Port of Long Beach.
The City of Long Beach was granted sovereign tide and submerged lands in trust in the early 1900s. A portion of the City’s grant includes the Long Beach Harbor District. The City, acting by and through the Port of Long Beach, is trustee of the sovereign tide and submerged lands located within the Long Beach Harbor District. The Port is managed through an independent city department, the Long Beach Harbor Department, and is governed by a five-member Board of Harbor Commissioners. The Harbor Commissioners are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Long Beach City Council.
- AB 691 Sea Level Rise Impact Assessment
- Annual Financial Statements
- Boundary Agreements, Exchange Agreements, Sovereign Land Locations, Title Settlements
- Granting Statutes
- Staff Reports
The City is required by Section 6306 of the Public Resources Code to complete an annual financial statement and standardized reporting form for trust lands on or before December 31 of each year.
Below is a list of reports the City has submitted:
Settlement / Agreement Number | Description |
AD 78 | Alamitos Bay boundary settlement and exchange agreement No. 10 |
AD 86 / BLA 259 | Pacific Coast Club boundary line agreement and conveyance of and waiver of claim of public access and recreation easement |
AD 91 | Proctor & Gamble Manufacturing Company to City of Long Beach, lands adjacent to the 7th Street Marine Terminal |
AD 160 | Lease quitclaim deed by and between the State of California, acting by and through the California State Lands Commission, as Lessor, and the City of Long Beach, a Municipality, as Lessee |
AD 396 | Queensway Bay Exchange Agreement |
AD 567 | Offers of Dedication of Lateral Access Easements |
BLA 87 | Boundary line agreement between the State of California, acting by and through the California State Lands Commission; City of Long Beach, a municipal corporation; and B. H. Taper and Barbara Taper, his wife |
BLA 101 | McGrath-Macco Boundary Settlement and Exchange. Belmont Shore-Naples. |
BLA 143 | Alamitos Bay boundary settlement and exchange agreement No. 9 |
BLA 179 | Alamitos Bay boundary settlement and exchange agreement No. 8 |
SLL 115 | Title Settlement resulting in Long Beach purchase of Taper beach lot in the City of Long Beach |
Statute | Description |
Chapter 676, Statutes of 1911 | An act granting to the city of Long Beach those tide lands and submerged lands of the State of California within the boundaries of the said city. |
Chapter 102, Statutes of 1925 | An act granting certain tidelands and submerged lands of the State of California to the city of Long Beach upon certain trusts and conditions. |
Chapter 158, Statutes of 1935 | An act to amend Section 1 of an act entitled “An act granting certain tidelands and submerged lands of the State of California to the city of Long Beach upon certain trusts and conditions,” approved April 28, 1925, relating to the use of such tidelands and submerged lands. |
Chapter 6, Statutes of 1946 (2nd Extra) | Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 6 Approving certain amendments to the Charter of the City of Long Beach, State of California, ratified by the qualified electors of said city at a special municipal election held therein on the ninth day of July, one thousand nine hundred forty-six. |
Chapter 39, Statutes of 1947 | Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 38 Relative to approving a certain amendment to the charter of the City of Long Beach, State of California, ratified by the qualified electors of said city at a special municipal election held therein on the fifth day of November, 1946. |
Chapter 915, Statutes of 1951 | An act declaring portions of revenue derived from lands conveyed to the City of Long Beach by an act entitled “An act granting to the city of Long Beach those tide lands and submerged lands of the State of California within the boundaries of the said city,” approved May 1, 1911, and by an act entitled “An act granting certain tidelands and submerged lands of the State of California to the city of Long Beach upon certain trusts and conditions,”approved April 28, 1925, as amended by an act entitled “An act to amend Section 1 of an act entitled “An act granting certain tidelands and submerged lands of the State of California to the city of Long Beach upon certain trusts and conditions,” approved April 28, 1925, relating to the use of such tidelands and submerged lands,” approved May 7, 1935, to be free from the public trust for navigation, commerce and fisheries, and from such uses, trusts, conditions and restrictions as are imposed by said acts. |
Chapter 29, Statutes of 1956 (1st Extra) | An act relating to the tide and submerged lands conveyed in trust to the City of Long Beach and the revenues derived therefrom and in connection therewith providing for fixing and determining the respective rights and interests of the State of California and the City of Long Beach in and to revenue from hydrocarbon substances extracted or derived from tide and submerged lands conveyed in trust to the City of Long Beach as affected by Chapter 915 of the Statutes of 1951; authorizing the Attorney General and the City of Long Beach to enter into stipulations with respect thereto; clarifying the uses of such tideland hydrocarbon revenues as were unaffected by said act of 1951; providing for State Lands Commission action in connection with said lands. |
Chapter 28, Statutes of 1956 | Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 19 Approving a certain amendment to the charter of the City of Long Beach, State of California, ratified by the qualified electors of said city at a special municipal election held therein on the ninth day of February, 1956. |
Chapter 54, Statutes of 1957 | Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 58 Approving certain amendments to the charter of the City of Long Beach, State of California, ratified by the qualified electors of said city at a municipal election held therein November 6, 1956. |
Chapter 1151, Statutes of 1957 | An act to add Section 6879 to the Public Resources Code, relating to the inclusion of tide and submerged lands in agreements for cooperative or unit development of oil and gas. |
Chapter 2000, Statutes of 1957 | An act providing for the determination of the boundaries of the tide and submerged lands conveyed in trust to the City of Long Beach, and making an appropriation for that purpose. |
Chapter 1551, Statutes of 1959 | An act relating to certain lands located within the subsidence area of a portion of the Long Beach Harbor District and providing for the extension, amendment and modification of existing contracts, royally arrangements and other agreements, for the production of oil, gas and other hydrocarbon substances front such lands. |
Chapter 1560, Statutes of 1959 | An act relating to the further use and development of certain tide and submerged lands heretofore conveyed in trust to the City of Long Beach, and providing for the government, management and control thereof. |
Chapter 704, Statutes of 1961 | An act to amend Section 1 of Chapter 1551, Statutes of 1959, relating to Long Beach tidelands. |
Chapter 1579, Statutes of 1961 | An act relating to the conveyance of land to the City of Long Beach. |
Chapter 1398, Statutes of 1963 | An act to amend Sections 1 and 5 of Chapter 29 of the Statutes of 1956, Extraordinary Session, relating to the tide and submerged lands conveyed in trust to the City of Long Beach and the revenues derived therefrom. |
Chapter 1847, Statutes of 1963 | An act relating to the pending case of United States of America v. Anchor Oil Corporation, et al., United States District Court for the Southern District of California, Central Division, No. 800-58 HW Civil and in connection therewith authorizing a settlement thereof by defendants State of California and City of Long Beach; prescribing the terms of such settlement insofar as it relates to the defendants State of California and City of Long Beach; authorizing the Attorney General, on behalf of the State, and the City of Long Beach, each to effectuate such settlement for these defendants; authorizing the City of Long Beach to use a designated portion of its revenues from tide and submerged lands, and to withhold a similar amount from such revenues otherwise due or to become due to the State, and to pay each of these sums to the United States; authorizing, as a part of said settlement, the City of Long Beach as trustee of certain tide and submerged lands, and the State of California as the owner of the State’s reversionary interest therein, to transfer by deed or condemnation certain lands to the United States of America excepting therefrom the mineral estate, and authorizing the preparation and execution of the necessary instrument or instruments to accomplish such transfers or conveyances; authorizing the City of Long Beach to take action to maintain underground fluid pressures; authorizing the waiver of possible claims for indemnification against the City of Long Beach’s drilling and operating contractors; and authorizing the State and the City of Long Beach to execute and exchange with codefendants in the Anchor case mutual releases from liability for damages attributable to subsidence. |
Chapter 138, Statutes of 1964 (1st Extra) Sections 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.4, 12.45, and 12.5 REPEALED by Chapter 600 |
An act relating to the tidelands and submerged lands granted by the State to the City of Long Beach and the revenues therefrom. |
Chapter 7, Statutes of 1965 | Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 10 Approving certain amendments to the Charter of the City of Long Beach, State of California, ratified by the qualified electors of said city at a municipal election held therein November 3, 1964. |
Chapter 1688, Statutes of 1965 | An act relating to tide and submerged lands in the Alamitos Bay area in the City of Long Beach, providing for the removal of the public trust for commerce, navigation and fishery from certain portions of land, providing for the removal of the trusts and restrictions imposed by Chapter 676, Statutes 1911, Chapter 102, Statutes 1925 and Chapter 158, Statutes 1935, as to certain portions of lands, authorizing the sale, exchange, quitclaim or conveyance of certain portions of lands, providing for the settlement of boundary and title disputes as to said lands. |
Chapter 27, Statutes of 1966 (1st Extra) | An act to add Sections 12.1 and 12.2 to Chapter 138, Statutes 1964, First Extraordinary Session, and to amend Sections 11912 and 11913 of, and to add Sections 11915 and 11915.1 to, the Water Code, relating to water projects, and making an appropriation. |
Chapter 155, Statutes of 1966 (1st Extra) | An act to amend Section 6816 of the Public Resources Code, to add Sections 12.2, 12.3, and 12.4 to Chapter 138 of the Statutes of 1964, First Extraordinary Session, and to add Chapter 1.5 (commencing with Section 22510) to Division 16.5, Part 4 of, the Education Code, relating to the disposition of oil and dry gas revenues derived from public lands payable to the state. |
Chapter 1446, Statutes of 1967 | An act to amend Section 12.2 of Chapter 138 of the Statures of 1964, First Extraordinary Session, to amend Section 4 of Chapter 137 of the Statutes of 1966, First Extraordinary Session, to amend Section 230 of, to amend the heading of Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 13100), Division 7 of, to amend Sections 13100 and 13101 of, to amend and renumber Sections 13102, 13103, 13104, and 13105 of, to add Sections 13005.1 and 13020.3 to, to add an article heading immediately before Section 13100 of, to add an article heading immediately before Section 13102 of, to add Sections 13114 and 13115 to, to add Article 3 (commencing with Section 13125) to Chapter 5 of Division 7 of, to add Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 13500) to Division 7 of, the Water Code, relating to water pollution and reclamation, and making an appropriation therefor. |
Chapter 1679, Statutes of 1967 | An act to amend and renumber Section 12.4 of, and to add Section 12.4 to, Chapter 138, Statutes of 1964, First Extraordinary Session, and making an appropriation for a loan to aid in prevention and control of Lake Tahoe water pollution. |
Chapter 411, Statutes of 1968 | An act to amend Section 6816 of the Public Resources Code, and to amend Sections 11738 and 11915 of, and to add Section 11920 to, the Water Code, and to amend Section 12 of Chapter 138, Statutes of 1964, First Extraordinary Session, relating to water projects and the financing thereof. |
Chapter 809, Statutes of 1968 | An act to amend Section 12.4 of Chapter 138, Statutes of 1964, First Extraordinary Session, relating to the disposition of oil and dry gas revenues derived from public lands payable to the state, making an appropriation therefor. |
Chapter 854, Statutes of 1971 | An act authorizing the lease of granted tidelands or submerged lands to the Regents of the University of California or to the Trustees of the California State Colleges for educational uses consistent with the public trust for navigation, commerce, and fisheries, providing for the conveyance of granted tidelands and submerged lands to the Regents of the University of California or the Trustees of the California State Colleges upon determination that such lands are free of the public crust for navigation, commerce, and fisheries, and providing for their lease to an agency or entity created pursuant to Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 6500) of Division 7 of Title 1 of the Government Code. |
Chapter 1252, Statutes of 1971 | An act to amend Section 3 of, and to add Section 3.5 to, Chapter 1086 of the Statutes of 1976, and to amend Section 12.5 of, and to add Section 12.45 to, Chapter 138 of the Statutes of 1964, First Extraordinary Session, relating to tidelands and submerged lands and making an appropriation therefor. |
Chapter 600, Statutes of 1975 | An act to amend Section 6217 of the Public Resources Code, and to repeal and add Section 12 of, and to repeal Sections 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.4, 12.45, and 12.5 of, Chapter 138 of the Statutes of 1964, First Extraordinary Session, relating to state lands. |
Chapter 1159, Statutes of 1980 | An act to amend Section 10850 of, and to add Sections 14100.2 and 14100.3 to, the Welfare and Institutions Code, to amend Section 10503 of, and to add Sections 10503.1, 10520, 10527.1, 10527.2, 10527.3, and 10527.4 to the Government Code, and to repeal Section 5019.26 of the Public Resources Code, and to amend Sections 2 and 8 of, and repeal Section 10 of, Chapter 78 of the Statutes of 1917, and to amend Section 10 of Chapter 138 of the Statutes of 1964, and to repeal Section 423.8 of Chapter 359 of the Statutes of 1977, and to amend Section 3 of, and repeal Section 4 of, Chapter 743 of the Statutes of 1978, relating to the Joint Legislative Audit Committee. |
Chapter 941, Statutes of 1991 | An act relating to tidelands and submerged lands granted by the state to the City of Long Beach, and in this connection, to amend Section 6 of Chapter 138 of the Statutes of 1964 (First Extraordinary Session). |
Chapter 1163, Statutes of 1991 | An act relating to tidelands and submerged lands granted by the state to the City of Long Beach. |
Chapter 446, Statutes of 2008 | AB 2165, Karnette. Tidelands and submerged land: City of Long Beach: oil reserves. An act relating to tidelands and submerged lands granted by the state to the City of Long Beach. |
Chapter 377, Statutes of 2010 | AB 2179, Monning. Tidelands and submerged lands: City of Santa Cruz and City of Long Beach. An act relating to tidelands and submerged lands. |
Chapter 118, Statutes of 2012 | AB 1847, Bonnie Lowenthal. City of Long Beach: grant of public trust lands. An act relating to public trust lands. |
Staff Report | Description |
11/30/1955 (09) | Oil lease applications under section 6871.3 of the Public Resources Code, Long Beach at Orange County boundary, Los Angeles and Orange Counties |
01/24/1980 (28) | Determinations concerning lease between City and Golden Shore Professional Building (a General Partnership) |
04/07/1981 (16) | Under section 6702(b) of the P.R.C. determinations relating to a ground lease and sublease between the City of Long Beach (Grantee/Landlord) and Hyatt Long Beach Corporation (Tenant) |
01/23/1984 (22) | Proposal of the City to expend tideland oil revenues for the purchase of certain beach lot in central beach area |
02/26/1988 (01) | Approval and authorization for execution of third amendment to McGrath-Macco boundary settlement and exchange agreement (BLA 101) between Bracton Corporation, Fieldstone Company, the City, and the Commission |
06/30/1988 (35) | Authorization for settlement of litigation and approval of Alamitos Bay boundary settlement and exchange agreement (No. 10) |
10/07/1988 (27) | Approval and authorization of the execution of a Boundary Line Agreement and agreement regarding a public access and recreation easement involving lands adjacent to the Pacific Coast Club in the City of Long Beach – Item pulled from agenda |
12/13/1988 (38) | Approval of boundary line agreement and agreement regarding a public access and recreation easement involving lands adjacent to the former Pacific Coast Club |
05/23/1991 (14) | Authorize execution of a land agreement between the Commission, the City, and Pike Properties Associates and approve a 49-year lease of the exchange parcel to the City – Item pulled from agenda |
06/05/1991 (08) | Authorize execution of a land agreement between the Commission, the City, and Pike Properties Associates and approve a 49-year lease of the exchange parcel to the City |
02/25/1993 (36) | Amendment of prior approval and authorization for the City to expend up to $800,000 from its share of tideland oil revenues for improvement of trust parcels L, M, and N, in accordance with Chapter 138, Statutes of 1964, First Ex. Session, sections 6(c), 6(d), 6(f) and 6(h) |
11/27/2000 (21) | Determinations under 6701 et seq. of the Public Resources Code concerning a lease between the City and John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co. or Robert C. Penney |
02/05/2001 (48) | Amendment of prior approval and authorization for the City to expend up to $600,000 from its share of tideland oil revenues for improvement of trust parcels L, M, and N, in accordance with Chapter 138, Statutes of 1964, First Ex. Session, sections 6(c), 6(d), 6(f) and 6(h) |
02/05/2001 (74) | Request by Commissioner Connell for staff audit of the management of granted tide and submerged lands by the City of Long Beach – Item deferred |
04/24/2001 (117) | Consideration of staff report entitled Commission Queensway Bay Development Plan and the Long Beach Tide and Submerged Lands, City of Long Beach and request by Commissioner Connell for a staff audit of the City of Long Beach’s management of granted tide and submerged lands |
09/17/2001 (89) | Consideration of a proposed exchange agreement that would transfer approximately three acres of land North of Shoreline Drive (Queensway Bay parcels) from the City to the State, exchange the Queensway Bay parcels by the State to the City for other property (Los Angeles River parcels), the Los Angeles River parcels to be held by the State as trust property and terminate the public trust on the Queensway Bay parcels by the Commission, issue a 49-year lease of the Los Angeles River parcels to the City |
12/16/2002 (63) | Consideration of an information report on the status of the Queensway Bay Development Project and the City’s compliance with the Queensway Bay exchange agreement, as requested by the Commission |
03/04/2008 (01) | Action in response to a preemptory writ of mandate ordering the Commission to vacate and set aside the Queensway exchange approved by the Commission on September 17, 2001 |
10/29/2010 (67) | Staff report on the City’s public trust revenues, including Proposition D – a City of Long Beach Charter amendment relating to the allocation of public trust revenues derived from the Port of Long Beach operations |
04/06/2011 (68) | Consider a proposed title settlement and land exchange agreement pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 6307 involving certain parcels adjacent to Queensway Bay, within the Colorado Lagoon and adjacent to the Pacific Ocean |
06/23/2011 (135) | Consider the execution of a compromise title settlement and land exchange agreement pursuant to Public Resources Code section 6307 involving certain parcels adjacent to Queensway Bay, within the Colorado Lagoon and adjacent to the Pacific Ocean, within the city |
10/27/2011 (36) | Consideration of proposed expenditures of $31,350,000 of tideland oil revenue funds by the City for capital improvement projects |
10/27/2011 (55) | Consider the adoption of a resolution acknowledging the 100th anniversary of the statutory trust grants of State sovereign lands resulting in the development of the Ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach, and Oakland and their contribution to the economic vitality of the State and the Nation |
05/24/2012 (50) | Consider the proposed expenditure of tideland oil revenue funds for capital improvement projects |
12/05/2012 (54) | Consideration of proposed expenditures of $12,225,000 of tideland oil revenue funds for capital improvement projects |
04/26/2013 (102) | Consideration of proposed expenditures of $10,500,000 of tideland oil revenue funds for capital improvement projects |
12/02/2013 (115) | Consideration of proposed expenditures of $13,605,000 of tideland oil revenue funds for capital improvement projects |
04/23/2014 (77) | Review the proposed expenditure of tideland oil revenues, in an amount not to exceed $109,780,000, for capital improvement projects within legislatively granted sovereign land |
06/19/2014 (89) | Review the proposed expenditure of tideland oil revenues, in an amount not to exceed $18,890,199, for capital improvement projects within legislatively granted sovereign land |
10/14/2014 (103) | Review the proposed expenditure of tideland oil revenues, in an amount not to exceed $2,550,729, for capital improvement projects within legislatively granted sovereign land |
12/17/2014 (64) | Review the proposed expenditure of tideland oil revenues, in an amount not to exceed $11,720,700, for capital improvement projects within legislatively granted sovereign land |
10/16/2015 (68) | Review the proposed expenditure of tideland oil revenues, in an amount not to exceed $378,610, for capital improvement projects within legislatively granted sovereign land |
12/06/2016 (68) | Consider directing staff to implement an oversight framework to facilitate communication and track progress on issues relating to air quality at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach |
08/09/2016 (60) | Informational Update on the Port of Long Beach Community Impact Study and Potential Mitigation Measures to Address Direct Impacts of Port-Related Operations on Neighboring Communities |
04/20/2017 (89) | Review a proposed tideland oil revenue expenditure increase of tideland oil revenues in an amount not to exceed $1,465,000 by the City of Long Beach for a capital improvement project located adjacent to legislatively granted sovereign land |
08/17/2017 (75) | Review a proposed tideland oil revenue expenditure increase in an amount not to exceed $685,000 by the City of Long Beach for a capital improvement project located adjacent to legislatively granted sovereign land |
10/19/2017 (90) | Review a proposed tideland oil revenue expenditure increase in an amount not to exceed $3,797,717 by the City of Long Beach for capital improvement projects within legislatively granted sovereign land |
10/19/2017 (91) | Consider approval of findings pursuant to Public Resources Code section 6702, subdivision (b) regarding the Hyatt Long Beach hotel lease agreements and the Hyatt Equities, LLC, assignment of the leases, each as amended and restated, to Investel Shoreline LLC, involving legislatively granted lands |
11/29/2017 (74) | Review the proposed expenditure of tideland oil revenues, in an amount not to exceed $7,264,285 by the City of Long Beach for capital improvement projects within legislatively granted sovereign land |
02/27/2018 (85) | Review a proposed tideland oil revenue expenditure increase in an amount not to exceed $400,000 by the City of Long Beach for a capital improvement project located adjacent to legislatively granted sovereign land |
04/19/2018 (91) | Review a proposed tideland oil revenue expenditure increase in an amount not to exceed $32,510,572 by the City of Long Beach for 12 capital improvement projects located on or adjacent to legislatively granted sovereign land |
08/23/2018 (109) | Review a proposed tideland oil revenue expenditure in an amount not to exceed $2,500,000 by the City of Long Beach for two capital improvement projects located on or adjacent to legislatively granted lands |
10/18/2018 (82) | Review a proposed tideland oil revenue expenditure in an amount not to exceed $2,500,000 by the City of Long Beach for two capital improvement projects located on or adjacent to legislatively granted lands |
12/03/2018 (72) | Review a proposed tideland oil revenue expenditure in an amount not to exceed $5,153,387 by the City of Long Beach for two capital improvement projects located on or adjacent to legislatively granted lands |
06/28/2019 (89) | Review a proposed tideland oil revenue expenditure in an amount not to exceed $3,702,011 by the City of Long Beach for six capital improvement projects located on or adjacent to legislatively granted lands – Item pulled from the agenda |
08/23/2019 (73) | Review proposed tideland oil revenue expenditures in an amount not to exceed $6,702,011 by the City of Long Beach for seven capital improvement projects located on or adjacent to legislatively granted sovereign lands |
10/24/2019 (74) | Review proposed tideland oil revenue expenditures in an amount not to exceed $1,150,000 by the City of Long Beach for four capital improvement projects located on or adjacent to legislatively granted sovereign lands |
12/06/2019 (51) | Review proposed tideland oil revenue expenditure in an amount not to exceed $500,000 by the City of Long Beach for one capital improvement project located on or adjacent or adjacent to legislatively granted sovereign land |
04/29/2020 (70) | Review proposed tideland oil revenue expenditures in an amount not to exceed $4,600,989 by the City of Long Beach for four capital improvement projects located both on and adjacent to legislatively granted sovereign land |
06/23/2020 (59) | Review proposed tideland oil revenue expenditure in an amount not to exceed $300,000 by the City of Long Beach for one capital improvement project located on legislatively granted sovereign land |
08/20/2020 (57) | Review a proposed tideland oil revenue expenditure in an amount not to exceed $600,000 by the City of Long Beach for one capital improvement project located on and adjacent to legislatively granted sovereign land |
12/17/2020 (58) | Review a proposed tideland oil revenue expenditure in an amount not to exceed $2,588,989 by the City of Long Beach for four capital improvement projects located both on and adjacent to legislatively granted sovereign land |
12/08/2021 (72) | Review a proposed tideland oil revenue expenditure in an amount not to exceed $5,000,000 by the City of Long Beach for one capital improvement project located on legislatively granted sovereign land |
04/26/2022 (56) | Review a proposed tideland oil revenue expenditure in an amount not to exceed $4,900,000 by the City of Long Beach for seven capital improvement projects on and adjacent to legislatively granted sovereign land |
06/23/2022 (44) | Review a proposed tideland oil revenue expenditure in an amount not to exceed $1,685,000 by the City of Long Beach for four capital improvement projects on and adjacent to legislatively granted sovereign land |
12/09/2022 (66) | Review a proposed tideland oil revenue expenditure in an amount not to exceed $10,575,000 by the City of Long Beach for 18 capital improvement projects on and adjacent to legislatively granted sovereign land |
06/05/2023 (87) | Review a proposed tideland oil revenue expenditure in an amount not to exceed $7,975,000 by the City of Long Beach for 12 capital improvement projects on and adjacent to legislatively granted sovereign land |
06/07/2024 (67) | Review a proposed tideland oil revenue expenditure in an amount not to exceed $8,950,000 by the City of Long Beach for 12 capital improvement projects on and adjacent to legislatively granted sovereign land |
12/17/2024 (68) | Consider authorizing the Executive Officer or her designee to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Port of Long Beach and the Humboldt Bay Harbor, Recreation, and Conservation District to coordinate and collaborate regarding floating offshore wind turbine staging and integration port facilities to enable the development of floating offshore wind in California. |