Bolinas Harbor District (transferred)

May 2, 2024 | Grantees

The Bolinas Harbor District was granted sovereign lands within Bolinas Bay in trust in 1957. In 1969, the grant was legislatively transferred to the County of Marin for the use of a harbor, transportation and utility facilities and betterments, parks and other recreational facilities, and for the establishment of certain other marine uses subject to the prior approval of the Fish and Game Commission.

Statute Description
Chapter 800, Statutes of 1957 An act conveying certain tidelands, lands lying under inland navigable waters, swamp and overflow lands, situate in Marin County, to the Bolinas Harbor District, in furtherance of navigation and commerce and the fisheries, and providing for the government, management and control thereof, reserving rights to the State
Chapter 1067, Statutes of 1961 An act to amend Section 1 of Chapter 800, Statutes of 1957, relating to tide and submerged lands within the Bolinas Harbor District.
Chapter 1285, Statutes of 1968 An act to amend Section 1 of Chapter 800, Statutes of 1957, relating to tide and submerged lands within the Bolinas Harbor District.
Chapter 787, Statutes of 1969 An act to amend Section 1 of Chapter 800, Statutes of 1957, relating to tide and submerged lands in Bolinas Bay.
Staff Report Description
04/26/1973 (26) Consideration of a plan for the use and management of the granted tidelands in Bolinas Lagoon as required by Chapter 787, Statutes of 1969


Jeff Plovnick
Public Land Management Specialist

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