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Meeting Date Item NAME WO LSE_TYPE Improvements Location PRC_Number Non_PRC County Lease_Status
2018-10-18C73Southern California Edison CompanyGL-R/W12 Kv overhead transmission lines, approximately six wood poles and an unpaved access roadState indemnity school lands in a portion of Section 6, T9N R4E, SBM, near the town of Newberry SpringsPRC 3392San BernardinoRent Review
2018-08-23EO RptMichael D. Grimes, TrusteeGL-Recpier, boat lift and two mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 3272 Edgewater Drive, near Dollar PointPRC 7329PlacerRent Review
2018-08-23C23Pamela W. Rafanelli, TrusteeW 27173GL-Rectwo mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 3970 North Lake Boulevard, near Carnelian BayPRC 9491PlacerInitialized
2018-08-23C37Darren B. Morehead and Coleen L. Morehead, TrusteesGL-Rec+PSuncovered single-berth floating boat dock with boat lift, gangway, three pilings, and bank protection, and a boat dock coverSacramento River, adjacent to 6735 Garden Highway, near SacramentoPRC 8732SacramentoTermination and New Lease
2018-08-23C61Joseph D. Murray, TrusteeW 27093GL-Res+Recportion of residence, deck, floating boat dock, pilings and walkwayCorte Madera Creek, adjacent to 34 Lucky Drive, GreenbraePRC 9473MarinInitialized
2018-08-23C73U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceW 27174GL-PAplacement and maintenance of gravel and riparian vegetation for the rehabilitation and restoration of Chinook salmon and California Central Valley steelhead spawning and rearing habitat, excavation and reuse of perched floodplain sediments, gravel extraction for onsite use, and gradinglower Stanislaus River, below Goodwin Dam, approximately one mile upstream of Highway 120 bridge near River Mile 42, near OakdalePRC 9495StanislausInitialized
2018-06-21EO RptDean GiannettoGL-Reccovered floating boathouse with dock, gangway, and four pilingsCalaveras River, adjacent to 2881 Calariva Drive, near the city of StocktonPRC 7338San JoaquinRent Review
2018-06-21EO RptFrank T. Rauzi and Judith D. RauziGL-Recgangway, boat dock, and boathouseCalaveras River, adjacent to 2943 Calariva Drive, near the city of StocktonPRC 8473San JoaquinRent Review
2018-06-21C04Big Water View, LLC, a Nevada Limited Liability CompanyGL-Comcommercial marina facility known as Tahoe Vista Inn and Marina consisting of a commercial bulkhead pier, boat ramp, 12 seasonal berthing slips, 18 mooring buoys,12 seasonal mooring buoys, two marker buoys, bar/lounge facility, and maintenance dredgeLake Tahoe, adjacent to 7220 North Lake Boulevard, Tahoe VistaPRC 5739PlacerAgreement and Consent to Encumbrance
2018-06-21C48Stephen J. Reinl and Wendi M. Reinl, TrusteesGL-Recfloating boat dock, two pilings, and rampSacramento River, adjacent to 943 Piedmont Drive, near SacramentoPRC 7303SacramentoRenewal