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Meeting Date Item NAME WO LSE_TYPE Improvements Location PRC_Number Non_PRC County Lease_Status
2023-06-054Walter E. Burch and Carol A. BurchA3552General Lease-Recreational Usetwo mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 4990 North Lake Boulevard, near Carnelian Bay9736PlacerPending
2023-06-0520Frank Slootman and Brenda L. Slootman, Trustees; and Lip-Bu Tan and Ysa Loo, TrusteesA3873General Lease-Recreational Usejoint-use pier, three boat lifts, and three mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 2050, 2140, 2200 North Lake Boulevard, Tahoe City9737PlacerPending
2023-06-0520Frank Slootman and Brenda L. Slootman, TrusteesA3873General Lease-Recreational Usetwo mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 2140 North Lake Boulevard, Tahoe City8374PlacerComplete
2023-06-0520Frank Slootman and Brenda L. Slootman, Co-TrusteesA3873General Lease-Recreational Usetwo mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 2050 North Lake Boulevard, near Tahoe City8399PlacerComplete
2023-06-0520Lip-Bu Tan and Ysa Loo, TrusteesA2541, A3873General Lease-Recreational Usetwo mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 2200 North Lake Boulevard, near Tahoe City8510PlacerComplete
2023-06-0524WS Marina, LLC, a Delaware limited liability companyA2681, A3473, A4042General Lease-Commercial Usecommercial marina: pier, retaining wall, two fuel pumps, ancillary services, two marker buoys, and 125 mooring buoys and one-time maintenance dredgingLake Tahoe, adjacent to 5190 West Lake Boulevard, near Homewood3953PlacerActive
2023-06-0525Yuba County Water AgencyA3852General Lease-Public Agency UseRestoration and rehabilitation of the bed of the Yuba River channel and floodplain to improve wildlife and aquatic habitatsYuba River channel and floodplain, near Smartsville9738YubaActive
2023-06-0528Bandwidth IG, LLCA3655General Lease-Right of Way Usetwo 2-inch-diameter buried fiber optic cables and one 8-inch-diameter high-density polyethylene (HDPE) conduitSan Francisco Bay (SF Bay), between Brisbane and San Leandro9739San Mateo, AlamedaActive
2023-06-0543Peder E. Jones and Nancy B. Jones, TrusteesA3739General Lease-Recreational and Protective Structure Useboat dock, gangway, two pilings, and bank protectionSacramento River, adjacent to 17436 Grand Island Road, near Isleton4762SacramentoPending
2023-06-0554Frank T. Rauzi and Judith D. Rauzi, TrusteesA4035General Lease-Recreational Useboat dock, boathouse, and gangwayCalaveras River, adjacent to 2943 Calariva Drive, near Stockton8473San JoaquinPending