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Meeting Date Item NAME WO LSE_TYPE Improvements Location PRC_Number Non_PRC County Lease_Status
2019-06-2857Malibu Property Holdings LLC; CSLC; California Coastal CommissionW 24665Acceptance of an offer to dedicate a lateral public access easementadjacent to 18954 Pacific Coast Highway, MalibuAD 679Los Angeles
2019-06-285819768 PCH LLC; CSLC; California Coastal CommissionW 24665Acceptance of an offer to dedicate a lateral public access easementadjacent to 19768 Pacific Coast Highway, MalibuAD 680Los Angeles
2019-06-2880Southern California Edison CompanyGL-R/W12 Kv overhead transmission line and 1719 ft. of underground lineState-owned school land within a portion of Section 36, T6S R5W, SBM, near Elsinore Peak4465.2RiversideRent Review and Amendment
2019-04-05C07CPN Pipeline CompanyGL-RofW12-inch diameter steel pipeline containing an 8-inch diameter natural gas pipeline, and an abandoned-in-place 8-inch-diameter pipelineSacramento River, 7 miles downstream of the Tisdale Bypass, near RobbinsPRC 8046Yolo SutterRenewal
2019-04-05C22Burlingame Bay AssociatesGL-Comcommercial development that includes restaurant, parking lot, lagoon, footbridge, paved pedestrian path, landscaping, and shoreline protectionSan Francisco Bay, adjacent to 60 Bay View Place, BurlingamePRC 4687San MateoRent Review
2019-04-05C46CSLC, acting as Trustee of the Kapiloff Land Bank Fund; California Department of Fish and WildlifeW 27162Delegate authority to the Executive Officer to expend $135,000 from the Kapiloff Land Bank Fund and enter into an interagency agreement to construct a fencearound the Cartago Wildlife Area, located on the southwestern edge of Owens LakeInyo
2019-04-05C47Juan B. Llibre, and his successors, as Trustee and John C. Martin, as Trustee of the Juan B. and Gisela M. Llibre Family TrustW 24665Acceptance of an offer to dedicate lateral public access easementover land at 20624 Pacific Coast Highway, MalibuAD 674Los Angeles
2019-04-05C48Juan B. Llibre, and his successors, as Trustee and John C. Martin, as Trustee of the Juan B. and Gisela M. Llibre Family TrustW 24665Acceptance of an offer to dedicate lateral public access easementover land at 20630 Pacific Coast Highway, MalibuAD 675Los Angeles
2019-04-05C59Southern California Edison CompanyW 27201GL-RofW33 kilovolt (kV) distribution line, wood poles, and a dirt access roadState-owned school land within a portion of Section 16, T16N R13E, SBM, near Mountain PassPRC 9546San BernardinoInitialized
2019-02-04C12Robert A. Hyer and Sonoma HyerGL-Recfloating boat dock, floatable bridge gangway, and two steel pilingsSacramento River, adjacent to 16510 County Road 117, near the city of West SacramentoPRC 8460YoloRent Review