The Commission is processing an application for a floating offshore wind demonstration project in state waters (see Figure 1) offshore of Vandenberg Space Force Base (VSFB). The project applicant is CADEMO Corporation (formerly Cierco). The application is for the construction, operation, maintenance, and decommissioning of a floating offshore wind electrical generation facility. A summary of the application is included in the expanding sections below. The application review will include a comprehensive environmental impact review pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The Commission and the U. S. Department of the Air Force will prepare a joint Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS) for the CADEMO Offshore Wind Energy Demonstration Project. The agencies are in the early stages of the EIR/EIS process.
Offshore Wind Application
Key Features of the CADEMO Project
Applicant | CADEMO Corporation | |||||||||||||||
Application submitted | August 21, 2019 | |||||||||||||||
Scope | Demonstrate two different floating wind base technologies by installing four 12-15 MW floating wind turbines in the area | |||||||||||||||
Turbine coordinates |
Offshore cables | An export cable will transmit electricity from the southernmost turbine (T4) to an onshore connection point. The preferred option for the CADEMO Project is to take the export cable to a landing point west of the boat dock, just south of Point Arguello and within VSFB . | |||||||||||||||
Onshore | At the cable landing site, the export cable would be connected to a new overhead transmission line which would run approximately 11 miles north to a new substation built adjacent to the existing Surf Substation. | |||||||||||||||
Application status | Complete on July 21, 2020 |
CADEMO Project Description
Applicant: CADEMO Corporation
Application submitted: August 21, 2019
Application status: Complete on July 21, 2020
Scope: Demonstrate two different floating wind base technologies by installing four 12-15 MW floating wind turbines in the area
Next steps: Proceed with EIR
CADEMO Corporation is a renewable energy development company based in Palm Springs, California that has floating wind project activities in the United Kingdom. In August 2019, CADEMO applied to the Commission for a lease to develop an offshore wind demonstration project in state waters west of VSFB in Lompoc, Santa Barbara County. The CADEMO project would consist of the installation and operation of four floating offshore wind turbines moored to the seafloor, the nearest of which will be 2.5 nautical miles from shore. Each turbine will be capable of producing 12–15 megawatts (MW) of renewable electricity. A maximum of 60 MW could be generated from the four turbines. The turbines would be connected in a series with inter-array cables, and a subsea export cable would be installed under the seafloor from the most southern turbine to an onshore cable landing site located south of Point Arguello within VSFB. A cable duct would be installed at the cable landing site using a horizontal directional drilling method. The export cable would eventually be pulled in through the duct from offshore to onshore and connected to a new overhead transmission line at the cable landing site. The onshore transmission line would run roughly 11 miles to the north to connect to a new substation that will be built adjacent to the existing surf substation.
The project is a demonstration project that will focus on testing engineering concepts for wind turbine floating foundations Each turbine will be supported by a floating platform base, which is more feasible than fixed-bottom foundations off the coast due to the deeper west coast nearshore waters. The floating turbine substructures will have mooring systems that anchor them to the seabed. The CADEMO demonstration project will test the barge and tension leg platform technologies.
CADEMO will establish a fund to fully decommission the infrastructure and onshore overhead power lines when the demonstration period ends. Construction of the floating platforms is expected to occur at the Port of San Francisco. The platforms will be towed to the Port of Los Angeles, where construction of the wind turbines and integration of the turbines and floating platforms is expected to occur. Construction staging of work vessels, equipment, and building materials will also occur at the Port of Los Angeles.
Overview of Preliminary Environmental Assessment (PEA) Process
Outreach and Environmental Review Process
In 2019, the Commission received two applications for offshore wind demonstration projects in the same area and with substantially the same purpose and scope of work. BW-IDEOL withdrew its application in February 2023. The following is an overview of staff’s approach to the environmental review and the stakeholder outreach process. Before embarking on the CEQA process, staff prepared a PEA that described the project area and components of both projects and a preliminary assessment of environmental impacts. Staff determined that using a combination of an “early public consultation” scoping approach with some preliminary project analysis was the best approach to the environmental review for these two projects. The PEA was intended to provide preliminary insight into affected resources to help guide early public input on the CEQA scoping process. This expanded scoping and public outreach approach helped the Commission develop the appropriate project scope and analysis, and generate ideas for project alternatives. It also increased transparency and public participation as compared to a typical CEQA process.
This approach helped with all the following components:
- Gain early awareness and participation with the upcoming EIR process with key stakeholders and the public.
- Advancing the discussion of the policy/science/impacts/benefits of the projects.
- Enhancing transparency.
- Education about the project specifics and resource impacts for stakeholders and decision-makers.
- Gain additional information from early public input to provide a more informed NOP scoping process and maximize a greater range of public input for the preparation of an EIR.
Sequence of Commission Process for Environmental Review
- Initiate Tribal Outreach and Consultation: Consistent with AB 52 and our Tribal Consultation Policy, staff will initiate tribal outreach using the list of culturally-affiliated Tribes from the Native American Heritage Commission, and initiate government-to-government consultation with Tribes who have requested notification. Tribal outreach will occur concurrently with the early public consultation / scoping process.
- Environmental Justice: Consistent with our Environmental Justice Policy, staff will prepare an Environmental Justice Checklist and initiate outreach to environmental justice communities and organizations. This outreach will occur concurrently with the early public consultation / scoping process.
- Early Public Consultation and Scoping Document: Staff will prepare the early public consultation and scoping document, along with a preliminary assessment of environmental impact considerations. This effort will be guided by the Appendix G Environmental Checklist of the CEQA guidelines.
- Commission Approval for Statement of Interest for Environmental Consultant and NOP: Staff will seek the services of an environmental consultant to assist with the preparation of an EIR by requesting that the Commission authorize staff to advertise and then execute a contract for those services with a qualified bidder. Staff will also prepare the NOP that will be circulated for 30 days for agency and public review and hold a public meeting during the comment period.
- Draft EIR: Staff, along with the environmental consultant team, will prepare a Draft EIR that will be circulated for a minimum 60-day public comment period. Staff will hold at least one public meeting to receive comments on the Draft EIR.
- Final EIR: After the circulation of the Draft EIR, staff will prepare a Final EIR that will include responses to comments. The Final EIR will be prepared and circulated at least 30 days before the Commission considers whether to certify the Final EIR and act on a project at a public meeting.
Preliminary Environmental Assessment (PEA)
Vandenberg Offshore Wind Energy Projects
- Final PEA – October 2021
- Draft PEA – July 2021
- Appendix A – CADEMO Research and Demonstration Goals
- Appendix B – Comment letters and emails received during stakeholder outreach *Revised*
- Appendix C – Abridged List of Major Federal and State Laws, Regulations, and Policies Potentially Applicable to the Projects
- Appendix D – Proposed Wind Turbine Safety Devices and Navigation Safety Measures
- Appendix E – Offshore Cultural Shipwrecks
- Appendix F – Commercial Landings
- Appendix G – Comment letters and emails received during Draft PEA Public Review Period
Stakeholder Webinar 12/08/2020
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Why is offshore wind important in California?
- What is the CEQA Process?
- How is this different than the BOEM call area process?
- Why is State Lands involved in this process?
- What other agencies need to issue permits for offshore renewable energy projects?
- What does a Complete and Incomplete application mean?
- What other states have permitted offshore renewable energy development?
Previous Staff Reports
10/21/2021 (32) - Consider delegation of authority for the Executive Officer to solicit Statements of Interest for consultant services, negotiate fair and reasonable prices, and award and execute agreements for the preparation of environmental documentation and mitigation monitoring for two proposed offshore wind energy projects in the Pacific Ocean, near Vandenberg Space Force Base, Santa Barbara County.
- On May 3, 2023, the Commission selected Aspen Environmental Group as its environmental consultant to prepare the CADEMO project EIR.
- BW-IDEOL withdrew its lease application in February 2023.
For inquiries or questions please get in touch with our team at StateApplications.OSW@slc.ca.gov.
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