City of Berkeley

May 2, 2024 | Grantees

Berkeley Marina. Lined with sail boats and yachts.

Berkeley Marina by Daderot [Public Domain], via Wikimedia Commons

The City of Berkeley was granted sovereign salt marsh, tide and submerged lands in trust in 1913 for the establishment, improvement, and conduct of a harbor and other utilities, structures, and appliances necessary or convenient for the promotion and accommodation of commerce and navigation. In 1961, the grant was amended to approve additional uses that were in the general statewide interest, including airports, highways, bridges, beltline railroads, public recreation, small boat harbors, restaurants, and landscaped areas.

City of Berkeley

The City is required by Section 6306 of the Public Resources Code to complete an annual financial statement and standardized reporting form for trust lands on or before December 31 of each year.

Below is a list of reports the City has submitted:

Statute Description
Chapter 347, Statutes of 1913 An act granting to the city of Berkeley the salt marsh, tide and submerged lands of the State of California, including the right to wharf out therefrom to the city of Berkeley, and regulating the management, use and control thereof.
Chapter 534, Statutes of 1915
Section 2 REPEALED by Chapter 596
An act to amend an act entitled “An act granting to the city of Berkeley the salt marsh, tide and submerged lands of the State of California, including the right to wharf out therefrom to the city of Berkeley, and regulating the management, use and control thereof,” approved June 11, 1913.
Chapter 596, Statutes of 1917 An act to repeal section two of an act entitled “An act granting to the city of Berkeley the salt marsh, tide and submerged lands of the State of California, including the right to wharf out therefrom to the city of Berkeley, and regulating the management, use and control thereof,” approved June 11, 1913, also approved May 27, 1915.
Chapter 517, Statutes of 1919 An act to amend section one of an act entitled “An act to amend an act entitled ‘An act granting to the city of Berkeley the salt marsh, tide and submerged lands of the State of California, including the right to wharf out therefrom to the city of Berkeley, and regulating the management, use and control thereof,’ approved June 11, 1913,” approved May 27, 1915.
Chapter 2180, Statutes of 1961 An act to amend Section 1 of Chapter 347 of the Statutes of 1913, relating to a conveyance of tide and submerged lands to the City of Berkeley.
Chapter 55, Statutes of 1962 An act to amend Section 1 of Chapter 347 of the Statutes of 1913, relating to a conveyance of tide and submerged lands to the City of Berkeley.
Staff Report Description
06/28/1962 (41) Service Agreement, Ch. 2180/61; City of Berkeley, Alameda County W.O. 4073
06/27/1963 (35) Approval of map of the grant to the City
08/31/1972 (15) Findings of statutory compliance with substantial development clause
02/22/1973 (06) Dredging Permit, portions of Berkeley Marina
08/12/1991 (15) Amendment of dredging permit
12/20/1978 (Assistant Executive Officer Report) Liveaboards policy report
02/17/2005 (36) Dredging Lease
04/17/2006 (47) Amendment of dredging lease


Jeff Plovnick
Public Land Management Specialist

For questions regarding Dredging Notices and Financial Reports, or to submit forms, email