Albany Hill from the Albany Bulb. CC0 1.0 Public Domain.
The City of Albany was granted sovereign tide and submerged lands in trust in 1919. In 1977, the grant was amended to reduce the tide and submerged lands within the City’s grant to three described parcels to be used for statewide tidelands trust purposes in accordance with the City’s approved Waterfront Plan. These grants were repealed in 2016 and a new grant was enacted for the same three described parcels to be used for public trust purposes and in accordance with a new land use plan that must be approved by the City and the Commission by 2022.
- Annual Financial Statements
- Granting Statutes
- Public Trust Exercises
- Staff Reports
- Trust Lands Use Plan & Reports
Statute | Description |
Chapter 211, Statutes of 1919 REPEALED by Chapter 590 |
An act granting certain tidelands and submerged lands of the State of California to the city of Albany, and regulating the management, use and control thereof. |
Chapter 1763, Statutes of 1961 | An act to amend Section 1 of Chapter 211 of the Statutes of 1919, relating to tidelands and submerged lands in the City of Albany, County of Alameda. |
Chapter 1223, Statutes of 1977 | An act to amend and renumber Section 66656.1 of, and to repeal Section 66636 of, the Government Code, and to amend Section 1 of and to add Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 to, Chapter 211 of the Statutes of 1919, relating to tide and submerged lands in the Bay of San Francisco. |
Chapter 590, Statutes of 2016 | An act to repeal Chapter 211 of the statutes of 1919, relating to tidelands and submerged lands in the Bay of San Francisco, and making an appropriation therefor. |
Public Trust Exercise Number | Description |
PTE 3 | |
PTE 5 |
Staff Report | Description |
03/29/1962 (32) | Service Agreement with the Commission, as contractor, providing for Surveying Services to be rendered for the City |
06/27/1963 (34) | Approval of map of the grant to the City of Albany |
02/24/1972 (18) | Authorization and delegation to conduct public hearing to gather testimony regarding substantial improvement of the lands granted by Chapter 1763, Statutes of 1961 |
05/24/1972 (24) | Consideration of substantial improvements of granted tide and submerged lands as required by Chapter 1763, Statutes of 1961 |
08/31/1972 (22) | Reconsideration of decision of May 24, 1972, concerning substantial improvement of tidelands granted pursuant to Chapter 1763, Statutes of 1961 |
02/22/1973 (19) | Status of major litigation. City of Albany v. State |
12/20/1973 (30) | Status of major litigation. City of Albany v. State |
02/06/1974 (23) | Status of major litigation. City of Albany v. State |
04/04/1974 (25) | Status of major litigation. City of Albany v. State |
06/06/1974 (30) | Status of major litigation. City of Albany v. State |
07/25/1974 (26) | Status of major litigation. City of Albany v. State |
10/03/1974 (21) | Status of major litigation. City of Albany v. State |
11/21/1974 (39) | Status of major litigation. City of Albany v. State |
12/19/1974 (26) | Status of major litigation. City of Albany v. State |
08/23/1979 (36) | Consideration of leasing policy |
05/27/1982 (47) | Authorize staff to conduct a public hearing concerning the extent and needs of the public trust at the Albany Mud Flats |
10/28/1982 (23) | Exercise the public trust easement at the Albany Wetlands for use as a wetlands wildlife preserve |
11/29/1984 (43) | Authorize staff to conduct a public hearing concerning the extent and needs of the public trust ownership |
06/26/1985 (47) | Consideration of most appropriate public trust needs and uses of certain tide and submerged land |
12/18/2015 (119) | Consider sponsoring legislation to repeal a grant of Public Trust Land made in 1977 to the City of Albany and enact a new grant of Public Trust Land to the City that includes updated terms and conditions. |
The City is required by Sections 4 and 5 of Chapter 590, Statutes of 2016, to submit a Trust Lands Use Plan by January 1, 2022, and a report of trust uses every five years thereafter, beginning September 30, 2022. The reports will be posted here when available.