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Meeting Date Item NAME WO LSE_TYPE Improvements Location PRC_Number Non_PRC County Lease_Status
2021-12-0860Robert Paul SchleimerA2372General Lease-Protective Structure Useportion of a seawall and associated seacave/notch fill at the base of the bluffPacific Ocean, adjacent to 215 Pacific Avenue, Solana Beach8186San DiegoAssignment
2021-10-2142101-2603 Wilbur, LLC, a Missouri Limited Liability CompanyA2869General Lease-Industrial Usenon-operational industrial wharf, two five-pile dolphins, a maintenance pier, water intake pipeline, electrical substation, storm water outfall, instrumentation shed, three day beacons, and surge basin, concrete deck, a roll-on roll-off (RORO) ramp,San Joaquin River, adjacent to 2301 Wilbur Road, near the city of Antioch1546Contra CostaPending
2021-06-299MAC3K investments, L.P.A2960General Lease-Recreational UsePier, two catwalks, portion of cabin, boat lift and two mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 4796 North Lake Boulevard, Carnelian Bay5177PlacerActive
2021-06-2925Eco Services Operations Corp.General Lease-Industrial and Protective Structure Useuse and maintenance of additional shoreline protection.filled and unfilled sovereign land located adjacent to 100 Mococo Road, in Peyton Slough and Carquinez Strait, near Martinez7660Contra CostaAmendment
2021-06-2927Richard T Messersmith and Karol A Messersmith, Trustees of the Richard T Messersmith and Karol A Messersmith Family Revocable Trust est 9/11/03A2956General Lease-Recreational and Protective Structure UseCovered boat dock with slip and boat lift, dock finger, personal watercraft float, gangway, four pilings, and bank protection.Georgiana Slough, adjacent to 17075 Terminous Road, near Isleton8760SacramentoActive
2021-06-2931Paul D. Thayer and Martha H. Lennihan as Trustees of the Paul D. Thayer and Martha H. Lennihan 2016 Revocable Trust, dated March 14, 2016A2557General Lease-Recreational and Protective Structure UseSingle berth floating U-shaped boat dock, two steel pilings, gangway, utility conduit, boat lift, two-pile dolphin and bank protectionSacramento River, adjacent to 6645 Garden Highway, near Sacramento6042InyoActive
2021-06-2932Town of Discovery Bay Community Services DistrictW 26007 D/A2660General Lease-Public Agency Usewastewater pipeline, outfall and diffuserOld River, near Discovery Bay8547Active
2021-06-2940University of Southern CaliforniaA2609General Lease-OtherConcrete pier with two floating docks, rock mole, concrete marine ramp, helipad, 25 mooring buoys, and two seawater intake linesPacific Ocean, Santa Catalina Island3692RiversidePending
2021-04-279Debi L. Langston, as TrusteeA2086General Lease-Recreational Usetwo mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 8246 Brockway Vista Avenue, Kings Beach9660PlacerActive
2021-04-2725Melinda D. Hrabe and Orville S. Hrabe, as Trustees of the Bicycle Love Trust dated 4/9/2020A2732General Lease-Recreational Useuncovered floating boat dock, gangway, two anchor cables, and metal anchor pipeSacramento River, adjacent to 821 Yacht Court, near Sacramento6052SacramentoActive