2023-06-05 | 55 | Stockton Water Ski Club | A3974 | General Lease-Recreational Use | two boat docks, two walkways, one swim float, 14 pilings, and five speed control buoys | San Joaquin River, near Ward Island | 5373 | | San Joaquin | Pending |
2023-06-05 | 64 | Eric Keating and Melissa Keating | A3735 | General Lease-Recreational and Protective Structure Use | boat dock, gangway with railing, two large concrete patios with rock retaining walls, small concrete patio with railing and planter area, electrical and irrigation appurtenances, concrete stairs with rock walls, concrete landing, gangway with railing | Colorado River, adjacent to 1170 Beach Drive, Needles | 9039 | | San Bernardino | Pending |
2023-06-05 | 69 | JADJ Land Holdings, LLC, a California limited liability company | A3957 | General Lease-Recreational Use | fixed recreational dock | Kings River, adjacent to 38550 Road 16, near Kingsburg | 8773 | | Tulare | Pending |
2023-06-05 | 73 | Karuk Tribe | A3459 | General Lease-Public Agency Use | installation and use of two fiber optic cables | State-owned indemnity school lands, in a portion of section 28, T9N, R3E, HM along Bald Hills Road, located between Weitchpec and Orick | | | Humboldt | PULLED |
2023-04-07 | 12 | Heidi E. Gemperle, Anita Mahaffey, Susan A. Abdo, Peter E. Gemperle, Richard J. Gemperle, and Stephen M. Gemperle, as Individuals, and Michael E. Gemperle and Kristi A. Gemperle, Trustees, M & K Gemperle 2011 Trust | A2656 | General Lease-Recreational Use | pier, boat lift, and two mooring buoys | Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 4560 North Lake Boulevard, Carnelian Bay | 9730 | | Placer | Pending |
2023-04-07 | 20 | Peach Tree Terrace, a California General Partnership | A2972 | General Lease-Recreational Use | pier with railing, concrete pad, and walkway; walkway with gangway and piling; 15 unattached pilings | Petaluma River, adjacent to 3357 Petaluma Boulevard South, near Petaluma | 9731 | | Sonoma | Pending |
2023-04-07 | 27 | Marlene Weibel, as Trustee in Trust of the South Lake Tahoe Property Trust | A2098 | General Lease-Recreational Use | two mooring buoys | Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 3075 Jameson Beach Road, near South Lake Tahoe | 9732 | | El Dorado | Pending |
2023-04-07 | 29 | City of Oakdale | A3885 | General Lease-Public Agency Use | Restoration and rehabilitation of the bed of the Stanislaus River channel and floodplain to improve wildlife and aquatic habitats | Stanislaus River channel and floodplain, adjacent to Kerr Park at 840 North Stearns Road, Oakdale | 9733 | | Stanislaus | Pending |
2023-04-07 | 38 | Reclamation District 2074 | A3153 | General Lease-Public Agency Use | bank protection | south bank of Fourteen Mile Slough between Ten Mile Slough and I-5 Freeway Bridge crossing, Stockton | 7673 | | San Joaquin | Pending |
2023-04-07 | 46 | Harmony Coast Aquaculture Institute, a California non-profit public benefit corporation | A2141, A3656 | General Lease-Right of Way Use | abandoned 8-inch-diameter PVC ocean saltwater intake pipeline, two 18-inch-diameter PVC intake pipelines, one 10-inch-diameter PVC intake pipeline, and one 8-inch-diameter PVC intake pipeline; all encased in concrete | Pacific Ocean, near Cayucos | 7326 | | San Luis Obispo | Pending |
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