For information on either a Surface & Submerged Lands Lease and Geologic & Geophysical Survey Permit or a Mineral Lease please reach out to:
Mineral Resources Management Division
301 East Ocean Boulevard, Suite 550
Long Beach, CA 90802
Online System for Customer Applications and Records
The Commission has an online portal, the Online System for Customer Applications and Records (OSCAR), to submit applications. You can access training videos on how to create an account and submit an application through the portal. To submit a paper application, download our Application for Use of State Lands or request a paper application by calling our office at 916.574.1940.
Palisades Fire Permit Inquiries
If your property has been affected by the Palisades Fire and you need State Lands Commission permitting information please provide, at a minimum, a property address or Assessor’s Parcel Number and a brief summary of the information you’re seeking about the property.
George Asimakopoulos, Land Management
Please note that staff can only provide information about property owned by the Commission. For state property owned by other agencies, you must contact either the appropriate agency directly for information or the Department of General Services Real Property Services Division.
Rent / Benchmarks
Commission lease terms may run from several months to 49 years. Rent is generally based on a percent of the land value or an established benchmark appraisal. Below are the benchmarks we use to establish uniform rental rates: