Harbor Seals by David Sifry.
Sonoma County was granted two parcels of sovereign lands in trust in 1943 for use as a public park. In 1951, the County was granted all the sovereign tide and submerged lands in Bodega Harbor. The 1951 grant was repealed in 1959 and a new grant of sovereign tide and submerged lands in Bodega Harbor was enacted for the establishment, improvement, and conduct of a harbor, for utilities, structures, facilities and appliances necessary or convenient for the promotion and accommodation of commerce and navigation by air and water and for public buildings, parks, and playgrounds and other public recreational purposes.
- Annual Financial Statements
- Boundary Agreements, Exchange Agreements, Title Settlements
- Granting Statutes
- Staff Reports
The County is required by Section 6306 of the Public Resources Code to complete an annual financial statement and standardized reporting form for trust lands on or before December 31 of each year.
Below is a list of reports the County has submitted:
Settlement / Agreement Number | Description |
BLA 243 | Boundary line agreement. By and between the State of California, acting by and through the State Lands Commission, the County of Sonoma, and Harold O. Parish and Mitchell T. and Wanda A. Zankich |
Statute | Description |
Chapter 218, Statutes of 1943 | An act granting to the County of Sonoma certain lands of the State of California located in the County of Sonoma, upon certain trusts and conditions. |
Chapter 1406, Statutes of 1951 REPEALED by Chapter 1064 |
An act conveying certain tidelands and lands lying under inland navigable waters, situate in Bodega Harbor to the County of Sonoma, in furtherance of navigation and commerce and the fisheries and for public recreational purposes, and providing for the government, management and control thereof, reserving rights to the State. |
Chapter 1064, Statutes of 1959 | An act to convey certain tide and submerged lands to the County of Sonoma, in furtherance of navigation, commerce, and fisheries upon certain trusts and conditions, and providing for the government, management, use, and control thereof, and to repeal Chapter 1406 of the Statutes of 1951. |
Chapter 799, Statutes of 1961 | An act to amend Section 1 of Chapter 1064 of the Statutes of 1959, relating to tide and submerged lands in the County of Sonoma. |
Staff Report | Description |
07/22/1976 (47) | Consideration of substantial compliance improvement – Item deferred for 30 days |
11/30/1977 (30) | Determination of substantial compliance |
02/23/1984 (28) | Boundary Line Agreement, BLA 243, Bodega Bay |