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Meeting Date Item NAME WO LSE_TYPE Improvements Location PRC_Number Non_PRC County Lease_Status
2019-12-0623California-American Water CompanyA2147GL-Otherplacement and operation of ocean water quality monitoring equipmentPacific Ocean, near MarinaMontereyPulled
2019-12-0624California Department of TransportationA2114R/W S+H 101.5use, maintenance, and widening of U.S. Route 395Owens Lake, near Olancha9605.9InyoInitialized
2019-12-0626City of EncinitasA2193GL-PAdeposition of up to a maximum of 117,000 cubic yards (cy) of sand annually at Batiquitos Beach, 105,000 cy of sand annually at Moonlight State Beach, 132,000 cy of sand annually at Leucadia State Beach, and 101,000 cy of sand annually at Cardiff StatPacific Ocean at Batiquitos Beach, Moonlight State Beach, Leucadia State Beach, and Cardiff State Beach, Encinitas8817.9San DiegoRenewal
2019-12-0632Sea Harbour State Channel Slip Owners Association, Inc.A2139GL-Rec30 Boat SlipsHuntington Harbour Main Channel, adjacent to 17100 through 17154 Bluewater Lane, Huntington Beach4953.1OrangeRenewal
2019-12-0633Gerald R. Tarpo and Sharon A. Tarpo, as Co-TrusteesA2106GL-Recboat dock, access ramp, and cantilevered deckMain Channel of Huntington Harbour, adjacent to 16981 Bolero Lane, city of Huntington Beach3566.1OrangeNew Lease
2019-12-0634Ing Liong Wong and Chu Fong Wong, as TrusteesA2174GL-Rec+PSboat dock, access ramp, cantilevered deck, and bulkhead protectionMain Channel of Huntington Harbour, adjacent to 16891 Bolero Lane, city of Huntington Beach3254.1OrangeRenewal
2019-12-0637Sierra Pacific IndustriesW 27211GL-R/Wtwo access roadsState-owned school land located in portions of Section 36, T36N R4W and Section 36, T36N R5W, MDM, northeast of Lakehead9603.2ShastaInitialized
2019-12-0653Ideol USA, Inc.A2152GL-Otherscientific data collection, including installation, use, and maintenance of a buoyPacific Ocean, between the Vandeberg State Marine Reserve and Point Conception State Marine Reserve, near LompocSanta BarbaraPulled
2019-12-0654California Department of TransportationA2115GL-PAdirt access roadState-owned school land in Section 36, T18S R36E, MDM, north of Cartago9604.2InyoInitialized
2019-10-243Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyA2171Indemnification AgmtIndemnify the State for any harm that may occur or arise from the installation, operation, and maintenance of the PG&E gas pipeline on the Bridgeon the Airport Road Bridge, in the Sacramento River, near AndersonPRC 505.1Shasta