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Meeting Date Item NAME WO LSE_TYPE Improvements Location PRC_Number Non_PRC County Lease_Status
2014-02-2131Loren A. Jensen and Melissah A. Jensen, or their successor(s), as Trustees of the Loren and Melissah Jensen 2013 Family Trust, dated March 6, 2013; Doris A. Jensen, Trustee of the Elbert A. Jensen Bypass Trust; Birney Alan Jensen, Alice Winifred Croft, Janice Lee Jensen, Wayne Anders Jensen, Warren Boomer Jensen, and Marna June Javete; and Ronald A. Ubaldi and Esther Ubaldi, Trustees of the Ubaldi Living Trust dated July 19, 1993, and restated August 7, 2008N/AGeneral Lease-Recreational Useone existing mooring buoyLake Tahoe, adjacent to 1090 and 1130 West Lake Boulevard, near Tahoe CityP 5611PlacerPULLED
2014-02-2137Timothy P. Alpers and Pamela J. AlpersN/AMemorandum of Understandinga residential leach field systemMono Lake, near Lee ViningP 8172MonoRevision of Rent
2014-02-2136Robert McNeil and Carole Joyce McNeil, Trustees of the Robert and Carole McNeil 1993 Trust dated February 3, 1993; Carole J. McNeil, Trustee of the Robert and Carole McNeil 2000 Trust dated November 15, 2000N/ARecreational Pier Lease and General Lease-Recreational Useexisting pier; and three existing mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to Assessor’s Parcel Number’s 090-320-001 and 090-320-002, near Kings BeachP 3883PlacerPULLED
2014-02-2138Ironhouse Sanitary DistrictN/AGeneral Lease-Right-of-Way Use12-inch diameter effluent pipelineMarsh Creek, adjacent to Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APNs) 037-191-036 and 037-191-028, near the city of Oakley,P 6484Contra Costa
2014-02-2141Tesoro Refining & Marketing Company LLCN/AGeneral Lease-Industrial Useexisting marine oil terminal wharf in the Carquinez Strait; and two crossings at Pacheco Creek for various pipelines and a telephone cableCarquinez Strait and Pacheco Creek, in and near the city of MartinezP 3453Contra Costa
2014-02-2142Bridge Marina Yacht ClubN/AGeneral Lease-Recreational Useexisting yacht club house (Parcel A-1) and boat dock (Parcel A-2) ; and use and maintenance of an existing covered platformSan Joaquin River, adjacent to 20 Fleming Lane, in the city of Antioch (Parcel A-1), and in Dutch Slough adjacent to an unnamed island identified as Assessor Parcel Number 037-191-016 (Parcel A-2)P 3820Contra Costa
2014-02-2139Califia LLC, a California Limited Liability CompanyN/AGeneral Lease-Commercial Useexisting commercial marina, known as Mossdale Marina, consisting of two open floating boat docks secured to pilings accommodating approximately 21 boats, two walkways, one gas pump/dispenser, bank protection consisting of concrete riprap material, and appurtenant facilitiesSan Joaquin River, adjacent to Assessor’s Parcel Number 213-290-19, near the city of LathropP 7631San JoaquinAmendment and Revision of Rent
2014-02-2140Phillips 66 CompanyN/AGeneral Lease-Industrial Usedeconstruction of a non-operational marine terminal wharf and appurtenant structures, the extension of the Lease term one (1) additional year to November 30, 2015, and a change in the lease areaCarquinez Strait, near the town of Port CostaP 2869Contra CostaAmendment, Quitclaim Deed, and Termination and Abandonment Agreement
2014-02-2147Ventura County Fire Protection DistrictN/AGeneral Lease-Public Agency Usea portion of an existing fire station, paved parking area with lighting, landscaping, and drainage appurtenances, a weather gauging and telemetry station, a 6-foot concrete block wall, and a 6-foot chain link fencefilled tide and submerged land located adjacent to 5674 Pacific Coast Highway, near the city of San BuenaventuraP 7255Ventura
2014-02-2148Del Junco Children’s Investments, LLCN/AGeneral Lease-Recreational Useboat dock, access ramp, and cantilevered deck extending no more than five feet waterward of the bulkheade Main Channel of Huntington Harbour, adjacent to 16592 Somerset Lane, city of Huntington BeachP 3170Orange