
Meeting Date: 2023-08-17

Item/Link Name Work Order/App Number Lease/Permit Type Improvements Location Lease/Permit Number Other County Status
1Lee and Barbara Arioto, Trustees; Kristie Carline and John H. Kennedy, Trustees; Mark Kennedy Allen, Trustee; and Michael J. Allen, TrusteeA4103General Lease-Recreational Usetwo mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 5240 West Lake Boulevard, Homewood9747PlacerPending
2Alan K. Austin, Trustee; Marianne P. Austin, Trustee; and Eric S. O’ Brien and Suzanne D. O’ Brien, Trustees, joint-use pier, two boat lifts and four mooring buoysA4028General Lease-Recreational Usejoint-use pier, two boat lifts and four mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 850 and 860 West Lake Boulevard, near Tahoe City5801PlacerPending
3City of PetalumaA3545General Lease-Public Agency Usevehicle and pedestrian bridge, known as the D Street BridgePetaluma River, Petaluma7955SonomaPending
4City of PetalumaA3725General Lease-Public Agency Usetwo uncovered floating boat docks and three gangways; a platform, ramp, gangway, and utility conduits to accommodate electric and water lines; and extension of one uncovered floating boat dock, 14 pilings, and a floathouse, periodic maintenance dredgPetaluma River, at the Petaluma River Turning Basin, city of Petaluma5607SonomaPending
5ELGH 1 LLC, a California Limited Liability Company; Purple Hour, LLC, a California limited liability company; 3755 BELLEVIEW, LLC, a California Limited Liability CompanyA3231General Lease-Recreational Usejoint-use pier, two boat lifts, and three mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 3755, 3765, and 3775 Belleview Avenue, near Homewood3599PlacerPending
6Scott Grant Douglass and Cara Eva Douglass, Co-TrusteesA3768General Lease-Recreational Usepier and two mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 8425 Meeks Bay Avenue, near Meeks Bay5622El DoradoPending
7Bradley A. Geier and Cathy C. Geier, TrusteesA4120General Lease-Recreational Usetwo mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 2750 West Lake Boulevard, near Tahoe City9101PlacerPending
8William P. Walsh and Margret M. WalshA4108General Lease-Recreational Usepier, boathouse with boat hoist, sundeck with stairs, and one mooring buoyLake Tahoe, adjacent to 6073 North Lake Boulevard, near Carnelian Bay4056PlacerPending
9Joseph A. McCarthy, Trustee; and John F. Brennan and Lisa BrennanA2160, A3538General Lease-Recreational Usejoint-use pier with two adjustable catwalks, deck lighting, and electrical service, two boat lifts, and four mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 4170 and 4176 Ferguson Avenue, near Carnelian Bay3652PlacerPending
10The Napa Yacht Club Homeowners AssociationA4081General Lease-Dredgingmaintenance dredge a maximum of 5,000 cubic yards (cy) of sediment over a 10-year period to maintain a navigable depthNapa River at the entrance channel to the Napa Yacht Harbor marina, Napa9748NapaPending
11Mark B. Nelson, Trustee of the Wilborn Children’s Trust and Lorie L. Wilborn, Trustee of the Nelson Heritage TrustGeneral Lease-Recreational Usepier, boat lift and one mooring buoyLake Tahoe, adjacent to 4200 North Lake Boulevard, near Carnelian Bay5353PlacerPending
12Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyGeneral Lease-Right of Way Use16-inch-diameter steel Horizontal Directionally Drilled pipeline to transport natural gas; and decommissioning and removal of two existing parallel 12-inch-diameter gas pipelinesPetaluma River, adjacent to 3393 Petaluma Boulevard South, near Petaluma9757SonomaPending
12Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyGeneral Lease-Right of Way Use37 pipelines; transportation, distribution, and gathering pipelines to transport natural gasSacramento River, Colusa and Butte County; Sacramento River, Butte and Glenn County; Sacramento River, Colusa and Sutter County; Feather River, Sutter and Yuba County; Sacramento River, Sacramento and Yolo County; Petaluma River, Sonoma County; Napa5438-BButte, Colusa, Glenn, Merced, Napa, Sacramento, San Joaquin, SolanoPending
13Sandro Sangiacomo and Jeanne M. SangiacomoGeneral Lease-Recreational Usepier, boathouse with boat lift, sundeck with stair, boat hoist and two mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 4190 Ferguson Avenue, near Carnelian Bay5122PlacerPending
14Second Manassas, LLC, a California Limited Liability CompanyGeneral Lease-Recreational Usepier, boat lift, adjustable catwalk and ramp, and one mooring buoyLake Tahoe, adjacent to 833 Stateline Avenue, South Lake Tahoe5281El DoradoActive
15Sierraglow Ltd.General Lease-Recreational Usepier, boat lift and three mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 6770 West Lake Boulevard, near Homewood4923PlacerPending
16Smith River AllianceGeneral Lease-Otherrestoration and rehabilitation of the bed and backwater of the Smith River channel for riparian habitat enhancementSmith River Estuary Backwater, near Smith River9749Del NortePending
17Sonoma Resource Conservation DistrictGeneral Lease-Dredgingmaintenance dredge 10,000 cubic yards of material per 2,500 linear feet of adjacent levee, per parcel, per year, but not to exceed a maximum of 75,000 cubic yards sediment annually over the 5-year lease termbeds of San Pablo Bay, Petaluma River, San Antonio Creek, Novato Creek, Sonoma Creek, Tolay Creek, Napa Slough, Second Napa Slough, Third Napa Slough, Hudeman Slough, Steamboat Slough, Schell Slough, and Railroad Slough6675Marin, SonomaActive
18Stellar Nevada KB, LLC, a Nevada Limited Liability CompanyA4102General Lease-Recreational Useone mooring buoyLake Tahoe, adjacent to 8656 Brockway Vista Avenue, near Kings Beach9750Placer
19Laurie Struck, Trustee; Shell Lane LLC, a Delaware limited liability company; and Los Esteros Associates, Limited Partnership AgreementGeneral Lease-Recreational Usejoint-use pierLake Tahoe, adjacent to 5070, 5080, and 5090 West Lake Boulevard, Homewood9751PlacerPending
20Tahoe City Public Utility DistrictPermit-Public Agency Usepublic recreational boating facility; one public pier with floating dock; one boat launching ramp; and fill; periodic maintenance dredging of a maximum of approximately 200 cubic yards of material per episodeLake Tahoe, adjacent to 2500 Lake Forest Road, near Tahoe City2754PlacerPending
21Tahoe Meadows, a Corporation dba Tahoe Meadows AssociationA3212General Lease-Recreational Use46 mooring buoys, swim float, and swim areaLake Tahoe, South Lake Tahoe4268El DoradoPending
22W. Group Holding IV, LLCA3986General Lease-Recreational Usepier, boathouse, and two boat liftsLake Tahoe, adjacent to 4260 North Lake Boulevard, near Carnelian Bay4182PlacerPending
23Michael J. Arnold, TrusteeA3967General Lease-Recreational Useboat dock, utilities, three pilings, gangway, and boat liftSacramento River, adjacent to 10437 Garden Highway, near Sacramento8608SutterPending
24BB Antioch, LLC, a California limited liability company, as to an undivided 50% tenant-in-common interest; and Antioch Real Estate Member, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, as to an undivided 50% tenant-in-common interestA3899General Lease-Industrial Usenon-operational cooling water intake facility; two 12-foot-diameter water intake pipelines 354-feet in length and appurtenances and support structures, and a non-operational offloading barge dock facility, comprised of a 300-foot barge dock, six 7-piSan Joaquin River, adjacent to 3201 Wilbur Avenue, Antioch415Contra CostaPending
25Aaron Beaver and Natalie Beaver, TrusteesA3827General Lease-Recreational Useboat dock, five steel pilings, and a gangwaySacramento River, adjacent to 14400 State Highway 160, Walnut Grove8625SacramentoPending
26Frank Mario Carson, Jr.A3913General Lease-Recreational and Protective Structure Useboat dock with gangway, utilities, strong arm, deadman with two pilings, two personal watercraft floats, and bank protectionSacramento River, adjacent to 6057 Garden Highway, near Sacramento9044SacramentoPending
27City of PacificaA3726General Lease-Public Agency Userock revetmentPacific Ocean, adjacent to 528 through 572 Esplanade Avenue, Pacifica8438San MateoPending
28City of StocktonA3109General Lease-Public Agency Usesewer pipelinesTwelve Mile Slough, Ten Mile Slough, San Joaquin River, and the Stockton Deep Water Channel, Stockton7632San JoaquinPending
29Dunard Fund USA, Ltd., an Illinois not-for-profit corporationA3864General Lease-Right of Way UseAccess Way For Ingress And Egress And The Passage Of Vehicles, Utilities, Equipment And PedestriansSan Francisco Bay adjacent to the shoreline and from the shoreline to Third Avenue, in the cities of Foster City and San Mateo5363San MateoPending
30First Aquatic Data Systems, LLC, a Delaware limited liability companyA3868General Lease-Right of Way Useaccess way for ingress and egress and the passage of vehicles, utilities, equipment, and pedestriansSan Francisco Bay adjacent to the shoreline and from the shoreline to Third Avenue, in the cities of Foster City and San Mateo; Parcel B-8 to Third Avenue5362San MateoPending
31Georgia-Pacific Gypsum, LLC, A Delaware Limited Liability CompanyA3706General Lease-Industrial Useexisting industrial docking and offloading facilities and ancillary improvements; and the removal and replacement of industrial wharf componentsfilled and unfilled sovereign land located in the San Joaquin River, adjacent to 801 Minaker Drive, Antioch1589Contra CostaPULLED
32James R. Hanley and Kathryn R. Hanley, TrusteesA3905General Lease-Recreational and Protective Structure Useboat dock, ramp, walkway, two pilings, electric and water conduit, and bulkhead, personal watercraft float and boat liftCalaveras River, adjacent to 4357 Yacht Harbor Drive, near Stockton4669San JoaquinPending
33Paula C. Henderson and Pamela C. HendersonA2866General Lease-Recreational and Protective Structure Useboat dock, gangway, boat launch ramp, portion of deck, and bank protectionSteamboat Slough, adjacent to 13922 Grand Island Road, near Walnut Grove6977SacramentoPending
34Knob Hill Mines Inc.General Lease-Right of Way Usevehicular traffic bridge and copper telecommunications cable in conduitLindsey Slough, near Rio Vista3323SolanoActive
35Christopher Lanzafame and Nancy D. LanzafameA3793General Lease-Recreational Usethree boat docks, three gangways, and 12 pilingsSpoonbill Slough, near Pittsburg4938SolanoPending
36Marathon PetroleumA3837General Lease-Dredgingdredge a maximum of 25,000 c.y. of material over the term of the leaseCarquinez Strait at Marathon Avon Marine Oil Terminal, near Martinez8551Contra CostaActive
37Jeffrey A. Omand and Diane Deary Omand, TrusteesA4094General Lease-Recreational Useboat dock, gangway, two pilings, two-pile dolphin, boat lift, and personal watercraft floatSacramento River, adjacent to 6770 Arabella Way, Sacramento8490SacramentoPending
38Phillips 66 CompanyW 25376 D, A3713General Lease-Industrial Usemarine terminal for loading and unloading tank vessels and barges; water intake lines; water diffuser line; and a butane tank and storage area; dredge and remove a maximum of 90,000 c.y. annuallySan Pablo Bay, town of Rodeo600Contra CostaPending
39Reclamation District 2108A4033General Lease-Public Agency Usedredge of a maximum of 22,000 cubic yards (cy) of sediment over a 5-year period to maintain a navigable depth, and installation of three marker buoysSan Joaquin River at the entrance to Tinsley Island, near Stockton9752San JoaquinPending
40Riverbank Holding Company LLCGeneral Lease-Commercial Usecommercial marina known as Riverbank Marina, consisting of 132 covered berths, 25 uncovered berths, outside side-tie docks accommodating approximately 19 boats, an inside side-tie dock accommodating approximately nine boats, a sewage pumpout dock, deSacramento River, adjacent to 1371 Garden Highway, city of Sacramento6427SacramentoActive
41Brennan Michael Rose, Trustee; and Ragen Rachelle Ortland, TrusteeA4053General Lease-Recreational and Protective Structure Useboat dock, gangway, two boat lifts, six pilings, and bank protectionSteamboat Slough, adjacent to 13914 Grand Island Road, Walnut Grove7023SacramentoPending
42Wickland Pipelines LLC, a California limited liability companyA3639General Lease-Right of Way Useone 12-inch diameter jet fuel pipelineSacramento River8415Yolo SacramentoActive
43John O. Wyatt, TrusteeA3457General Lease-Recreational Useboat dock, two pilings, water utility and gangwaySacramento River, adjacent to 14060 State Highway 160, near Walnut Grove7604SacramentoPending
44City of San ClementeA3750General Lease-Public Agency UseDredging of the Pacific Ocean from borrow site designated SO-9 near Oceanside; placement of a 50-foot-wide beach fill along an approximately 3,400-foot-long stretch of shoreline in the City of San Clemente with 251,000 cubic yards (cy) of compatiblePacific Ocean, near San Clemente and Oceanside9753Orange, San DiegoActive
45City of Solana BeachA3953General Lease-Public Agency Usedeposition of a maximum of 150,000 cubic yards of sand annually at Fletcher Cove under the City of Solana Beach Opportunistic Beach Fill ProgramPacific Ocean, near Fletcher Cove, Solana Beach7938San DiegoPending
46Helga Fritz, as TrusteeA3928General Lease-Protective Structure Usea 108-foot-long by 35-foot-high seawall and a portion of a seacave/notch fillSovereign land located adjacent to 417 Pacific Avenue, Solana Beach8811San DiegoPending
47Del Junco Children's Investments, LLC, A California Limited Liability CompanyA4107General Lease-Recreational Useexisting boat dock, access ramp, and cantilevered decksovereign land located in the Main Channel of Huntington Harbour, adjacent to 16592 Somerset Lane, Huntington Beach3170OrangePULLED
48Bradley E. Mugg and Jill A. Mugg, as TrusteesA3314General Lease-Protective Structure Usesubmerged slope protectionmain channel of Huntington Harbour, adjacent to 3322 Venture Drive, Huntington Harbour8299OrangePending
49Phillips 66 CompanyGeneral Lease-Right of Way Useone 18-inch-diameter wastewater outfall pipeline and one abandoned 14-inch-diameter outfall pipelinePacific Ocean, adjacent to Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area1449San Luis ObispoActive
50Point Arguello Natural Gas Pipeline CompanyGeneral Lease-Right of Way Use20-inch diameter natural gas pipelinePacific Ocean, near Point Conception6943Santa BarbaraActive
51Point Arguello Pipeline Company (PAPCO)General Lease-Right of Way Use24-inch diameter oil pipeline for transportation of wet crude oil emulsion from Platform Hermosa to shorePacific Ocean, near Point Conception6942Santa BarbaraActive
52Lester A. Walker, III, and Maria Elena WalkerA3591General Lease-Recreational and Protective Structure Useboat dock, access ramp, cantilevered deck, and submerged slope protectionMain Channel of Huntington Harbour, adjacent to 3502 Venture Drive, Huntington Beach8966OrangePending
53California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)SA 5776Consider rescission of previous authorization and reauthorization, acting as trustee of the School Land Bank Fund, for the sale and subsequent issuance of a patent6.99-acres, more or less, of indemnity school lands located along State Highway 247 in Sections 3, 4, and 10, Township 3 North, Range 4 East, SBM, east of the community of Lucerne ValleySan BernardinoSale and Patent Issuance
54Heinz Ranch, LLC, Western Land Office, LLC, California State Lands Commission (Parties)Consider authorizing, acting as trustee of the School Land Bank Fund, the Honey Lake Access and Public Utilities Easement Exchange Agreement related to easements benefitting school landsnear Honey Lake in Sections 32, 33, 34, and 35, Township 28 North, Range 15 East, Sections 3, 4, 9, 13, 14, 15, 23, 25, and 27, Township 27 North, Range 15 East, and Sections 17, 18, and 20, Township 27 North, Range 16 East, MDMAD 691LassenEasement Exchange
55Karuk TribeA3459General Lease-Public Agency UseConsider rescission of previous Lease Authorization and reauthorization for installation and use of two fiber optic cableson State-owned indemnity school lands, in a portion of Section 28, T9N, R3E, HM along Bald Hills Road, located between Weitchpec and OrickHumboldtPULLED
56EGS Americas, IncorporatedPermit-Geological / Geophysical Survey Permitlow-energy geophysical surveysStatewide offshore, from the mean high tide line to 3 miles offshore including granted or ungranted tidelands and submerged lands9754StatewidePending
57SubCom, LLCPermit-Geological / Geophysical Survey Permitlow-energy geophysical surveysStatewide offshore, from the mean high tide line to 3 miles offshore including granted or ungranted tidelands and submerged lands.9755StatewidePending
58SubCom, LLCPermit-Geological Survey Permitcollection of geological information by utilizing percussion, grab, jet, vibracore, box core, and dart sampling methods. No activity or method employing rotary drillingStatewide offshore, from the mean high-tide line to 3 miles offshore including granted or ungranted tidelands and submerged lands.9756StatewidePending
59Salt River Construction Corporation (Party)W 27250Consider taking title to and authorizing the removal and disposal of three abandoned vessels, and authorizing staff to negotiate and enter a settlement agreement.on sovereign lands in Fraser Shoal, Broad SloughSacramento
60Claus von Wendel (Party)W 27250Consider taking title to and authorizing the removal and disposal of an abandoned vesselon sovereign lands in Mayberry Slough, near Donlon IslandSacramento
61Notice of Conference with Real Property NegotiatorInstructions to staff negotiators in Closed Session, pursuant to Government Code section 11126(c)(7), regarding entering into a lease amendment or other agreement for the extended use of existing offshore oil and gas pipelinestraversing state waters associated with the Santa Ynez Unit in federal waters offshore Santa Barbara CountyPRC 4977, PRC 7163Santa BarbaraInformational
62California State Lands CommissionDiscussion and possible action on state legislation relevant to the California State Lands Commission.StatewideInformational
63California State Lands Commission (Informational)Draft informational report on shoreline adaptation to climate change, describing the advantages and disadvantages of different shoreline protection strategies in relation to public trust tidelands and uses. The report makes recommendations for Commission staff to consider when reviewing lease applications for shoreline protection.StatewideInformational
64California State Lands Commission (Informational)Informational report updating the Commission on staff activities associated with offshore wind energy generation planning, including the release of the Port Readiness Plan and Workforce Development Readiness Plan, which will inform the AB 525 strategic plan for offshore wind energy development.StatewideInformational