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Meeting Date Item NAME WO LSE_TYPE Improvements Location PRC_Number Non_PRC County Lease_Status
2022-06-2332Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation DistrictA3609General Lease-Public Agency Usefifteen marker buoys and maintenance dredge a maximum of approximately 1,280,000 cubic yards of material over 10 years to maintain a navigable depthCorte Madera Creek and San Francisco Bay, Larkspur6708MarinPending
2022-04-2630Eco Services Operations Corp.General Lease-Industrial UseParcel A: industrial facilities with a wastewater treatment facility with pipelines, pump houses, and appurtenant facilities, outfall pipeline, road, railroad spur, utilities, retention pond, sheet pile seawall, capped remediated soils in old Peyton31.04 acres (Parcel A), 3.6 acres (Parcel B), and 33.53 acres (Parcel C), more or less, of filled and unfilled sovereign land in Peyton Slough and Carquinez Strait, adjacent to 100 Mococo Road, city of Martinez7660Contra CostaPending
2022-04-2658California State Lands CommissionW 10442 W 16001Report on the continued monitoring of possible subsidenceLong Beach Unit, Wilmington Oil FieldLos AngelesInformational
2022-04-2660California State Lands CommissionSecond distribution of port stimulus funding to mitigate negative economic impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic pursuant to the 2021-2022 Budget ActStatewide
2022-02-2535Tuolumne River Conservancy, Inc., a California CorporationA2663General Lease-Otherrestoration and rehabilitation of the bed of the Tuolumne River channel and floodplain to improve wildlife and aquatic habitatTuolumne River channel and floodplain at Bobcat Flat, near Waterford8609StanislausPending
2022-02-2550California State Lands CommissionW 26086Delegation of authority for the Executive Officer to solicit Statements of Interest and negotiate a fair and reasonable price, and award and execute agreements for professional real estate broker services, to assist with real estate property acquisitions utilizing the School Land Bank FundStatewide
2021-12-0832CPN Pipeline CompanyGeneral Lease-Right of Way Useeight-inch diameter natural gas pipelineSacramento River near Knights Landing7602Yolo SutterRent Review
2021-12-0835Humboldt Redwood Company, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability CompanyA3057General Lease-Right of Way Useseasonal bridgeEel River, near Dyerville2760HumboldtPending
2021-12-08402101-2603 Wilbur, LLC, a Missouri Limited Liability CompanyA3267General Lease-Industrial Usenon-operational maintenance pier, two dolphins, a 42-inch-diameter water intake pipeline, one 18-inch and one 26-inch-diameter discharge pipeline and diffusers, and a 36-inch-diameter effluent pipelineSan Joaquin River, adjacent to 2603 Wilbur Avenue, near Antioch and West Island4813Contra Costa SacramentoActive
2021-12-0852Novato Sanitary DistrictA2856General Lease-Public Agency Use54-inch diameter concrete cylinder sewer pipeline, and a 54-inch diameter reinforced concrete sewer outfall pipelineNovato Creek and San Pablo Bay, near Novato4602MarinActive