California State Lands Commission Privacy Policy

Effective May 22, 2024


The privacy and security of your personal information is of the utmost importance to the California State Lands Commission. We collect relevant personal information through lawful means to fulfill our duties in managing the State’s lands and resources. When we request personal information, we specify what it will be used for and the legal authority for requesting it. We communicate the purpose for which the information will be used at, or prior to, the time of collection in a privacy notice accompanying the form used to collect personal information. When contact with the individual is of a regularly recurring nature, an initial notice followed by a periodic notice of not more than one-year intervals shall satisfy this requirement. Any subsequent use will be consistent with the original purpose. Your personal data will not be disclosed, made available, or used for purposes other than those specified, except with your consent or as authorized by law or regulation. We use sophisticated security technologies to protect your information from unauthorized viewing by internal or external sources. Personal information refers to information such as name, home address, phone number, social security number, and other information which could be used to identify an individual. This personal information is acquired through job applications, employee personnel files, contracts for services from individuals and businesses, and lease and permit applications.

You have the right to know what types of information we gather and how we use it. You may review your personal information and request that any inaccuracies are corrected. To request access to your personal information or request that an inaccuracy is corrected, please contact the Commission’s privacy officer at 916.574.1900.

Our policies regarding the personal information we collect and manage are governed by law, including the Information Practices Act of 1977 (Civil Code Section 1798 – 1798.78) and Government Code section 11015.5. We also ensure that your information is protected whenever you visit our website. For more information on how we protect your privacy, please review the following links.


Whenever you visit a website, including the Commission’s, a small piece of information called a cookie can be sent to your computer. The main purpose of a cookie is to identify and customize web pages for you.

We may place and subsequently retrieve cookies that identify you and your computer to our Internet site. Information collected from cookies includes:

  • A partial Internet Protocol address and domain name are collected, but not the e-mail address. The partial Internet Protocol address is used to direct Internet traffic to you without identifying you individually and generate statistics used in the management of this website.
  • The type of browser and operating system you use.
  • The city and zip code you used it from.
  • The date and time you visited this website.
  • The web pages or services you accessed at this website.
  • The website you visited prior to coming to this website.
  • The website you visit as you leave this website.
  • If you downloaded a form, the form that was downloaded.

We aggregate statistics from users who have these cookies. The cookies will remain on your computer unless you delete them. You can manage your cookies by accessing your browser’s preferences menu to prevent them from being placed on your computer or to delete them from your computer. Additionally, information on how to delete cookies from your computer may be found at You should, however, be aware that some websites may not work properly if you block cookie placement.

You have the right to have any information collected about you when you visit our website deleted without reuse or distribution. Please contact the Commission’s privacy officer at 916.574.1900 to request that we discard your information.

What we do with the information collected

We use the information gathered when you visit our website to help us manage and improve our website. This information is used only for internal purposes. It helps us measure the number of visitors to the different areas of our website and to help improve our website for future visitors. We will not distribute or sell any electronically collected personal information about users to any third party without the users’ written consent. Please note that electronically collected personal information is exempt from California Public Record Act requests (Government Code section 7927.400).

Protecting your privacy

The Commission is committed to the privacy of your personal information. We collect and maintain our electronic and paper files in a manner that protects personal information against loss, unauthorized access, use, disclosure, or modification. This is accomplished through written policies, limiting access to work areas through managed electronic entry systems, network security using layers of defense including, but not limited to, firewall protection, encryption, limiting network access using the principle of least privileged, and ensuring personal data on paper is separated from public data. Additionally, Commission staff receives annual security training that encompasses protecting personal information. You have the right to have any electronically collected personal information deleted, without reuse or distribution. To request to have your electronically collected personal information deleted, please contact the Privacy Officer, as provided below.

You can protect your privacy. Be sure to update your browser and operating system regularly. For more information on how you can protect your privacy, visit the Privacy Enforcement and Protection page on the Office of the Attorney General’s website.

Any information we acquire, including information collected on our website, may be released if requested, as authorized in the Information Practices Act of 1977 (Civil Code section 1798).

Information Practices Act - Civil Code sections 1798-1798.78

Title 1.8. Personal Data

Chapter 1. Information Practices Act of 1977

Article 1. General Provisions and Legislative Findings [1798-1798.1]

Article 2. Definitions [1798.3]

Article 5. Agency Requirements [1798.14-1798.23]

Article 6. Conditions of Disclosure [1798.24-1798.24b]

Article 7. Accounting of Disclosures [1798.25-1798.29]

Article 8. Access to Records and Administrative Remedies [1798.30-1798.44]

Article 9. Civil Remedies [1798.45-1798.53]

Article 10. Penalties [1798.55-1798.57]

Article 11. Miscellaneous Provisions [1798.60-1798.69]

Article 12. Construction with Other Laws [1798.70-1798.78]

Notification of changes

Please note that this privacy policy is subject to change without notice. This policy was last updated May 24, 2024.

If you have any questions or concerns about this policy

Contact our Privacy Officer.


California State Lands Commission
100 Howe Ave., Suite 100-South
Sacramento CA 95825


Review date
May 14, 2024

Effective date
May 22, 2024