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Commission Wins Another Legal Victory Against a Former Oil and Gas Operator

SACRAMENTO – A federal district court in Delaware has issued a decision reaffirming a bankruptcy court finding that the California State Lands Commission’s operation of the Ellwood Onshore Facility in Santa Barbara averted harm to the public and the environment and was a proper exercise of the Commission’s police powers.

California State Lands Commission, Tribal, State, and Local Partners Celebrate Successful Removal of the Last Remaining Oil Production Shorezone Piers in California

CITY OF GOLETA – Today, against the backdrop of the picturesque southern California shoreline, the State Lands Commission and state and local leaders showcased the successful removal of the last two oil production shorezone piers in California, restoring the coastline and marking an enormous milestone in California’s transition away from fossil fuels.

Project to remove final two oil piers at Haskell’s Beach set to begin

The end of an era begins on Monday at Haskell’s Beach, as the State Lands Commission, in collaboration with the City of Goleta, starts work to remove the pier and caisson structures known as PRC 421-1 and 421-2. It’s a process that will take up to six months, during which time sections of the beach may close temporarily to keep the public safe during the operations. The beach will remain open otherwise.