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Meeting Date Item NAME WO LSE_TYPE Improvements Location PRC_Number Non_PRC County Lease_Status
2021-12-0842Central Contra Costa Sanitary DistrictA2874General Lease-Public Agency Usetwo 20-inch-diameter force main pipelines, three 4-inch-diameter reclaimed water pipelines, four electric conduits, one signal conduit, three 30-inch-diameter steel casings, and one non-operational 20-inch-diameter force main pipelinePacheco Creek, near Martinez4214Contra CostaActive
2021-12-0856Venice Island Owners, LLC, a California limited liability companyA3093General Lease-Recreational UseL-shaped boat dock with 13 pilings, walkway, ramp, two unattached pilings, two jet-ski ramps, two boat hoists, and electrical conduitSan Joaquin River, adjacent to 17500 West Eight Mile Road, near Stockton2212San JoaquinActive
2021-10-2142101-2603 Wilbur, LLC, a Missouri Limited Liability CompanyA2869General Lease-Industrial Usenon-operational industrial wharf, two five-pile dolphins, a maintenance pier, water intake pipeline, electrical substation, storm water outfall, instrumentation shed, three day beacons, and surge basin, concrete deck, a roll-on roll-off (RORO) ramp,San Joaquin River, adjacent to 2301 Wilbur Road, near the city of Antioch1546Contra CostaPending
2021-10-2111Spencer Jackson and Kristin MorrisonA2871General Lease-Recreational Usedeck, boat dock, and appurtenant facilities.Corte Madera Creek, adjacent to 113 Greenbrae Boardwalk, Greenbrae8211MarinPending
2021-10-2112Bryan A. Nick, TrusteeA2135General Lease-Recreational Pier Leaseboat dock, gangway, five pilings and a watercraft floatSacramento River, adjacent to 11851 Riverside Avenue, Courtland2952SacramentoPending
2021-10-2121Orange County Flood Control DistrictA3053General Lease-Public Agency Usetwo riprap flood control jetties, one riprap dike, and maintenance dredgingin the lower Santa Ana River9358OrangeActive
2021-10-2125Frontier California, Inc.A2137General Lease-Right of Way Useunderground fiber optic communication cable and a copper communication cableState indemnity school land in a portion of Section 26, T9N R2E, SBM, near the unincorporated community of Newberry Springs7522San BernardinoActive
2021-10-2132California State Lands CommissionA2181 A2222Authorize the Executive Officer to solicit Statements of Interest for consultant services, negotiate fair and reasonable prices, and award and execute agreements for the preparation of environmental documentation and mitigation monitoring for two proposed?offshore wind energy projects.Pacific Ocean, near Vandenberg Space Force BaseSanta Barbara
2021-08-255Madeline BunfillA2321General Lease-Recreational Usesingle-berth floating boat dock, gangway and three pilingsSacramento River, adjacent to 6041 Garden Highway, near Sacramento8549SacramentoActive
2021-08-258Central Contra Costa Sanitary DistrictA2874General Lease ? Public Agency Useone non-operational force main pipeline previously authorized by the Commission, and two force main pipelines and appurtenant facilities not previously authorized by the CommissionPacheco Creek, near Martinez4214Contra CostaPULLED