The State Lands Commission is accepting donations for the creation of a public access route to Martins Beach, a picturesque pocket beach in San Mateo County, south of Half Moon Bay, located along the South Cabrillo Highway.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the Martins Beach Subaccount?
This account was created by the legislature to fund the creation of a public access route to Martins Beach (Pub. Resources Code § 8610, subd. (b)(1)). The subaccount resides within the Kapiloff Land Bank Fund and is an interest-bearing account (Fund 0943).
Who can donate funds to the Martins Beach Subaccount?
Anyone! Private and public sources, including members of the public and nonprofit groups, can contribute.
How will donations be spent?
Funds will be spent on the acquisition and creation of the public access route and related costs, such as environmental studies, analyses, and assessments, and associated improvements and maintenance.
Can I write this off on my taxes?
Donations to the Martins Beach Subaccount are tax-deductible as a donation to the State for a public purpose. (See IRS Publication 526 and Internal Revenue Code § 170 (c)(1).) Consult a tax attorney or professional to verify whether you can claim a deduction.
Will my donation be confidential?
We will keep your personal information confidential to the extent permitted by law. Your name and donation amount may be disclosable under the Public Records Act.
What happens if not all the money donated is used?
Donations will be used in the order received. Securing a public access route is likely to be a multi-year effort. If at some point the State Lands Commission must permanently suspend this effort for now-unforeseen reasons, donations unused at that point would be returned to the donor(s).
What if I have more questions?
You can read more about the Kapiloff Land Bank Fund and the Martins Beach Subaccount at
For additional questions, contact Sheri Pemberton at or 916.574.1992.
Donations may be made by cash, check, or credit card
- If donating by check, please make the check out to “State Lands Commission” and write “Martins Beach Access” on the memo/reference line to ensure deposit into the Martins Beach Subaccount and mail to:
California State Lands Commission
100 Howe Avenue, Suite 100 – South
Sacramento, California 95825
Attn.: Martins Beach Access
- To donate by credit card (Visa, Mastercard, or Discover) or wire transfer call our Accounting Department at 916.562.0026.