Press Releases

Commission votes to preserve wetlands and opposes offshore oil drilling

SACRAMENTO — The California State Lands Commission voted today to grant the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service a lease for the construction of the Bolsa Chica Wetlands Project. The project will restore 880 acres of oil fields to their natural wetlands habitat and will act...

Commission increases coastal access

SACRAMENTO — The California State Lands Commission today secured public ownership of eight new coastal accessways in the Malibu area of Los Angeles County. The Commission’s unanimous vote means Californians will retain public access to the beach and ocean through...

Commission votes to oppose federal offshore oil & gas inventory

SACRAMENTO — The California State Lands Commission voted today to oppose a controversial provision of the 2003 federal Energy Bill that would assess oil and gas reserves along the California coastline and in other federal waters. The Commission unanimously passed a...

Commission terminates offshore oil & gas lease

EL SEGUNDO, CA - The California State Lands Commission today terminated an offshore oil and gas lease off Gaviota, Santa Barbara County. Under California Law, the offshore area subject to the lease is thereby made part of California's Marine Sanctuary and no further...


Public Information Officer

Sheri Pemberton


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