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Meeting Date Item NAME WO LSE_TYPE Improvements Location PRC_Number Non_PRC County Lease_Status
2021-02-2321Patricia R. Enos, Ron J. Enos, and Stacy A. Benson, Co-Trustees of the Enos Family TrustA2860General Lease-Recreational Useboat dock, ramp and four pilingsGeorgiana Slough, adjacent to 14810 Andrus Island Road, near Walnut Grove8906SacramentoActive
2020-12-17181360 West Lake LLC, a California Limited Liability CompanyA2711GL-Recpier, boat lift, and two mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 1360 West Lake Boulevard, Tahoe City7380PlacerActive
2020-12-1722Tharsing Family Limited Partnership, a California limited partnershipA2760GL-Recpier and one mooring buoyLake Tahoe, adjacent to 8341 Meeks Bay Avenue, near Meeks Bay2366El DoradoActive
2020-12-1726Ruth Sarahi Awan and Hatif Kaiyoom AwanA2608GL-Recboat dock, ramp and landingCalaveras River, adjacent to 2955 Calariva Drive, Stockton5562San JoaquinActive
2020-12-1745Peter and Sarah BatesA2601GL-PSportion of a seawalladjacent to 403 Pacific Avenue, Solana Beach9647San DiegoActive
2020-12-1747David Lee Johnston and Lisa D. Johnston, Trustees of the DLJ TrustA2606GL-Recportion of a common boat dockHuntington Harbour, adjacent to 16212 Piedmont Circle, Huntington Beach7422OrangeActive
2020-12-1760California State Lands CommissionInformational Update on Efforts to Develop the Commission’s 2021-2025 Strategic PlanStatewideInformational
2020-10-223Bow Bay, LLC, a California Limited Liability CompanyA2602GL-Recpier and three mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 281 Paradise Flat Lane, near Rubicon Bay9443El DoradoQuitclaim Deed and New Lease
2020-10-2218Alvin R. Archer and Dale W. Archer, Co-TrusteesA2733GL-Recboat dock and two pilingsSeven Mile Slough, adjacent to 1150 West Brannan Island Road, at Andrus Island, near Isleton6059SacramentoNew Lease
2020-10-2221Susan V. Carson, TrusteeA2211GL-Rec&PSboat dock, deck, gangway, fill area, bulkhead, and bank protectionhistoric bed of the San Joaquin River at Atherton Cove, adjacent to 1 Atherton Island, near Stockton6047San JoaquinNew Lease