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Meeting Date Item NAME WO LSE_TYPE Improvements Location PRC_Number Non_PRC County Lease_Status
2023-12-0560California State Lands CommissionN/AConsider adoption of the 2023 Shoreline Adaptation and the Public Trust Report, developed to guide analysis and inform decision-making for leasing ungranted state tidelands for shoreline protection and adaptation structures.Statewide
2023-10-1912Peggy E. Lindquist, as TrusteeA4145General Lease-Recreational Usetwo mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 7412 North Lake Boulevard, near Tahoe Vista9760PlacerPending
2023-10-1925Christopher Ahern Lee, Trustee of the Fox-Lee Living TrustA4198General Lease-Recreational Useboat dock, ramp, platform, two pilings and stairsSacramento River, adjacent to 13760 Highway 160, near Walnut Grove6035SacramentoPending
2023-10-1936California Department of Parks and RecreationA3671General Lease-Public Agency Use880-ft. public pier, fire-suppression wharf heads, 3-inch diameter water line, fish cleaning station and water bibPacific Ocean, adjacent to Hearst San Simeon State Park1603San Luis ObispoPending
2023-10-1960Notice of Conference with Real Property NegotiatorInstructions to staff negotiators in Closed Session, pursuant to Government Code section 11126(c)(7), regarding entering into a lease amendment or other agreement for the extended use of existing offshore oil and gas pipelines traversing state waters associated with the Santa Ynez Unitfederal waters, offshorePRC 4977, PRC 7163Santa Barbara
2023-08-174City of PetalumaA3725General Lease-Public Agency Usetwo uncovered floating boat docks and three gangways; a platform, ramp, gangway, and utility conduits to accommodate electric and water lines; and extension of one uncovered floating boat dock, 14 pilings, and a floathouse, periodic maintenance dredgPetaluma River, at the Petaluma River Turning Basin, city of Petaluma5607SonomaPending
2023-08-179Joseph A. McCarthy, Trustee; and John F. Brennan and Lisa BrennanA2160, A3538General Lease-Recreational Usejoint-use pier with two adjustable catwalks, deck lighting, and electrical service, two boat lifts, and four mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 4170 and 4176 Ferguson Avenue, near Carnelian Bay3652PlacerPending
2023-08-1723Michael J. Arnold, TrusteeA3967General Lease-Recreational Useboat dock, utilities, three pilings, gangway, and boat liftSacramento River, adjacent to 10437 Garden Highway, near Sacramento8608SutterPending
2023-08-1738Phillips 66 CompanyW 25376 D, A3713General Lease-Industrial Usemarine terminal for loading and unloading tank vessels and barges; water intake lines; water diffuser line; and a butane tank and storage area; dredge and remove a maximum of 90,000 c.y. annuallySan Pablo Bay, town of Rodeo600Contra CostaPending
2023-08-1743John O. Wyatt, TrusteeA3457General Lease-Recreational Useboat dock, two pilings, water utility and gangwaySacramento River, adjacent to 14060 State Highway 160, near Walnut Grove7604SacramentoPending