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Meeting Date Item NAME WO LSE_TYPE Improvements Location PRC_Number Non_PRC County Lease_Status
2020-02-2813Bruce McLellan and Janet McLellanA2315GL-Rectwo mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 6230 West Lake Boulevard, near Homewood9609.1PlacerLease Initialization
2020-02-2814Reclamation District 2140W 27188GL-PArock slope protection and restoration of habitat on the waterside levee slopeSacramento River, along the east bank of the Sacramento River, beneath the Gianella Bridge, Hamilton City9606.9GlennLease Initialization
2020-02-2832Reclamation District No. 1608A2117GL-Dredgingmaintenance dredging of a maximum of 60,000 cubic yards of sedimentFourteenmile Slough, near Stockton9610.9San JoaquinLease Initialization
2020-02-2833Sacramento Area Flood Control AgencyA2343GL-PAuse, maintenance, and right-of-way for access and staging purposes associated with rehabilitation of the Sacramento River East Leveewithin a portion of APN 024-0081-019 and an unnumbered parcel west of Riverside Boulevard, Sacramento9607.9SacramentoLease Initialization
2020-02-2860CSLCSupport the federal Regional Ocean Partnership Act (H.R. 5390 and S. 2166) that would formally authorize regional ocean partnerships as partners with the federal government and provide partnerships with more consistent fundingStatewide
2019-12-0616The Nantucket Revitalization LLCA2081GL-Othermaintenance of areas in and around the former restaurant, boat repair facility, and parking lots, including maintaining K-rail barricades and two security gates; installation of any other security or safety improvements reasonably necessary to secureCarquinez Strait, adjacent to 501 Port Street, Crockett9601.1Contra CostaInitialized
2019-12-0617Linda Beers HeisigA2185GL-Recboat dock, walkway, gangway, pilings, and landingWhiskey Slough, adjacent to 399 South Boulton Road, near Stockton6009.1San JoaquinRenewal
2019-12-0624California Department of TransportationA2114R/W S+H 101.5use, maintenance, and widening of U.S. Route 395Owens Lake, near Olancha9605.9InyoInitialized
2019-12-0629Joe V. Hernandez or Sharon J. Hernandez, TrusteesW 26997GL-Recboat dock, access ramp, and cantilevered deckMidway Channel of Huntington Harbour, adjacent to 16831 Marina Bay Drive, Huntington Beach9602.1OrangeInitialized
2019-12-0637Sierra Pacific IndustriesW 27211GL-R/Wtwo access roadsState-owned school land located in portions of Section 36, T36N R4W and Section 36, T36N R5W, MDM, northeast of Lakehead9603.2ShastaInitialized