Category: Publications

Port Readiness Plan

The AB 525 Port Readiness Plan, published by the State Lands Commission, assesses the necessary investments in California ports to support offshore wind energy activities, including construction, assembly, and operations and maintenance.

Workforce Development Readiness Plan

The purpose of the AB 525 Workforce Development Readiness Plan, published by the State Lands Commission, is to recommend workforce development efforts ahead of the necessary seaport investments and activities identified in the Port Readiness Plan.

AB 691 Synthesis Report

This report synthesizes the sea level rise vulnerability assessments local trustees submitted to the Commission under AB 691 (Muratsuchi) Chapter 592, Statutes of 2013. The report identifies the major findings from the assessments relative to sea level rise...

2022 Strategic Land Investment Considerations for the School Land Bank Fund

The Commission authorized the Executive Officer to retain a professional real estate broker to assist with acquiring property using School Land Bank Fund revenue. This action follows a recent report prepared for the Commission that provides a strategy to invest in commercial and agricultural property to generate revenue that will benefit CalSTRS, consistent with its mandate under the School Land Bank Act.