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Meeting Date Item NAME WO LSE_TYPE Improvements Location PRC_Number Non_PRC County Lease_Status
2024-02-2621Paul R. Malone and Virginia M. Malone, as Trustees; and Harold S. Penney and Charlotte C. Penney as TrusteesA4392General Lease-Recreational Usepier and two mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 2865 West Lake Boulevard, Tahoe City4128PlacerPending
2024-02-2635The Little Red House, LLC, a California Limited Liability CompanyA4139General Lease-Recreational Usepier, boat lift, and two mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 5360 North Lake Boulevard, Carnelian Bay4954PlacerPending
2024-02-2638Grayle Tully James and Gwyn-Mohr TullyA3919General Lease-Recreational Usepier, boat lift and four mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 8507 and 8511 Meeks Bay Avenue, near Rubicon Bay8421El DoradoPending
2024-02-2639Vero Fiber Networks, LLCA3066General Lease-Right of Way Use4-inch-diameter fiber optic steel conduit with fiber optic linesMad River, at the State Route 299 Bridge Crossing, near Arcata9779HumboldtActive
2024-02-26508150 Freeport LLC, a California limited liability companyA4044General Lease-Commercial Usecommercial marina consisting of an uncovered side-tie floating dock, five pilings, and gangwaySacramento River, Freeport3915SacramentoPending
2024-02-2653Susan D. Gray, TrusteeA3925General Lease-Recreational and Protective Structure Usefishing pier, walkway and bank protectionSacramento River, adjacent to 17408 Grand Island Road, at Long Island, near Walnut Grove4760SacramentoPending
2024-02-2656Marvin M. McSwain and Patricia McSwain, TrusteesA3977General Lease-Recreational Useboat dock, four pilings, gangway and storage shedSacramento River, adjacent to 11035 State Highway 160, near Hood8495SacramentoPending
2024-02-2662California Department of TransportationA3990General Lease-Public Agency Usetemporary construction easement; construction required to widen the right-turn pocket of the roadway adjacent to this location, and minor grading to match the existing groundnear Huntington Beach9783OrangeActive
2024-02-2665City of San ClementeA3935General Lease-Public Agency Usepublic beach access facilities: beach access ramp and box culvert; beach access stairway, riprap with concrete footings; beach access stairway, riprap, and precast box culvert with concrete retaining wallsPacific Ocean, City of San Clemente; Linda Lane railroad undercrossing; El Portal railroad crossing; Mariposa railroad undercrossing8523OrangePending
2024-02-2668Middle Mile Infrastructure, LLCA4339General Lease-Right of Way Usetwo 6-inch-diameter steel conduits and one proposed fiber optic cable within each conduitPacific Ocean, near Pismo State Beach, Grover Beach9784San Luis ObispoPending