
Meeting Date: 2020-02-28

Item/Link Name Work Order/App Number Lease/Permit Type Improvements Location Lease/Permit Number Other County Status
01David J. Moeller and Ann J. MoellerA2173GL-Recpier, boat lift, and two mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 4694 North Lake Boulevard, near Carnelian Bay4483.1PlacerNew Lease
02California Water Service CompanyGL-R/W30-inch diameter water pipeline attached to the Table Mountain Boulevard Bridge over the Feather RiverFeather River within Sections 7 and 18, T19N R4E, MDM, near OrovillePRC 5852.1ButteRent Review
03City of Point ArenaGL-PAfishing pier and 17 mooring buoys; two boat hoists, two product hoists, a small office with an adjoining public restroom and shower facility, stairs, gangway, adjustable boarding platform, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration weather aPacific Ocean at Arena Cove, adjacent to 810 Port Road, City of Point Arena194.1MendocinoRenewal
04Gail Cotton High, Trustee; et al.A2353GL-Recjoint-use pier, boat house with boat hoist, boat lift, and two mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 9872 and 9880 Pilot Circle, near Brockway6526.1PlacerRenewal
05Dennis B. Daughters, Trustee of the Dennis and Nancy Daughters Family TrustA2344GL-Rectwo mooring buoysLake Tahoe, Rubicon Bay, adjacent to 8445 Meeks Bay Avenue, near Meeks Bay7777.1PlacerRenewal
06Donald Everett Rhoades, Karen Hoffman Gilhuly, and Sheila Hoffman LeeA2340GL-Recpier, boathouse, and boat hoist; and one mooring buoy, a sundeck with stairs, and one boat hoistLake Tahoe, adjacent to 4260 West Lake Boulevard, near Homewood4225.1PlacerRenewal
07Lorraine K. Furchner Howard, Trustee; and Nicholas Allen Furchner, TrusteeGL-Rectwo mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 3250 Edgewater Drive, near Tahoe City8669.1PlacerNew Lease
08Peter Geremia, TrusteeA2331GL-Rectwo mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 3600 Idlewild Way, near Homewood8887.1PlacerRenewal
09Timothy Leigh Heyboer and Lisa Jo Heyboer, Trustees; et al.W 20846GL-Recsix mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 7442 and 7452 North Lake Boulevard, near Tahoe Vista9608.1PlacerLease Initialization
10Sharon Jennings, Trustee; Christopher B. Jennings, Trustee; and Michael C. Jennings, TrusteeA2313GL-Recpier, boat lift, and two mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 8429 Meeks Bay Avenue, near Tahoma3871.1El DoradoRenewal
11Carl JordanGL-Recpier with covered berth and six unattached pilingsPetaluma River, adjacent to 5638 Lakeville Highway, near Petaluma5693.1SonomaNew Lease
12Todd J. Kinion and Patrice A. Kinion, as TrusteesGL-Recpier and two mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 8387 Meeks Bay Avenue, near Meeks Bay5554.1El DoradoRenewal
13Bruce McLellan and Janet McLellanA2315GL-Rectwo mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 6230 West Lake Boulevard, near Homewood9609.1PlacerLease Initialization
14Reclamation District 2140W 27188GL-PArock slope protection and restoration of habitat on the waterside levee slopeSacramento River, along the east bank of the Sacramento River, beneath the Gianella Bridge, Hamilton City9606.9GlennLease Initialization
15RMC Pacific Materials, LLC, Successor by Conversion of RMC Pacific Materials, Inc.GL-Ind10-foot by 96-foot pier consisting of a 17-foot by 33-foot T-head and 16 pilings and overnight mooring of an excursion boatSacramento River, adjacent to 1501 South River Road, City of West SacramentoPRC 1992.1YoloQuitclaim Deed and Termination
16Steven J. Tonsfeldt and Christine D. TonsfeldtGL-Recpier, boat lift, and two mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 8775 Rubicon Drive, near Tahoma5729.1El DoradoNew Lease
17John R. Areias and Julie Noel SandinoA2158GL-Recboat dock, gangway, personal watercraft, and three pilingsSacramento River, adjacent to 13950 Highway 160, near Walnut Grove7692.1SacramentoNew Lease
185 Bros Marina, LLC, a California Limited Liability CompanyA2249GL-Comcommercial marina known as Brannan's Island Time Marina, including 148 berths and three accommodation docks, pilings, walkways, office, clubhouse, sewage pumpout, bridge and boat repair facilitySeven Mile Slough, adjacent to 1200 W. Brannan Island Road, near IsletonPRC 6855.1SacramentoAssignment
19California Resources Production Corp.GL-R/Wone two-inch diameter steel condensate pipeline and one six-inch diameter steel natural gas pipelineRoaring River Slough and Grizzly Slough, at Van Sickle IslandPRC 4270.1SolanoRent Review
20Cara A. Pellegrini, TrusteeA2184GL-Rec&PStwo boat docks, one debris deflector, four pilings, and ramp and bank protectionSacramento River, adjacent to 208 1st Street, Isleton5378.1SacramentoNew Lease
21Delta Marina Yacht Harbor, Inc.GL-Comrestaurant accommodation dock, gangway, ramp, nine pilings, fishing pier and bank protectionSacramento River, adjacent to 120 Marina Drive, Rio VistaPRC 3141.1SolanoRent Review
22Christopher C. Fogarty and Melissa FogartyA2286GL-Rec&PSboat dock, gangway, three-pile dolphin, one piling, and bank protectionSacramento River, adjacent to 6047 Garden Highway, near Sacramento5949.1SacramentoRenewal
23Linda J. Foley, TrusteeA2292GL-Rec&PSone-pile boat dock, two-pile dolphin, access ramp and bank protectionSacramento River, adjacent to 4181 Garden Highway, Sacramento5788.1SacramentoRenewal
24Georgia-Pacific Gypsum, LLCA2207GL-Dredgingone-time maintenance dredge of a maximum of 53,000 cubic yards of sediment with a single knockdown, or levelling, episode after the maintenance dredging episodeSan Joaquin River, adjacent to 801 Minaker Street, near Antioch8965.9Contra CostaRenewal
25Kathryn K. Jackson, Thomas B. Klein, and Steven D. Klein, Co-Trustees of the Survivor's TrustA2188GL-Rec&PSboat dock, boat lift, ramp, five pilings, and bank protectionhistoric bed of the San Joaquin River, adjacent to 11 Atherton Island, Stockton8851.1San JoaquinRenewal
26Mark Jungkeit and Karen JungkeitA2164GL-Rec&PSuncovered floating boat dock, gangway, stairs, anchor cables and bank protectionSacramento River, adjacent to 7105 Garden Highway, near Sacramento4621.1SacramentoNew Lease
27Eddie Albert Sanchez and Tammy Lee SanchezA2293GL-Rec&PSboat dock with boat lift, walkway, three pilings, a two-pile dolphin, a double personal watercraft ramp, one float, and bank protectionSacramento River, adjacent to 4229 Garden Highway, near Sacramento6670.1SacramentoNew Lease
28Las Gallinas Valley Sanitary DistrictA2200GL-PAtwo 24-inch-diameter stormwater outfall pipelines, headwall structure, and restoration of levee embankment behind the headwall structureSan Pablo Bay, near San RafaelPRC 6201.9MarinAmendment
29Turner Cut Resort and Marina Inc., a California corporationA2054GL-Comcommercial marina known as Turner Cut Resort, consisting of three covered docks with approximately 130 berths of various lengths with electrical and water hookups; two uncovered docks; two floating boathouses; five walkways; guest dock with finger; aWhiskey Slough, adjacent to 12864 Neugebauer Road, near StocktonPRC 4080.1San JoaquinAssignment
30Port of StocktonGL-PAnon-operational swing bridgeBurns Cutoff at Daggett Road, Rough and Ready Island, Stockton4376.1San JoaquinPulled
31Charmaine RamosA2275GL-Rec&PSboat dock with railing, gangway, two pilings, and bank protectionSacramento River, adjacent to 3017 Garden Highway, near Sacramento5645.1SacramentoNew Lease
32Reclamation District No. 1608A2117GL-Dredgingmaintenance dredging of a maximum of 60,000 cubic yards of sedimentFourteenmile Slough, near Stockton9610.9San JoaquinLease Initialization
33Sacramento Area Flood Control AgencyA2343GL-PAuse, maintenance, and right-of-way for access and staging purposes associated with rehabilitation of the Sacramento River East Leveewithin a portion of APN 024-0081-019 and an unnumbered parcel west of Riverside Boulevard, Sacramento9607.9SacramentoLease Initialization
34South Bay Yacht ClubGL-Comdocking and moorage facilitiesAlviso Slough (also called Guadalupe River), adjacent to 1491 Hope Street, near Alviso3979.1Santa ClaraRenewal
35Freda Strauss-Keltner, Jedediah Keltner, and Basil Colin HamblinA2242GL-Recone mooring buoyTomales Bay, adjacent to 19225 Highway 1, near Marshall9611.1MarinLease Initialization
36Fred E. Weibel, Jr. and Judith L. Weibel, as TrusteesA2364GL-Rec&PSboathouse with a boat lift, ramp, walkway, 28 pilings, and bulkhead protectionCalaveras River, adjacent to 4151 Yacht Harbor Drive, near Stockton4361.1San JoaquinRenewal
37Michael WilsonA2328GL-Recone mooring buoyTomales Bay, adjacent to 12938 Sir Francis Drake Boulevard, near Inverness9612.1MarinLease Initialization
38Cabrillo Power I, LLCA2299GL-Indextend the lease termPacific Ocean, adjacent to Agua Hedionda Lagoon, CarlsbadPRC 791.1San DiegoAmendment
39California Department of Fish and WildlifeGL-PAhabitat restoration, revegetation, and public recreationin the Goose Flats and Big Hole areas adjacent to Colorado River, near Blythe7191.9RiversideRenewal
40City of Los Angeles Department of Water and PowerGL-PAdust control measures using BACM's including managed vegetation, shallow flooding, and gravel; other improvements related to dust controlsovereign land on the dry lakebed of Owens LakePRC 8079.9InyoAmendment
41Matthew S. Goss, TrusteeA2177GL-Rec&PSboat dock, access ramp, cantilevered deck, and bulkhead protectionMain Channel of Huntington Harbour, adjacent to 16691 Carousel Lane, Huntington BeachPRC 8242.1OrangeAssignment
42Arthur Jan, Jr. and Bess K. Jeong, TrusteesA2155GL-Recboat dock and access rampMidway Channel of Huntington Harbour, adjacent to 16851 Marina Bay Drive, Huntington BeachOrangePulled
43Kenneth M. Walker and Tami L. Walker, TrusteesA2336GL-PSconcrete seawall with a wave deflection capPacific Ocean, adjacent to 3398 Pacific Coast Highway, near San BuenaventuraPRC 8126.1VenturaAssignment
44Santa Catalina Island CompanyGL-ComIsthmus Cove pier, Isthmus Cove barge landing, Catalina Harbor pier, Catalina Harbor dinghy dock pier, and Catalina Harbor concrete rampin the bed of the Pacific Ocean on the northeast side of Santa Catalina Island, adjacent to Isthmus Cove and Catalina Harbor6438.1Los AngelesRenewal
45Southern California Gas CompanyA2310GL-R/Wone 16-inch-diameter natural gas pipelineSouth Fork of the Kings River, near State Highway 414989.1KingsRenewal
46Ing Liong Wong, TrusteeA2174GL-Rec&PSboat dock, access ramp, cantilevered deck, and bulkhead protectionMain Channel of Huntington Harbour, adjacent to 16891 Bolero Lane, Huntington Beach3254.1OrangeNew Lease
47Geysers Power Company, LLCGL-R/Wone 12-inch-diameter above-ground steam pipeline and an unimproved access roadState indemnity school land in a portion of Section 6, T11N R8W, MDM, east of CloverdalePRC 6793.2LakeRent Review
48Southern California Edison CompanyGL-R/W33 kV (kilovolt) distribution lineState-owned school land in portions of Section 36, T20S R42E; Section 16, T20S R42E; Section 16, T21S R43E; Section 16, T22S R43E; Section 16, T23S R43E; and Section 16, T24S R43E, MDM, north of TronaPRC 2701.2InyoRent Review
49Bureau of Ocean Energy ManagementA2357Geological / Geophysical Survey Permitconducts subsea surveys and mappingoffshore waters throughout California9613.9StatewideLease Initialization
50CSLCW 30214; Bid Log 2019-013EO to solicit proposals for consultant services, negotiate fair and reasonable prices, award and execute agreements, for the abandonment of legacy oil and gas wellsSummerland BeachSanta Barbara, Ventura
51Cinquini and Passarino, Inc.A2296Geological / Geophysical Survey Permitconduct low-energy geophysical surveysoffshore waters throughout California9614.9StatewideLease Initialization
52Rascal Lithium LLCA2330Prospecting Permitapproximately 640 acres of State-owned 100 percent reserved mineral interest, school land, within Section 36, T27N R4E, SBM, about 8 miles northwest of Death Valley Junction9516.2InyoPulled
53The Regents of the University of California, San Diego / Scripps Institution of OceanographyA2281Geological / Geophysical Survey Permitperform low-energy geophysical surveys of the ocean bottomState sovereign land, including granted and ungranted tide and submerged lands, under the jurisdiction of CSLCPRC 9094.9StatewideRenewal
54U.S. Geological SurveyA2332Geological / Geophysical Survey Permitperform low-energy geophysical surveys of the ocean bottomState sovereign land, including granted and ungranted tide and submerged lands, under the jurisdiction of CSLCPRC 8394.9StatewideRenewal
55CSLCLegislative Report providing information and a status update concerning state legislation relevant to the CommissionStatewideInformational
56CSLCInformational update on efforts to develop the Commission's 2021-2025 Strategic Plan and to solicit comments and suggestions from stockholdersStatewideInformational
57Port of Long Beach and Port of Los Angeles (Trustees)Presentation on the San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Air Action PlanStatewideInformational
58Legislative Analyst's OfficePresentation on the recent report, Preparing for Rising Seas: How the State Can Help Support Local Coastal Adaptation EffortsStatewideInformational
59CSLCInformational update on progress of AB-691 (Muratsuchi) Chapter 592, Statutes of 2013; P.R.C. section 6311.5 State granted trust lands and sea-level riseStatewideInformational
60CSLCSupport the federal Regional Ocean Partnership Act (H.R. 5390 and S. 2166) that would formally authorize regional ocean partnerships as partners with the federal government and provide partnerships with more consistent fundingStatewide
61CSLCSponsor legislation in the 2019-20 legislative session that would repeal obsolete school land statutes and recast or modernize other school land statutesStatewide
62CSLCSponsor legislation in the 2019-20 legislative session to remove the $300 million cap in the Oil Trust Fund, resuming monthly deposits of $2 million from Long Beach oil operation revenues until the Fund reaches a balance that will cover the State's projected abandonment liabilitiesStatewide
EO RptAT&T Corp.GL-R/Wone 3.75-inch diameter steel conduit and one 1.25-inch fiber optic cablePRC 8154.1San Luis ObispoRent Review
EO RptCALNEV Pipe Line, LLCGL-R/Wone 8-inch diameter underground petroleum pipeline and one 14-inch diameter underground petroleum pipelinetwo parcels of State school land in portions of Tract 37, T16N R11E, and Section 16, T16N R13E, SBM, near Valley WellsPRC 2702.2San BernardinoRent Review
EO RptEl Paso Natural Gas CompanyGL-R/W30-inch diameter natural gas pipeline, known as Line No. 1903State indemnity school land in Sections 26 and 27, T9N R2E, SBM, southeast of BarstowPRC 7527.2San BernardinoRent Review
EO RptDavid M. Ingram and Mary V. IngramGL-Rec&PSuncovered floating single-berth boat dock with boat lift, gangway, dolphin, two pilings and bank protectionSacramento River, adjacent to 7045 Garden Highway, city of SacramentoPRC 5523.1SacramentoRent Review
EO RptPC Landing Corp., a wholly-owned subsidiary of NTT Communications CorporationGL-R/Wtwo 5.25-inch-diameter steel conduits and two fiber optic cablesin the Pacific Ocean, offshore of the city of Grover BeachPRC 8152.1San Luis ObispoRent Review
EO RptSFPP L.P.GL-R/W12-inch diameter underground pipeline housing an 8-inch diameter conduit with three 1.5-inch innerducts, one of which contains a single fiber optics cable having 96 hair-thin glass fibersState indemnity school lands in Section 30, T9S R13E; Section 12, T9S R11E, SBM, Imperial County; and Section 34, T8S R11E, SBM, Riverside County, northwest of NilandPRC 8150.2Imperial, RiversideRent Review