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Searching for 34

Meeting Date Item NAME WO LSE_TYPE Improvements Location PRC_Number Non_PRC County Lease_Status
1948-08-199(Item) 875(Page)ISSUANCEW 334P 364
1948-08-1917(Item) 878(Page)ISSUANCEW 342P 367
1948-08-1927(Item) 880(Page)ASSIGNMENT TO PRICE 1/2 INT/NOW SOLE LESSEEW 347P 258
1948-08-1928(Item) 880(Page)ASSIGNMENT TO ELLISON 1/2 INTERESTW 347P 258
1948-08-1927(Item) 880(Page)ASSIGNMENT TO PRICEW 347P 339
1948-08-1928(Item) 880(Page)ASSIGNMENT TO ELLISONW 347P 339
1948-08-1934(Item) 884(Page)
1948-08-1939(Item) 886(Page)ISSUANCEW 345P 366 P 375
1948-06-2534(Item) 871(Page)EO ADV FOR SALE 43.31 ACS PROPRIETARY LAND TO MALESPINOW 311
1948-05-2728(Item) 856(Page)CH 1554-1947 COSTS TO SLC/CH 434-47 GRANT CASE 374016W 323