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Meeting Date Item NAME WO LSE_TYPE Improvements Location PRC_Number Non_PRC County Lease_Status
2023-08-1760Claus von Wendel (Party)W 27250Consider taking title to and authorizing the removal and disposal of an abandoned vesselon sovereign lands in Mayberry Slough, near Donlon IslandSacramento
2023-06-0560City of Huntington BeachGeneral Lease-Public Agency Usepublic municipal pier and related concessionsPacific Ocean, offshore Huntington Beach6616OrangeActive
2023-06-0588California State Lands CommissionW 10442, W 16001Report on the continued monitoring of possible subsidenceLong Beach Unit/Tidelands, Wilmington Oil FieldLos AngelesInformational
2023-04-0741Jean L. Scott and James C. Ross, as TrusteesA3360General Lease-Recreational and Protective Structure Useboat dock with boat lift, gangway, four pilings, one two-pile dolphin, one three-pile dolphin, debris diverter, and bank protectionSacramento River, adjacent to 2331 Garden Highway, Sacramento5901SacramentoPending
2023-04-0760MP Mine Operations, LLCGeneral Lease-Right of Way Use14-inch diameter potable water transportation lineState school land in a portion of Section 16, T16N R13E, SBM, near the unincorporated community of Mountain Pass6375San BernardinoPending
2023-02-288Bow Bay, LLC, a California Limited Liability CompanyA2602, A3534General Lease-Recreational Usepier, boat lift and two mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 281 Paradise Flat Lane, near Rubicon Bay9443El DoradoPending
2023-02-2813Victor Critchfield, as Trustee; William M. Critchfield and Anne C. Critchfield, as Trustees; Victor Mason Critchfield and Pamela Ann Critchfield, as Trustees; Joy Kalar; and Duane Christian KalarA3660General Lease-Recreational Usetwo mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 8641 North Lane, near Tahoma8974El DoradoPending
2023-02-2860Phillips 66 CompanyW 25376 DGeneral Lease-Industrial Usemarine terminal for loading and unloading tank vessels and barges; water intake lines; water diffuser line; and a butane tank and storage area; dredge and remove a maximum of 90,000 c.y. annuallySan Pablo Bay, town of Rodeo600Contra CostaPending
2022-12-0910Anne Crowley, and her successor(s), as the Trustee of the Reilly 2012 Irrevocable TrustA3377General Lease - Recreational Usepier, two unattached pilings, and two mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 5850 North Lake Boulevard, near Carnelian Bay6609PlacerActive
2022-12-0958Capitol Oil Corporation (40% interest) and California Resources Production Corporation (60% interest)Mineral Resource Lease - Oil & Gas Leasebed of Georgiana Slough, Section 19 and 30, T4N R4E, MDM; within the River Island Gas Field area8694SacramentoComplete