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Meeting Date Item NAME WO LSE_TYPE Improvements Location PRC_Number Non_PRC County Lease_Status
2020-12-1735William C. Kelley and Mae Anderson-KelleyA2736GL-Rec&PScovered boat dock with boat lift, gangway, three-pile dolphin, pilings, utility conduit, and bank protectionSacramento River, adjacent to 6051 Garden Highway, Sacramento5351SacramentoActive
2020-12-1746Russell Joseph Chidley and Susan Elizabeth ChidleyA2739GL-Rec&PSriprap bankline; and a floating boat dock, walkway, access ramp, and stairwayColorado River, adjacent to 1190 Beach Drive, Needles9062San BernardinoActive
2020-12-1749Riverside County Regional Park and Open Space DistrictA2738GL-Commrecreational vehicle campgroundhistoric bed of the Colorado River, adjacent to 500 Riviera Drive, Blythe9128RiversideActive
2020-10-2218Alvin R. Archer and Dale W. Archer, Co-TrusteesA2733GL-Recboat dock and two pilingsSeven Mile Slough, adjacent to 1150 West Brannan Island Road, at Andrus Island, near Isleton6059SacramentoNew Lease
2020-10-2235Michael McCoy, as TrusteeA2735GL-Recboat dock, access ramp and cantilevered deckMain Channel of Huntington Harbour, adjacent to 17011 Bolero Lane, Huntington Beach3570OrangeAssignment
2020-08-2013M. Richard Smith and Rebecca W. Smith, as TrusteesA2306GL-Recpier, boat lift, and two mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 8227 Meeks Bay Avenue, near Meeks Bay7315El DoradoRenewal
2020-08-2048Santa Catalina Island CompanyA2314GL-ComLease: concrete ramp; Sublease: boat storage/repair facilityPacific Ocean, near Pebbly Beach, Santa Catalina Island7332Los AngelesAmendment
2020-06-2364Lone Pine Paiute-Shoshone Reservation; CSLCSA 5773Issuance of a patent38.75 gross acres of State-owned School land in Section 36, T18S R36E, MDM, north of CartagoInyo
2020-04-2901Kuhn Holdings, LLC, a California limited liability company; and Elizabeth A. Cook, TrusteeA2202GL-Recpier, boat lift and two mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 1260 West Lake Boulevard, near Tahoe City7346.1PlacerQuitclaim Deed and New Lease
2020-04-2942J. Chris Baker and Marta Baker, Trustees of the Baker Family TrustA2373GL-PSportion of a seawall and associated seacave/notch fill at the base of the bluffPacific Ocean, adjacent to 219 Pacific Avenue, Solana Beach8183.1San DiegoRenewal