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Meeting Date Item NAME WO LSE_TYPE Improvements Location PRC_Number Non_PRC County Lease_Status
2016-02-09C22James Hanley and Kathryn HanleyGL-REC+PST-shaped uncovered floating boat dock, ramp, walkway, two pilings, electrical conduit, water conduit and bulkheadCalaveras River, adjacent to 4357 Yacht Harbor Drive, near the city of StocktonPRC 4669San JoaquinAssignment
2016-02-0936George Leatham, TrusteeGL-RES+RECportion of residence, deck and appurtenant facilitiesMare Island Strait, adjacent to 9 Sandy Beach Road, near the city of VallejoPRC 2646SolanoNew Lease
2016-02-0946Marek M. Kurowski and Jolanta Anderson-KurowskiW 26734GL-RES+RECportion of residence, deck and appurtenant facilitiesMare Island Strait, adjacent to 22 Sandy Beach Road, near the city of VallejoPRC 9314SolanoInitialized
2015-12-18C46Dyanna Taylor and Joan Iten SutherlandW 26888GL-RECuncovered floating boat dock, pilings, walkway and rampCorte Madera Creek, adjacent to 119 Greenbrae Boardwalk, near the city of LarkspurPRC 9257MarinInitialized
2015-10-16C46Stephen Doyle Anthony and Roxanne Marie Anthony, TrusteesGL-REC+PSaluminum sun deck, stairway, walkway, and gangway with railing and a floating walkway and boat dock; riprap bankline with electrical lighting appurtenancesColorado River, adjacent to 1182 Beach Drive, city of NeedlesPRC 9134San BernardinoAmendment
2015-10-16C50North Broadway Ventures, LLCW 24665offer to dedicate lateral public access easement22752 Pacific Coast Highway, City of MalibuAD 652Los Angeles
2015-10-16C5125236 Malibu Road, LLCW 24665offer to dedicate lateral public access easement25236 Pacific Coast Highway, City of MalibuAD 653Los Angeles
2015-10-16C63Tetra Tech, Inc.W 6005.160Geol/Geoph Surv PmtNon-Exclusive Geophysical Survey Permit to conduct low-energy geophysical surveys; Mitigated Neg Dec, SCH 2013072021Permit Regions I, II, III, and IVPRC 9246StatewideInitialized
2015-08-19C46Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyGL-R/Wtransportation, distribution, and gathering pipelines to transport natural gasSacramento River, Colusa, Sutter and Sacramento County; Georgiana Slough, Sacramento County; Hog Slough and White Slough, San Joaquin County, Taylor Slough, Contra Costa County; Hass Slough, Lindsey Slough, and Montezuma Slough, Solano CountyPRC 5438-DColusa Contra Costa Sacramento San Joaquin Solano SutterAmendment
2015-08-19C72US Borax Inc.MIN LSEextraction of industrial minerals (trona)State sovereign land on the dry lake bed of Owens Lake, along the east side of U.S. Highway 395, approximately five miles south of the city of Lone PinePRC 5464InyoPartial Quitclaim