
Meeting Date: 2016-08-09

Item/Link Name Work Order/App Number Lease/Permit Type Improvements Location Lease/Permit Number Other County Status
EO RptRonald R. Rott, TrusteeGL-REC+PSuncovered floating boat dock, stairs, two deadman and cables, gangway and bank protectionSacramento River, adjacent to 4145 Garden Highway, near the city of SacramentoPRC 6088SacramentoRent Review
C01City of PetalumaGL-PAtwo uncovered floating boat docks and three gangways; a platform, ramp, gangway, and utility conduits to accommodate electric and water lines; and extension of one uncovered floating boat dock, eight pilings, and a floathousePetaluma River, at the Petaluma River Turning Basin, city of PetalumaPRC 5607SonomaTermination and New Lease
C02David Michael Lancisi and Janine LancisiGL-RECpierDonner Lake, adjacent to 14106 South Shore Drive, near the town of TruckeePRC 7851NevadaNew Lease
C03Feather River Recreation and Park DistrictGL-PApublic park and associated facilities, consisting of bike paths and jogging trails; a boat dock, launching ramp, parking lot, disc golf course, four covered pavilions with barbecues, three multi-use fields, three kiosks with cement picnic tables, Feather River, adjacent to a public park, known as Riverbend Park, near the city of OrovillePRC 6751ButteNew Lease
C05Sutter Butte Flood Control AgencyW 26988GL-PArock slope protectionFeather River, near the city of GridleyPRC 9349ButteInitialized
C06Michael E. Raney, TrusteeGL-RECpier and two mooring buoys, marine rail, and three freshwater intake pipelinesLake Tahoe, adjacent to 7701 State Highway 89, Meeks BayPRC 4266El DoradoNew Lease
C07John V. BautistaGL-RECtwo mooring buoysLake Tahoe, adjacent to 628 Olympic Drive, near Tahoe CityPRC 9326PlacerAssignment
C08Linda County Water DistrictGL-PA18-inch diameter effluent pipeline, a 30-inch-diameter effluent pipeline evaporation/percolation pond, inlet effluent pipeline to evaporation/percolation pond, and roads; a 30-inch-diameter effluent pipeline replacing the existing 18-inch-diameter filled sovereign land in the historic bed of the Feather River, adjacent to 909 Myrna Avenue, near OlivehurstPRC 5292Sutter YubaTermination and New Lease
C04Jan Cohn Stearns and Esther Marion Stearns, TrusteesW 26943GL-Recpier and boat liftDonner Lake, adjacent to 14722 South Shore Drive, near the town of TruckeePRC 9348NevadaInitialized
C09City of MarysvilleGL-PAsewage treatment facilities, a 30-inch-diameter effluent pipeline, a 12-inch-diameter effluent pipeline, a 36-inch-diameter effluent pipeline, and evaporation/percolation ponds; a 18-inch-diameter effluent pipeline replacing the existing 12-inch-dFeather River and filled sovereign land in the historic bed of the Yuba River, in the city of MarysvillePRC 5543YubaTermination and New Lease
C10U.S. Bureau of ReclamationGL-PAclean gravel for the rehabilitation and restoration of King Salmon and winter-run Chinook Salmon spawning grounds; dredging; creation of nearshore benchesSacramento River, near the city of ReddingPRC 5482Shasta TehamaAmendment
C132101-2603 Wilbur LLCGL-INDnon-operational maintenance pier, two dolphins, a 42-inch-diameter water intake pipeline, one 18-inch and one 26-inch-diameter discharge pipeline and diffusers, and a 36-inch-diameter effluent pipelineSan Joaquin River, adjacent to 2301 Wilbur Road, near the city of Antioch, and West IslandPRC 4813Contra Costa SacramentoRescission, Assignment and Amendment
C15Burlingame Bay LLCGL-COMsegment of the San Francisco Bay Trail, including landscaping, paved walkways, bike paths, viewing areas, benches, trash containers, and commercial parkingfilled and partially filled tidelands in San Francisco Bay, adjacent to the Sanchez Channel and Burlingame Lagoon, BurlingamePRC 6127San MateoAmendment
C142101-2603 Wilbur LLCGL-INDnon-operational industrial pier, two five-pile dolphins, a maintenance pier, water intake pipeline, electrical substation, storm water outfall, instrumentation shed, three day beacons, and surge basinSan Joaquin River, adjacent to 2301 Wilbur Road, near the city of AntiochPRC 1546Contra CostaRescission, Assignment and Amendment
C12John H. and Grayce A. BroughtonGL-REC+PSuncovered floating boat dock, deck, pilings, ramp, and bank protectionSteamboat Slough, adjacent to 3427 Snug Harbor, on Ryer Island, near Walnut GrovePRC 6503SolanoRenewal
C11Christopher Charles Schimunek and Brigilin Robante Schimunek, TrusteesGL-REC+PSuncovered double-berth U-shaped floating boat dock with boat lift, floating boat dock, gangway with railings, eight pilings, and electric and water utility outlets, and bank protectionGeorgiana Slough, adjacent to 401 West Willow Tree Lane, near the city of IsletonPRC 5159SacramentoAssignment
C16Burlingame Bay Park Hotel LLCW 26981GL-Rec+PSmaintenance of site and information collectionSan Francisco Bay, city of Burlingame San MateoPulled
C17City of SacramentoGL-PALease:docks, walkways, access ramps, floating vessels and any other structure necessary or appurtenant to the development of the lease premises and for the mooring of vessels consistent with the Lessee's approved Docks Master Plan; Sublease:operatinSacramento River in Old Sacramento, between the I Street bridge and Tower bridge, city of SacramentoPRC 7001SacramentoAssignment
C18City of ModestoW 26959GL-PAa recycled-water conveyance pipelinecrossing the current channel of the San Joaquin River and the possible historic channel of the river, city of ModestoPRC 9350StanislausInitialized
C19Tuolumne River Conservancy, Inc., a California Nonprofit CorporationGL-Otherrestoration and rehabilitation of the bed of the Tuolumne River channel and associated floodplain to improve wildlife and aquatic habitatTuolumne River channel and floodplain at Bobcat Flat, approximately five river miles west of the community of La Grange near River Mile 43PRC 8609StanislausNew Lease
C21Frank G. StathosGL-REC+PSboathouse with boat lift, floating boat dock, gangway, two pilings, two-pile dolphin and bank protectionSacramento River, adjacent to 961 Piedmont Drive near the city of SacramentoPRC 8534SacramentoRenewal
C20Douglas Hanford and David CasellaW 26973GL-RECone mooring buoyTomales Bay, adjacent to 19225 State Route 1, near the town of MarshallPRC 9351MarinInitialized
C22James BlairW 26970GL-RECone mooring buoyTomales Bay, adjacent to 19225 State Route 1, near the town of MarshallPRC 9352MarinInitialized
C25Mark Bartolini and Varian BartoliniW 26971GL-RECone mooring buoyTomales Bay, adjacent to 178 Camino Del Mar, near the town of InvernessPRC 9355MarinInitialized
C24Lorca RossmanW 26972GL-RECone mooring buoyTomales Bay, adjacent to 18255 State Route 1, near the town of MarshallPRC 9354MarinInitialized
C23Joan E. Carlson and Mark RopersW 26975GL-RECone mooring buoyTomales Bay, adjacent to 18555 State Route 1, near the town of MarshallPRC 9353MarinInitialized
C26Steven Schwanke and Barbara Schwanke, as TrusteeW 26974GL-RECone mooring buoyTomales Bay, adjacent to 22665 State Route 1, near the town of MarshallPRC 9356MarinInitialized
C27Central California Irrigation DistrictW 26956GL-PA36-inch-diameter reinforced concrete water pipelineSan Joaquin River, near the city of Dos PalosPRC 9357Fresno MaderaInitialized
C28City of Seal BeachGL-PApier with a lifeguard tower, 750-foot long concrete sheet pile groin, maintenance building, storage building, restaurant, public restroom, picnic area, raised planter areas with retaining walls, three parking lots, and a tot lot with a perimeter walPacific Ocean, city of Seal BeachPRC 3792OrangeRenewal and Subleases
C29San Joaquin River Parkway and Conservation Trust, Inc.GL-Otherremoval of non-native, invasive exotic plants and native plant revegetationbelow the ordinary low water mark in the San Joaquin River, between Friant Dam and the confluence of the Merced RiverPRC 8162Fresno Madera Merced StanislausCorrection
C30Thomas R. Burman and Bari Dreiband Burman, TrusteesPL-PS120-foot long by 12-foot high seawall with a 9-foot long by 12-foot high return wall surfaced with a 3- to 6-inch concrete veneerPacific Ocean, adjacent to 5297 Austin Road, city of Santa BarbaraPRC 5809Santa BarbaraRenewal
C31Orange County Flood Control DistrictW 26927GL-Dredgingmaintenance dredgingin the lower Santa Ana River in the city of Seal Beach, and deposition of dredged materials at a receiver site at North Beach in the city of San ClementePRC 9358OrangeInitialized
C32Bin XuGL-RECboat dock, access ramp and cantilevered deckHuntington Harbour, adjacent to 16801 Bolero Lane, city of Huntington BeachPRC 3859OrangeCorrection
C33Frank R. and Joanne C. Warren, Trustees GL-PSrock riprap revetmentSan Dieguito River, city of Del Mar; 3010 Sandy LanePRC 7899 San DiegoPulled
34Margaret Ann Hohly, TrusteeGL-Otherboat dock, access ramp, and cantilevered deck with enclosure, extending no more than five feet waterward of the bulkheadHuntington Harbour, adjacent to 16931 Bolero Lane, city of Huntington BeachPRC 3244OrangeDeferred
C35Marilyn M. Donovan, as TrusteeGL-RECboat dock and access rampHuntington Harbour, adjacent to 3402 Gilbert Drive, city of Huntington BeachPRC 3175OrangeNew Lease
C36Gilbert Island Property LLC, a California Limited Liability CompanyGL-RECboat dock, access ramp and cantilevered deck extending no more than 5 feet waterward of the bulkheadHuntington Harbour, adjacent to 16572 Somerset Lane, city of Huntington BeachPRC 3168OrangeTermination and New Lease
C37Robin A. BeesoGL-RECboat dock, access ramp and cantilevered deck extending no more than 5 feet waterward of the bulkheadHuntington Harbour, adjacent to 3262 Gilbert Drive, city of Huntington BeachPRC 3076OrangeRenewal
C38California Resources Petroleum CorporationGL-R/Wtwo non-operational 12-inch diameter seawater intake pipelines and one non-operational 12-inch diameter outfall pipelinePacific Ocean, near Emma Wood State BeachPRC 3913VenturaNew Lease
C39City of ReedleyGL-PAbridge with sewer and water main pipes, with internal utility conduits (Southern Cal Gas, Comcast, Verizon) and potential Abandonment In Place of existing piers and pilingsKings River at Manning Avenue, in the city of ReedleyPRC 8956FresnoRent Review
C40Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyGL-Otherfour temporary and four long-term ocean bottom seismometers and an approximately 11.4-mile-long, two-inch diameter data/power transfer cablePacific Ocean adjacent to Diablo Canyon Power PlantPRC 8985San Luis ObispoAmendment
C42City of Los Angeles Department of Water and PowerGL-PAdust control measures using BACM's including managed vegetation, shallow flooding, and gravel; other improvements related to dust controlsovereign land in the dry lake bed of Owens Lake, near the town of KeelerPRC 8079InyoAmendment
C41Southern California Edison CompanyGL-Otherartificial kelp reef:quarry rock and recycled concrete reef modules with attached kelpPacific Ocean, offshore San Clemente State Beach, near the city of San ClementePRC 8097OrangeRent Review
C43Bonneville Power AdministrationW 26977GL-R/Wunpaved access roadState-owned school land within a portion of Section 16 (Lot 4), T48N R6E, MDM, near the California-Oregon borderPRC 9359ModocInitialized
C44Plumas-Sierra Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc.GL-R/Woverhead 120 Kv transmission line, two overhead 7.2 Kv distribution lines, one overhead 69 Kv transmission line, and a fiber optic communications lineIndemnity school lands in Section 3, 10, 11 and 12, T26N R16E and Section 7, T26N R17E, MDM, near the community of HerlongPRC 8945LassenRent Review
C46University of California, Santa BarbaraW 6005.167Geol / Geoph Survey Pmttide and submerged lands within Permit Region IIPRC 9361Santa BarbaraInitialized
C45Green Diamond Resource CompanyW 26987GL-R/Wunimproved logging roadState-owned lieu land within the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 28, T9N R3E, HBM, northwest of HoopaPRC 9360HumboldtInitialized
C47San Joaquin County Public Works DepartmentW 6005.168Geol Survey Pmtsovereign land in the North Fork Mokelumne RiverPRC 9362Sacramento San JoaquinInitialized
C49Ecosystems Management Associates, Inc.Geoph Survey PmtStatewide Offshore, within Permit Regions I, II, III and IVPRC 8536Statewide Coastal OffshoreRenewal
C48United States Geological SurveyGeoph Survey PmtStatewide Offshore, within Permit Regions I, II, III and IVPRC 8394Statewide Coastal OffshoreRenewal
C50Island Energy Partners, LLCO&G Leasein the bed of Piper Slough; in the bed of False River, Serpent Slough and Short SloughPRC 7318 PRC 7657Contra CostaWaive Penalty and Interest on Rent and Royalty
C51Hi-Grade Materials CompanyMin Extraction LseState fee-owned school land in Lots 10, 11 and 12, all within Section 30, T4N R1E, SBM, east of Victorville in a remote area of Lucerne Valley in the Mojave DesertPRC 8831San BernardinoRenewal and Amendment
C52Gildred Solar, LLCW 40983 DOther Auth Useapproximately 280 acres of State 100 percent reserved mineral interest school lands, about 5 miles south of the community of Ocotillo Wells, in Section 36, T12S R8E, SBMPRC 9363San DiegoInitialized
C53CSLCW 9777.291 W 9777.234Adopt regulations to implement an enforcement and hearing process for the Marine Invasive Species ProgramStatewide
55CSLCLegislative report providing information and a status update concerning state legislation relevant to CSLCStatewideInformational
C54City of Sacramento, a municipal corporation, and the Redevelopment Agency Successor AgencyW 26265 G 21-01BLA to establish an agreed common boundary line between City owned properties, Redevelopment Agency Successor Agency owned properties and state sovereign landsSacramento River, in SacramentoAD 660Sacramento
56Broad Beach Geologic Hazard Abatement DistrictW 26420GL-PSportions of rock revetment shoreline protective structures; relocation of portions of revetment along the eastern end; placement of up to 1,425,000 cubic yards of sand within the Lease Premisessovereign land in the Pacific Ocean, city of MalibuPRC 9364Los AngelesInitialized
60Port of Long BeachG 05-03Informational update on the Port of Long Beach community impact study and potential mitigation measures to address direct impacts of port-related operations on neighboring communitiesLos AngelesInformational
58CSLCW 25306AInformational briefing on the Bolsa Chica Lowlands Restoration 10-year Anniversary Celebration and adopt resolution commemorating the Amigos de Bolsa Chich for 40 years of advocacy to restore and preserve the Bolsa Chica wetlandsBolsa Chica wetlands, in the city of Huntington BeachOrange
59Port of Los AngelesG 05-04Informational update on the Port of Los Angeles' management of its granted public trust lands and resourcesLos AngelesInformational
57Rincon Island Limited Partnership O&G LeasesTermination of Oil and Gas Leases PRC 145 PRC 410 PRC 1466 VenturaPulled
61CSLCAdopt a Commission Tribal Consultation PolicyStatewide