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Meeting Date Item NAME WO LSE_TYPE Improvements Location PRC_Number Non_PRC County Lease_Status
2019-02-04C56Marc ManiscalcoW 24665Accept offer to dedicate a lateral public access easementadjacent to 25350 Malibu Road, MalibuAD 673Los Angeles
2019-02-04C67Lee Swearingen, TrusteeGL-Recboat dock, access ramp and cantilevered deckMain Channel of Huntington Harbour, adjacent to 16832 Coral Cay Lane, city of Huntington BeachPRC 5936OrangeRenewal
2018-12-03C15Victoria F. Leonard and Tahoe Boathouse, LLC, a California Limited Liability CompanyGL-Recjoint-use pier with three boat slips and one mooring buoyLake Tahoe, adjacent to 1370 and 1380 West Lake Boulevard, near SunnysidePRC 6715PlacerRenewal
2018-12-03C21Ridgewood Pier Owners AssociationGL-Recpier, 15 mooring buoys, and one swim floatLake Tahoe, adjacent to 4520 North Lake Boulevard, near Carnelian BayPRC 4967PlacerRenewal
2018-12-03C25Tahoe Boathouse, LLC, a California Limited Liability CompanyGL-Recpier and two mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 1380 West Lake Boulevard, near SunnysidePRC 6716PlacerNew Lease
2018-12-03C44Thomas A. Cheddar and Barbara L. CheddarGL-Reccovered floating boat dock with slip, 2 pilings, 2 speed buoys, one 3-pile dolphin, water hose connection, electrical outlet, and gangwaySacramento River, adjacent to 14434 State Highway 160, near Walnut GrovePRC 6740SacramentoQuitclaim Deed and New Lease
2018-12-03C62Southern California Edison CompanyGL-R/W220-kV overhead transmission lineKern River, northeast of BakersfieldPRC 6704KernRent Review
2018-12-03C65Bidart Livestock, Inc.GL-Grazingcattle grazing, access road, drift fence, water pipeline, and water troughsState-owned lieu land in a portion of Section 15, T31S R21E, MDM, south of McKittrickPRC 5672San Luis ObispoRenewal
2018-12-03C67San Diego Gas and Electric CompanyGL-R/Wone 69-kilovolt transmission line and an unpaved access roadState-owned school land within a portion of Section 36, T15S R3E, SBM, north of Granite Vista WayPRC 4451San DiegoRenewal
2018-12-03C71Spanos CorporationW 26316Compromise title settlement agreementwithin and adjacent to the historic channel of the Petaluma River, city of PetalumaAD 672Sonoma