclosed cantilevered deckMain Channel of Huntington Harbour, adjacent to 16881 Bolero Lane, Huntington Beach3853.1OrangeNew Lease
75Cynthia D. Williams and Nicholas DiBenedetto, TrusteesGL-Recfloating boat dock, access ramp, and three cantilevered decksMain and Midway Channel of Huntington Harbour, adjacent to 16632 Coral Cay Lane, Huntington Beach5749.1OrangeRenewal
76Karl W. Wolfslau and Lois C. WolfslauW 27016GL-Recboat dock, access ramp, and two cantilevered decksMain Channel of Huntington Harbour, adjacent to 16812 Coral Cay Lane, Huntington Beach9569.1OrangeInitialized
77Barstow Spanish Trail, LLC; CSLCSA 5772Amendment to Offer to Purchase Real Estate and Acceptance of Offer to Purchase to extend the closing dateapproximately 63.3 gross acres of indemnity school lands in BarstowSan Bernardino
78Allan L. FaughnGL-Grazinglivestock grazing and fencingState indemnity school land in the north 1/2 of Section 18, T27S R28E, MDM, near Bakersfield8089.2KernRenewal
79Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyGL-R/W70-kV overhead transmission lines, one wood pole and unpaved access roadState-owned indemnity school land in Section 28, T4S R18E, MDM, south of Sherlock Road, Mariposa6703.2MariposaRent Review
80Southern California Edison CompanyGL-R/W12 Kv overhead transmission line and 1719 ft. of underground lineState-owned school land within a portion of Section 36, T6S R5W, SBM, near Elsinore Peak4465.2RiversideRent Review and Amendment
81UNAVCO, Inc.GL-Othergeodetic monitoring systemState-owned school land in Section 36, T32N R15E, MDM, north of Shinn Ranch Road7879.2LassenRenewal
82City of SacramentoW 6005.198Geol Survey PmtSacramento River, near the I Street Bridge9550.9Sacramento, YoloInitialized
83Lincoln Gold US Corp.W 41000Min Prospect PmtState fee-owned school land (State Parcel No. 244-009 and No. 244-010; within Section 36, T14S R20E, SBM, within the Cargo Muchachos Mountains9551.2ImperialInitialized
84Lincoln Gold US Corp.W 41001Min Prospect Pmtapproximately 607.52 acres of State fee-owned school land, within Section 16, T15S R21E, SBMImperialPulled
85Rascal Lithium LLCMin Prospect Pmtapproximately 520 acres of State fee-owned school land, within Section 16, T23S R44e, MDM, about 8 miles south of Ballarat9390.2InyoPulled
86U.S. Geological SurveyW 6005.200Geol Survey Pmtwithin Permit Regions I, II, III, and IV9552.9StatewideInitialized
87CSLCC2019006Agreement to renew the Commission's subscription to an online real estate database.Statewide
88City of Arcata (Grantee)G 04-01Adopt findings and authorization to file a certificate that would temporarily lift the Public Trust use restrictionsthose lands as provided under Chapter 1040, Statutes of 1976Humboldt
89City of Long BeachG 05-03Review proposed tideland oil revenue expenditure for six capital improvement projectson or adjacdnt to legislatively granted lands in the City of Long BeachLos AngelesPulled
90City of PittsburgG 02-03Review proposed trust revenue expenditure for a capital improvement projecton legislatively granted sovereign land in the City of PittsburgContra Costa
91CSLCLegislative Report providing information and a status update concerning state legislation relevant to the CommissionStatewide
92CSLCApplication of the Consumer Price Index to update the minimum rents pursuant to California Code of Regulations, title 2, section 2003Statewide
93CSLCSupport AB 552 (Stone) that would establish the Coastal Adaptation, Access, and Resilience ProgramStatewide
94CSLCSupport AB 1680 (Limon) that would require the California Coastal Commission, in collaboration with the California State Coastal Conservancy, the Department of Parks and Recreation, and CSLC to develop a new coastal access planHollister Ranch, in the County of Santa Barbara
95CSLCSponsor state legislation that would grant in trust to the City of San Diego title to three parcels of land that are associated with a 2011 land exchange agreement between the State of California (CSLC) and the City of San Diegoin the vicinity of Mission Bay, known as the Famosa Slough parcelsStatewide
96CSLCSupport H.R. 2995, the Spent Fuel Prioritization Act of 2019, and H.R. 2699, the Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 2019Non-Geographic
97CSLCSponsor a legislative resolution to defend California's authority to protect state waters and prevent invasive species introductionsStatewide
98ExxonMobil CorporationMin Res Lse / O&G LseCarpinteria offshore, Parcel 19, Santa Barbara Channel3133.1Santa BarbaraTermination
98Carone Petroleum CorporationMin Res Lse / O&G LseSanta Barbara Channel, Offshore Carpinteria, Parcel 604000.1Santa BarbaraTermination
98Carone Petroleum CorporationMin Res Lse / O&G LseCarpinteria Offshore Oil Field; southern portion of State Oil and Gas Lease PRC 31507911.1Santa BarbaraTermination
99Signal Hill Service, Inc.GL-R/Wfour pipelines from Federal Platform Hogan to an onshore point: one 4-inch-diameter water pipeline, two 10-inch-diameter oil pipelines, one 12-inch-diameter gas pipeline; and one non-operational 8-inch-diameter outfall pipeline from shoreSanta Barbara Channel, near Rincon Point, Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties3914.1Ventura, Santa BarbaraTermination
100CSLCN/AConsider Approval of the “Abandoned Commercial Vessel Removal Plan, Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta Region”(Contra Costa, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Solano, Yolo
101CSLCN/AInformational Update and Presentation on Two New Public GIS-Based Interactive Spatial Tools: The San Diego Ocean Planning Partnership Web Mapping Application and the State Lands Commission Sea Level Rise ViewerStatewideInformational
102CSLCN/AInformational Update on the Tijuana River Valley Pollution IssuesStatewideInformational
103CSLCN/AInformational Update on AB 691 (2013, Muratsuchi): State Granted Trust Lands and Sea Level RiseStatewideInformational
EO RptStephen Doyle Anthony and Roxanne Marie Anthony, TrusteesGL-Rec+PSaluminum sun deck, stairway, walkway, and gangway with railing and a floating walkway and boat dock; riprap bankline with electrical lighting appurtenancesColorado River, adjacent to 1182 Beach Drive, city of Needles9134.1San BernardinoRent Review
EO RptMark A. Bantle, Jr. and Jennifer K. Bantle et alGL-Rec+PSthree planter areas with rock retaining walls, electrical lighting appurtenances, concrete stairs with rock walls, concrete patio, and riprap bankline; and aluminum gangway with railing, floating walkway, and boat dockColorado River, adjacent to 1154 Beach Drive, city of Needles9135.1San BernardinoRent Review
EO RptMarion M. R. Brooding, as Trustee and and Larry D. BroodingGL-Recuncovered floating dock with cabin, L-shaped dock, eight wood pilings, and gangway, portable float, electrical and water utility outlets, slide, diving board, and boat liftGeorgiana Slough, adjacent to 17241 Terminous Road, near the city of Isleton3289.1SacramentoRent Review
EO RptCalifia, LLC, a California Limited Liability CompanyGL-R/Wnon-operational 20-inch-diameter pipeline/drainage outletSan Joaquin River, adjacent to 250 Sadler Oak Drive, near the city of Lathrop2854.1San JoaquinRent Review
EO RptApolla Farthing and Art Acosta and Michelle AcostaGL-Rec+PStwo planter areas with rock and concrete retaining walls and electrical and irrigation appurtenances, concrete stairs, concrete patio, and riprap bankline, and an aluminum stairway and gangway with railing, and a floating boat dockColorado River, adjacent to 1150 Beach Drive, city of Needles9136.1San BernardinoRent Review
EO RptRyan HughesGL-Rec+PSuncovered floating boat dock and walkway, two pilings, jet-ski float and bank protectionSacramento River, adjacent to 2345 Garden Highway, near the city of Sacramento6340.1SacramentoRent Review
EO RptDoris A. Jensen, Trustee, et al.GL-Recone mooring buoyLake Tahoe, adjacent to APN 083-195-013, Tahoe City5611.1PlacerRent Review
EO RptLoche M. Johnson and Susan M. Johnson, and successors in trust, as TrusteesGL-Rec+PSfloating boat dock, two-pile dolphin, gangway, and bank protectionSacramento River, adjacent to 4603 Garden Highway, Sacramento7212.1SacramentoRent Review
EO RptJohn M. Kruger and Ellen M. Kruger, Trustees et alGL-Recpier, boat lift and two mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 1040 West Lake Boulevard, near Tahoe City6937.1PlacerRent Review
EO RptCharlotte P. (Shirley) Mencarini, TrusteeGL-Rec+PSuncovered floating boat dock, gangway, dolphin, piling, 3/8-inch cable, and bank protectionSacramento River, adjacent to 3563 Garden Highway, city of Sacramento5376.1SacramentoRent Review
EO RptHarold M. Messmer, Jr. and Marcia N. Messmer, TrusteesGL-Recpier, boat lift, a wood marine rail, boat hoist, and two mooring buoysLake Tahoe adjacent to 4420 North Lake Boulevard, Carnelian Bay4315.1PlacerRent Review
EO RptPacific Fruit Farms, A CorporationGL-Recfloating boat dock, gangway, three pilings, and a two-pile dolphinSacramento River, adjacent to 14090 State Highway 160, Walnut Grove7796.1SacramentoRent Review
EO RptRichard Alan Rethford and Bambi-Lynn Rethford, TrusteesGL-Rec+PSdouble-berth floating boat dock with one boat lift, three steel pilings, gangway, electric and water utility outlet, portable jet-ski float, and bank protectionSacramento River, adjacent to 2399 Garden Highway, near the city of Sacramento9126.1SacramentoRent Review
EO RptJeffrey R. SchotsalGL-Rec+PSfloating dock, wood dolphin, steel piling, gangway and bank protection, storage facility on the dock with a toilet, sink, and electrical and water utility outletsSacramento River, adjacent to 4471 Garden Highway, near the city of Sacramento6672.1SacramentoRent Review
EO RptKenneth Erik Sorenson and Mary Elizabeth Sorenson, TrusteesGL-Rec+PSuncovered single-berth floating dock, gangway, three-pile dolphin and bank protectionSacramento River, adjacent to 17444 Grand Island Road, at Long Island, near Walnut Grove7213.1SacramentoRent Review
EO RptJoanne C. Taylor, or her successor(s) as Trustee et al.GL-Recpier and two mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 2580 West Lake Boulevard, near Homewood5560.1PlacerRent Review
EO RptWindland, Inc.GL-R/Wgraded dirt access road and 36-inch drainage culvert to facilitate access to a wind farm located on private propertyState indemnity school land in a portion of Section 18, T11N R13W, SBM, near the city of Mojave8110.2KernRent Review
EO RptJack G. Wilkinson and Shirley M. Wilkinson as TrusteesGL-Recfloating boat dock, boathouse, three pilings, and gangwayCalaveras River, adjacent to 2767 Calariva Drive, city of Stockton7793.1San JoaquinRent Review