The Ferry Building in San Francisco, by Michele Ursino, is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.
In 1851, the Legislature enacted the San Francisco Beach and Water Lots Act that granted the tide and submerged lands to San Francisco and directed their filling and sale into private ownership. Much of what is now downtown San Francisco passed into private ownership in this fashion. In 1863, the state, through the Board of State Harbor Commissioners, and later the San Francisco Port Authority managed San Francisco’s working waterfront. In 1968, the City and County of San Francisco, through the San Francisco Port Commission, was granted the land that had previously been under the jurisdiction of the San Francisco Port Authority, including all of the sovereign tide and submerged lands.
- Annual Financial Statements
- Boundary Agreements, Exchange Agreements, Title Settlements
- Granting Statutes
- Staff Reports
Settlement / Agreement Number | Description |
AD 228 | Mission Bay Exchange |
AD 531 | Acceptance and recordation of a quitclaim deed from City of San Francisco of sovereign lands within Candlestick Point State Recreation Area and lease of said lands to State Department of Parks and Recreation for 49 years for the development and management of a State recreation area |
AD 557 | A title settlement, public trust land exchange and boundary line agreement, and a Candlestick Point State Recreation Area reconfiguration, improvement and transfer agreement, pursuant to Chapter 203, Statutes of 2009, between the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency, the Port of San Francisco, The City/County of San Francisco, the California Department of Parks and Recreation, and the Commission involving certain parcels within the former Hunters Point Naval Shipyard and Candlestick Point, including the termination of lease No. PRC 6414 and issuance of a new general lease – public agency use 66-year lease to the California Department of Parks and Recreation for certain lands within Candlestick Point |
Statute | Description |
Chapter 41, Statutes of 1851 | An Act to provide for the disposition of certain property of the State of California |
Chapter 44, Statutes of 1851 REPEALED by Chapter 24 |
An Act in relation to the City of San Francisco. |
Chapter 24, Statutes of 1853 | An Act to repeal “an Act in relation to the City of San Francisco,” passed May first, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one. |
Chapter 160, Statutes of 1853 | An Act to provide for the Sale of the Interest of the State of California in the Property within the water line front of the city of San Francisco, as defined in and by the act entitled “An Act to provide for the disposition of certain property of the State of California,” passed March twenty-sixth, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one. |
Chapter 181, Statutes of 1855 | Supplementary to, and amendatory of, an Act entitled “An Act to provide for the Sale of the Interest of the State of California in the Property within the water line front of the city of San Francisco, as defined in and by the act entitled “An Act to provide for the disposition of certain property of the State of California,” passed March 26th, 1851,” passed May 18th, 1853. |
Chapter 543, Statutes of 1868 | An Act to survey and dispose of certain salt marsh and tide lands belonging to the State of California. |
Chapter 490, Statutes of 1872 | An Act to vacate certain streets, alleys, and market places in the City and County of San Francisco, and to donate the same and other tidelands belonging to the State of California to said City and County of San Francisco for commercial purposes, and other matters relating thereto. |
Chapter 264, Statutes of 1874 | An Act to amend an Act entitled “An Act to vacate certain streets, alleys, and market places in the City and County of San Francisco, and to donate the same and other tidelands belonging to the State of California to said City and County of San Francisco for commercial purposes, and other matters [relating] thereto,” approved March thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two. |
Chapter 219, Statutes of 1878 REPEALED by Chapter 372 |
An Act concerning the water front of the City and County of San Francisco. |
Chapter 18, Statutes of 1880 | An Act to amend section six of an Act entitled “An Act concerning the water front of the City and County of San Francisco,” approved March fifteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, and to confer further powers upon the Board of State Harbor Commissioners. |
Chapter 255, Statutes of 1889 | An Act to amend an Act entitled “An Act to amend section six of an Act entitled “An Act concerning the water front of the City and County of San Francisco,” approved March fifteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, and to confer further powers upon the Board of State Harbor Commissioners,” approved March seventeenth, eighteen hundred and eighty. |
Chapter 256, Statutes of 1889 | An Act to amend sections two thousand five hundred and twenty-four, two thousand five hundred and twenty-eight, and two thousand five hundred and fifty-two of an Act entitled “An Act to establish a Political Code,” approved March 12, 1872, relating to the San Francisco Harbor and State Harbor Commissioners. |
Chapter 265, Statutes of 1903 | An act to amend an act entitled “An act to amend an act entitled “An act to vacate certain streets, alleys, and market places in the City and County of San Francisco, and to donate the same and other tidelands belonging to the State of California to said City and County of San Francisco for commercial purposes, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two,” approved march 11th, 1874. |
Chapter 88, Statutes of 1923 | An act conveying certain lands situated in the city and county of San Francisco, to the said city and county of San Francisco, to be used as an aquatic park. |
Chapter 359, Statutes of 1923 | An act granting to the city and county of San Francisco certain lands of the State of California located in the city and county of San Francisco, upon certain trusts and conditions. |
Chapter 784, Statutes of 1927 | An act to reserve a part of San Francisco bay and lands bordering thereon, for park purposes only. |
Chapter 627, Statutes of 1931 | An act granting to the city and county of San Francisco lands known as “Channel” or “Channel street” southwesterly from the northeasterly line of Seventh street in said city and county; and authorizing said city and county of San Francisco to dispose of portions of said street, or otherwise deal with or improve said portion of said street as said city and county may deem proper; and repealing all acts in conflict therewith. |
Chapter 857, Statutes of 1931 | An act to amend section 2524 of the Political Code, relating to the jurisdiction, powers and duties of the Board of State Harbor Commissioners or its successor. |
Chapter 805, Statutes of 1933 REPEALED by Chapter 372 |
An act granting to the City and County of San Francisco certain land within the limits of Lewis Street in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California |
Chapter 912, Statutes of 1933 | An act granting certain tidelands and submerged lands of the State of California to the City and County of San Francisco for development and use as a public airport, regulating the management, use, lease and control thereof, authorizing the reclamation and certain improvements of said lands and the construction and maintenance of a bridge or causeway connecting said lands with Yerba Buena Island. |
Chapter 162, Statutes of 1935 | An act to amend an “An act granting certain tidelands and submerged lands of the State of California to the City and County of San Francisco for development and use as a public airport, regulating the management, use, lease and control thereof, authorizing the reclamation and certain improvements of said lands and the construction and maintenance of a bridge or causeway connecting said lands with Yerba Buena Island.” approved June 13, 1933, to add a new section to be numbered section 4 permitting the use of said lands for exposition purposes. |
Chapter 437, Statutes of 1935 | An act granting to the City and County of San Francisco certain lands of the State of California located in the City and County of San Francisco upon certain trusts and conditions |
Chapter 372, Statutes of 1937 | An act to add part 1, comprising sections 1690 to 3231, inclusive, to Division VI and to add sections 10004, 10005, and 10005.5 to, the Harbors and Navigation Code, relating to the harbor of San Francisco and the Board of State Harbor Commissioners for San Francisco Harbor, and to repeal certain acts and parts of acts specified herein. |
Chapter 987, Statutes of 1943 | An act granting to the City and County of San Francisco certain tidelands and submerged lands belonging to the State of California and situated in the County of San Mateo for development and use in connection with the San Francisco Airport in San Mateo County and as a part of the public airport being used, operated and maintained by the City and County of San Francisco, regulating the management, use and control thereof and authorizing the reclamation and improvement thereof all in conjunction with the use, operation and maintenance of the San Francisco Airport in San Mateo County. |
Chapter 434, Statutes of 1947 | An act to relinquish to the City and County of San Francisco any and all right, title and interest of the State of California in and to the present and former street areas within the exterior boundaries of salt marsh and tidelands donated by the State to Southern Pacific Railroad Company and Western Pacific Railroad Company by an act entitled “An act to survey and dispose of certain salt marsh and tidelands belonging to the State of California,” affirmed March 30, 1868, and adjacent streets, and to remove all restrictions as to the use or disposition thereof by said City and County of San Francisco, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith. |
Chapter 872, Statutes of 1947 | An act to grant to the City and County of San Francisco any and all right, title and interest of the State of California in and to those certain tide and submerged lands and situated in the County of San Mateo for development and use in connection with the San Francisco Airport in San Mateo County and as part of the public airport being used, operated and maintained by the City and County of San Francisco, regulating the management, use and control thereof, and authorizing the reclamation and improvement thereof, all in conjunction with the use, operation and maintenance of the San Francisco Airport in San Mateo County. |
Chapter 1252, Statutes of 1953 | An act to relinquish to the City and County of San Francisco any and all right, title and interest of the State of California in and to all those portions of Louisiana and Georgia Streets between 24th and 25th Streets, within the boundaries of the salt marsh and tidelands in San Francisco, California, and removing all restrictions as to the use or disposition thereof by said City and County of San Francisco, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith. |
Chapter 2, Statutes of 1958 (1st Extra) | An act declaring certain salt marsh and tide and submerged lands to be free from the public trust for navigation, commerce, and fisheries, and from any trust, requirement, or conditions that such land be used for street or railway purposes, and authorizing the State Lands Commission to relinquish, grant, and convey all right, title, and interest of the State of California in and to such lands to the City and County of San Francisco for uses of general statewide interest. |
Chapter 941, Statutes of 1963 | An act relating the the conveyance of land to the City and County of San Francisco. |
Chapter 1273, Statutes of 1963 | An act declaring certain salt marsh and tide and submerged lands to be free from the public trust for navigation, commerce, and fisheries, and from any trust, requirement, or conditions that such land be used for street or railway purposes, and authorizing the State Lands Commission to relinquish, grant, and convey all right, title, and interest of the State of California in and to such lands to the City and County of San Francisco for its use in economically developing the Hunters Point Reclamation District. |
Chapter 1298, Statutes of 1963 | An act to amend Section 1 of Chapter 437 of the Statutes of 1935, relating to certain lands held in trust by the City and County of San Francisco. |
Chapter 1333, Statutes of 1968 | Burton Act. An act authorizing the transfer in trust to the City and County of San Francisco the interest of the state in and to, and the control and management of, the Harbor of San Francisco. |
Chapter 670, Statutes of 1970 | An act to amend Section 2 of Chapter 1333 of the Statutes of 1968, and to amend Section 1 of Chapter 437 of the Statutes of 1935, relating to San Francisco lands. |
Chapter 352, Statutes of 1976 | An act relating to state lands, and this connection, adding Section 3 to Chapter 490 of the Statutes of 1871-72, Section 4 to Chapter 88 of the Statutes of 1923, and Section 3.5 to the Burton Act (Chapter 1333 of the Statutes of 1968). |
Chapter 310, Statutes of 1987 | An act relating to lands granted in trust to the City and County of San Francisco. |
Chapter 1143, Statutes of 1991 | An act relating to granted lands within the Mission Bay Development Area. |
Chapter 86, Statutes of 1992 | An act to amend Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8 of, and to add Sections 13.5 to, Chapter 1143 of the Statutes of 1991, relating to the Mission Bay Development Area. |
Chapter 203, Statutes of 1997 | An act to amend Sections, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, and 9 of, to add Section 13.6 to, and to repeal Section 10 of, Chapter 1143 of the Statutes of 1991, relating to San Francisco filled tidelands. |
Chapter 1046, Statutes of 1998 REPEALED by Chapter 203 |
An act to repeal and add Section 5006.8 of the Public Resources Code, relating to Candlestick Park. |
Chapter 464, Statutes of 2002 REPEALED by Chapter 203 |
Hunters Point Shipyard Conversion Act of 2002. An act relating to the Hunters Point Shipyard. |
Chapter 435, Statutes of 2003 REPEALED by Chapter 203 |
Hunters Point Shipyard Public Trust Exchange Act. An act to amend Section 16 of, to add Sections 4.5 and 9.5 to, and to repeal and add Section 2 of, Chapter 464 of the Statutes of 2002, relating to the Hunters Point Shipyard. |
Chapter 203, Statutes of 2009 | An act to repeal section 5006.8 of the Public Resources Code, to repeal Section 3 of Chapter 2 of the Statutes of 1958 of the First Extraordinary Session, to repeal Chapter 1046 of the Statues of 1998, to repeal Chapter 464 of the Statutes of 2002, and to repeal Chapter 435 of the Statutes of 2003, relating to tidelands and submerged lands. |
Chapter 429, Statutes of 2011 | An act to amend Section 1 of Chapter 594 of the Statutes of 1917, to amend Section 12 of Chapter 898 of the Statutes of 1997, to amend Section 5 of Chapter 734 of the Statutes of 2000, to amend Sections 2 and 9 of Chapter 543 of the Statutes of 2004, and to amend Sections 1 and 11 of Chapter 203 of the Statutes of 2009, relating to tidelands and submerged lands. |
Staff Report | Description |
04/28/1983 (22) | Authorize acceptance and recordation of a quitclaim deed from City of San Francisco of sovereign lands within Candlestick Point State Recreation Area and lease of said lands to State Department of Parks and Recreation for 49 years for the development and management of a State recreation area. |
08/10/1988 (58) | Consideration of proposed use of trust lands located at seawall Lot 321 granted to the City and County of San Francisco. Item removed from the agenda. |
09/09/1993 (16) | Approval of land exchange and trust termination regarding certain filled and reclaimed tide and submerged lands in and adjacent to the Mission Bay Development Area in San Francisco, pursuant to Chapter 1143 of the Statutes of 1991, as amended. |
04/06/2011 (67) | Consideration of: A title settlement, public trust land exchange and boundary line agreement, and a Candlestick Point State Recreation Area reconfiguration, improvement and transfer agreement, pursuant to Chapter 203, Statutes of 2009, between the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency, the Port of San Francisco, The City/County of San Francisco, the California Department of Parks and Recreation, and the Commission involving certain parcels within the former Hunters Point Naval Shipyard and Candlestick Point, including the termination of lease No. PRC 6414 and issuance of a new general lease – public agency use 66-year lease to the California Department of Parks and Recreation for certain lands within Candlestick Point. |
02/25/2022 (47) | Consider a Title Settlement and Exchange Agreement between the State of California, acting by and through the California State Lands Commission, in its regular capacity and as Trustee of the Kapiloff Land Bank Fund, and Amazon.com Services LLC, regarding certain interests in lands in the City and County of San Francisco. Item removed from the agenda. |
10/19/2023 (57) | Consider a Title Settlement and Exchange Agreement between the State of California, acting by and through the California State Lands Commission, in its regular capacity and as Trustee of the Kapiloff Land Bank Fund, and Amazon.com Services LLC, regarding certain interests in lands in the City and County of San Francisco. |
The legislature has granted lands within the City and County of San Francisco for management by different entities related to the City and County of San Francisco. Each of these has its own grant page. If you did not find what you were looking for here, try the San Francisco Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure, the San Francisco Port Commission, and the Treasure Island Development Authority pages.