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Meeting Date Item NAME WO LSE_TYPE Improvements Location PRC_Number Non_PRC County Lease_Status
2020-08-2024East Bay Municipal Utility DistrictA2460GL-PAtwo conduits attached to a pedestrian bridge, one for electrical power and one for telephone service, used for data collection from the Woodbridge Irrigation Dam Gauging StationMokelumne River, adjacent to 800 East Woodbridge Road, Woodbridge7452San JoaquinRenewal
2020-08-2060Big Beau Solar, LLCW 27128GL-Indsolar energy facilityState school land in a portion of Section 34, T10N R14W, SBM, west of Mojave9637KernInitialization
2020-06-2316Mercer-Fraser CompanyA2154GL-R/Wseasonal bridge crossingEel River, near Fortuna7760HumboldtRenewal
2020-06-2326Patrick D. Craig and Kathryn A. Craig, TrusteesA2527GL-Recdeck and appurtenant facilitiesMare Island Strait, adjacent to 8 1/2 Sandy Beach Road, near Vallejo6021SolanoAssignment
2020-06-2360San Francisco Port Commission; City and County of San Francisco; CSLCG 11-01Public Trust Land Exchange Agreementinvolving public streets located within the City and County of San FranciscoAD 683San Francisco
2020-06-2362CSLCW 10442, W 16001Report on the continued monitoring of possible subsidenceLong Beach Unit, Wilmington Oil FieldLos AngelesInformational
2020-04-2910CUE VI, LLC; Sequoia Investments XXIV, LLC; City of Eureka; and CSLCW 25560Rescind authorization of the Balloon Tract Title Settlement and Trust Termination AgreementBalloon Tract, EurekaHumboldtPulled
2020-04-2913Steven F. Hamman, Trustee of The Steven Hamman and Cathleen Caton TrustA2341GL-Rectwo mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 3200 Edgewater Drive, near Tahoe City8860.1PlacerNew Lease
2020-04-2960CSLC; Barstow Spanish Trail, LLCSA 5772Extend the closing date on Offer to Purchase Real Estate and Acceptance of Offer to Purchasefor approximately 63.3 gross acres of indemnity school lands in BarstowSan BernardinoAmendment
2020-02-2809Timothy Leigh Heyboer and Lisa Jo Heyboer, Trustees; et al.W 20846GL-Recsix mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 7442 and 7452 North Lake Boulevard, near Tahoe Vista9608.1PlacerLease Initialization