Commission Meetings

The Commission holds public meetings throughout the year both virtually and at different locations throughout the state. All Commission meetings are open to the public and broadcast live via webcast. Every meeting is publicly noticed with an agenda posted at least ten days prior to the meeting. Staff reports are prepared for each item and posted on the Commission’s website once they are finalized. The Commission may only act on items that are identified on the agenda.

Commission meeting dates, times, and locations are subject to change. Special meetings may be scheduled with ten days of public notice. Meeting locations will be announced as they become available. All persons and entities having applications or other business before the Commission will be automatically notified in accordance with state open meeting laws.

Receive Meeting Notices


2025 Meeting Schedule

All meetings will be held at noon unless otherwise noted.

  • Tuesday, February 25 in Sacramento
  • Wednesday, April 2
  • Friday, June 20
  • Thursday, August 21
  • Thursday, October 16
  • Tuesday, December 16 at 1:30 p.m.

Public Participation and Meeting Procedures

The public is encouraged to participate in the Commission's decision-making process. You can do this by attending the public meetings or by submitting a written comment before the meeting.

Submit a comment letter or email to the Commission

If your comment is related to an item on the agenda, please include that agenda item number in the subject line. If your comment is not on a specific item, please specify the area or project of concern.

Please submit written comments at least three business days before the meeting so the Commissioners have sufficient time to review comments before the meeting.

Letters, email correspondence, and other written materials should be submitted to the Commission no later than three business days before the meeting.

Please Note:

  • Comments you submit are public documents and will be posted on our website. Please do not include personal information such as your address, telephone number, or other information you do not want publicly released.
  • You are discouraged from submitting written materials to the Commission on the day of the meeting unless they are visual aids as it is difficult for Commissioners to thoroughly consider late submittals. No facsimiles, texts, or emails will be accepted at the meeting site. All non-procedural communications become part of the record.

Submit Comment via Email

Written materials may be submitted by mail to:
California State Lands Commission
100 Howe Avenue Suite 100-South
Sacramento, CA 95825

Speaker Sign-up, Presentations, and Time Limits

Anyone wishing to speak and provide a comment at a Commission meeting either in person or virtually must fill out an electronic Request to Speak form. This electronic Speaker Request form can be found on the Commission’s homepage once the staff reports have been published. When you are called to speak, please identify yourself and your affiliation for the record. Generally, each speaker will be allowed three minutes to speak; however, the Chair may set different time limits.

If you would like to use a PowerPoint presentation, slide show, video, or other visual aid as part of your public comment to the Commission, please email an electronic copy to the Commission at at least three days before the meeting.

All written materials provided to the Commission during the meeting (presentations, maps, etc.) are part of the public record and may be kept by the Commission.

Access to Meetings / Reasonable Accommodation

If you need reasonable accommodation to conduct business with the Commission for a disability, as defined by the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act and the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, please contact the Commission at 916.574.1800 or by email to at least five days before the meeting to arrange for such accommodation.

Sign Language Interpreter

A sign language interpreter will be provided upon advance notification of need by a deaf or hard of hearing person. Please contact the Commission at 711 (TTY) 916.574.1800 or by email at at least five days prior to the meeting to arrange for an interpreter.

Staff Reports and Exhibits

A written staff report is available for most items on this agenda. Please note that staff reports are posted as soon as available on the Commission’s website. The staff report and exhibits may be reviewed and downloaded. Past meetings, including staff reports and exhibits, transcripts, and webcasts, may also be viewed on the Commission’s Archives.

Meeting Archives

Once a meeting has occurred, the agenda/voting record, staff reports, meeting highlights, webcast, and transcript can be found in the Commission's Archives. The Archives contain all the Commission's staff reports dating to its first meeting in 1938.