City & Port of Los Angeles

May 2, 2024 | Grantees

Container ships at the Port of Los Angeles.

Ships at the Port of Los Angeles courtesy of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA’s China Offices Focus on Product Safety) [Public domain]

The City of Los Angeles was granted sovereign tide and submerged lands in trust in the early 1900s. A portion of the City’s grant includes the land within the Port of Los Angeles. The Port is directed by a five-member Board of Harbor Commissioners who are appointed by the Mayor and approved by the Los Angeles City Council.

City of Los Angeles Port of Los Angeles

The City & Port are required by Section 6306 of the Public Resources Code to complete an annual financial statement and standardized reporting form for trust lands on or before December 31 of each year.

Below are lists of reports each has submitted:



Settlement / Agreement Number Description
AD 174  
Statute Description
Chapter 656, Statutes of 1911 An act granting to the city of Los Angeles the tide lands and submerged lands of the state within the boundaries of the said city.
Chapter 245, Statutes of 1913 An act declaring that all tide lands and submerged lands within the boundaries of the city of Los Angeles are required, and requiring such lands, for public purposes of commerce, navigation and fishing, and for purposes in aid thereof, and ratifying, approving and confirming the acts of the attorney general in bringing and prosecuting certain suits in the name of the people of the State of California, for the purpose of quieting title to, and for the recovery of the possession of said lands.
Chapter 77, Statutes of 1917 An act granting to the city of Venice the tidelands and submerged lands of the State of California within the boundaries of the said city.
Chapter 115, Statutes of 1917 An act to amend section one of an act entitled “An act granting to the city of Los Angeles the tidelands and submerged lands of the slate within the boundaries of the said city,” approved May 1, 1911.
Chapter 768, Statutes of 1921 An act granting to the city of Los Angeles the swamp, overflowed and salt marsh lands of the state within the boundaries of the said city.
Chapter 651, Statutes of 1929 An act granting to the city of Los Angeles the tidelands and submerged lands of the state within the boundaries of said city.
Chapter 1513, Statutes of 1945 An act to amend Section 1 of an act entitled “An act granting to the City of Venice the tidelands and submerged lands of the State of California within the boundaries of the said city,” approved April 10, 1917, relative to grant of tide and submerged lands to the City of Venice.
Chapter 443, Statutes of 1951 An act to amend Section 1 of an act entitled “An act granting to the City of Los Angeles the tidelands and submerged lands of the State within the boundaries of said city,” approved June 3, 1929, relating to tidelands and submerged lands.
Chapter 1046, Statutes of 1970 An act to amend Section 1 of, and to add Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 to, Chapter 651 of the Statutes of 1929, relating to tidelands and submerged lands of the City of Los Angeles.
Chapter 926, Statutes of 1979 An act to amend Section 1 of, and to add Sections 14, 15, and 16 to, Chapter 651 of the Statutes of 1929, relating to tidelands and submerged lands of the City of Los Angeles.
Chapter 923, Statutes of 1985 An act to repeal and add Section 6306 of the Public Resources Code, and to amend Section 15 of Chapter 651 of the Statutes of 1929, relating to state lands.
Chapter 1415, Statutes of 1986 An act to add Sections 6306.1 and 6306.2 to the Public Resources Code, relating to tidelands and submerged lands.
Chapter 1130, Statutes of 2002 An act to amend Sections 1, 2, 5, and 6 of Chapter 651 of the Statutes of 1929, relating to tidelands and submerged lands of the City of Los Angeles.
Chapter 450, Statutes of 2015 SB 399, Hall. Tidelands and submerged lands: City of Los Angeles. An act to amend Section 1 of Chapter 651 of the Statutes of 1929, relating to tidelands and submerged lands.
Staff Report Description
07/25/1972 (14) Request for approval of expenditures of tideland funds by the City pursuant to Chapter 1046, Statutes of 1970 – Cabrillo Beach Marine Museum exhibits expenditure $200,000
10/28/1976 (22) Request for approval of expenditures of tideland funds by the City pursuant to Chapter 1046, Statutes of 1970 – Cabrillo Marine Museum / Gibson Park expenditure $1,860,000
12/15/1976 (24) Harbor Revenue Fund – Item withdrawn
01/26/1977 (15) Harbor Revenue Fund
02/24/1977 (18) Review of status of Los Angeles Harbor Fund
03/31/1977 (18) Review of status of Los Angeles Harbor Revenues
04/28/1977 (32) Discussion of negotiations between the City Council and the Board of Harbor Commissioners for settlement of claims concerning granted tide and submerged sands – No Calendar Item
07/26/1977 (19) Approval of settlement agreement
01/26/1978 (41) Report to legislature of resolution and settlement of probable conflict with granting statute
02/28/1985 (23) Determination under Public Resources Code 6701 et seq., concerning a lease / operating agreement between Union Ice Limited Partnership (ULIP), a California Limited Partnership and the City of Los Angeles (Board of Harbor Commissioners)
07/16/1987 (16) Concurrence and approval of the First Amendment to Settlement Agreement – Item pulled from agenda
08/20/1987 (17) Concurrence and approval of the First Amendment to Settlement Agreement No. 1106 between the City of Los Angeles and its Board of Harbor Commissioners – Item pulled from agenda
09/23/1987 (39) Agreement for Marine Habitat Restoration at Batiquitos Lagoon, San Diego County
02/01/1988 (01) First amendment to Settlement Agreement No. 1106 between the City of Los Angeles, a Municipal Corporation and its Board of Harbor Commissioners
04/09/2002 (65) Consideration of a request for consent to include territory involving sovereign tide and submerged lands in a special reorganization that would detach those sovereign lands from the city of Los Angeles and incorporate them into a new proposed city including the areas of San Pedro, Wilmington, and Harbor City, Los Angeles county
06/23/2011 (115) Consider three related land exchange agreements to relocate certain easements located at Berth 200, within the Wilmington District of the Port of Los Angeles, pursuant to Chapter 651, Statutes of 1929, as amended by Chapter 926, Statutes of 1979
10/27/2011 (55) Consider the adoption of resolutions acknowledging the 100th anniversary of the statutory trust grants of state sovereign lands resulting in the development of the Ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach and Oakland and their contribution to the economic vitality of the state and the nation
06/21/2013 (89) Consider approval of the proposed resolution of the Port of Los Angeles pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 7060, to enter into an agreement for oil exploration in the Wilmington oil field in the San Pedro Bay
06/19/2014 (91) Review of an existing revocable permit issued by the Port of Los Angeles to Rancho LPG Holdings, LLC for use of a railroad spur within legislative grant
10/14/2014 (99) Los Angeles City resolution to enter agreement for oil exploration in Wilmington oil field within legislatively granted land in City of San Pedro – Item pulled from agenda
10/14/2014 (109) Consider supplemental information involving an existing revocable permit issued by the Port to Rancho LPG Holdings, LLC for use of railroad spur within legislative grant
12/17/2014 (65) Consider approval of the draft resolution of the Port pursuant to Public Resources Code Sections 7060 and 7061, to enter into an agreement for oil exploration in the Wilmington oil field in the San Pedro Bay
12/06/2016 (68) Consider directing staff to implement an oversight framework to facilitate communication and track progress on issues relating to air quality at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach
08/17/2017 (80) Informational update on issues related to a Revocable Permit issued by the Port of Los Angeles to Rancho LPG Holdings LLC for use of a Railroad Spur located within the Legislative Trust Grant to the Port of Los Angeles
10/19/2017 (95) Presentation by Altasea, a nonprofit corporation located on a historic pier in the Port of Los Angeles that brings people together to expand science-based understanding of the ocean, incubate and sustain ocean-related business, and pursue new ocean-related education programs
08/23/2019 (76) Informational presentation by the Port of Los Angeles


Jeff Plovnick
Public Land Management Specialist

For questions regarding Dredging Notices and Financial Reports, or to submit forms, email