Original Agenda Posted 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 21, 2024.
Regular Meeting
April 4, 2024
Port of Los Angeles
Harbor Administration Building
425 S. Palos Verdes Street
San Pedro, California 90731
12:00 p.m.
Live webcast available at www.cal-span.org
- Malia M. Cohen, Chair,
State Controller - Eleni Kounalakis, Member,
Lieutenant Governor - Joe Stephenshaw, Member,
Director of the Department of Finance
Voting Record
Commissioners Present
- Malia M. Cohen, State Controller (Kristina Kunkel, Deputy State Controller and Alternate, sat in for Introductions and a portion of the first public comment period)
- Dr. Matthew Dumlao, Chief of Staff and Alternate for Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis
- Michele Perrault, Chief Deputy Director and Alternate for Director of the Department of Finance Joe Stephenshaw
- The Minutes of the February 26, 2024 were approved by a vote of 3-0 (Cohen Yes; Dumlao Yes; Perrault Yes).
Consent Calendar
- Consent items 10 and 20 were removed from the agenda.
- Consent items 01-09, 11-19, and 21-49 were approved as presented by a vote of 3-0 (Cohen Yes; Dumlao Yes; Perrault Yes).
Informational Calendar
- Item 50 was informational, no vote required.
- Item 51 was informational, no vote required.
Regular Calendar
- Item 52 Staff presentation was made. The item was informational no vote required.
- Item 53 Staff presentation was made. The item was approved as presented by a vote of 3-0 (Cohen Yes; Dumlao Yes; Perrault Yes).
Agenda organization
Geographical breakdown by counties
- Northern Region Counties
Butte, Colusa, Del Norte, El Dorado, Glenn, Humboldt, Lassen, Mendocino, Modoc, Plumas, Lake, Napa, Nevada, Placer, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Sonoma, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity, Yolo, and Yuba. - Bay / Delta Region Counties
Alameda, Alpine, Amador, Calaveras, Contra Costa, Marin, Mono, Sacramento, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Joaquin, Solano, Stanislaus, and Tuolumne. - Central / Southern Region Counties
Fresno, Imperial, Inyo, Kern, Kings, Los Angeles, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, Monterey, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Benito, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Tulare, and Ventura.
Abbreviations and acronyms
- A and S references are to Assembly and Senate districts
- CEQA – California Environmental Quality Act
Order of Business
I. Open Session – 12:00 p.m.
II. Public Comment
Public comments will be heard for items not on the agenda, for no more than 30 minutes. At the discretion of the Chair, speakers will be given up to 3 minutes. For those unable to attend the early public comment period, there may be additional comment time available later in the day. Note: Comments made during the general public comment period regarding matters pending before the Commission do not become part of the official record for those matters.
III. Confirmation of Minutes for the February 26, 2024 meeting
IV. Executive Officer’s Report
Continuation of Rent Actions to be taken by the Executive Officer pursuant to the Commission’s Delegation of Authority:
- Delta Bay Club, LLC (Lessee)
Continuation of rent at $4,817 per year for a General Lease-Commercial Use located on State sovereign land in the San Joaquin River, near Isleton, Sacramento County. (PRC 7067)
Tomales Bay Assignment Actions to be taken by the Executive Officer pursuant to the Commission’s Delegation of Authority:
- No items for this section.
V. Consent Calendar 01-49
The following items are considered to be noncontroversial and are subject to change at any time up to the date of the meeting.
Land Management
Northern Region 01-17
Item | Summary |
01 | L. TIM ROCHFORD AND CAROL ROCHFORD (LESSEE); MICHAEL U. ALVAREZ AND NANCY L. ALVAREZ, TRUSTEES OF THE MICHAEL AND NANCY ALVAREZ 1999 FAMILY TRUST DATED SEPTEMBER 15, 1999 AS AMENDED AND RESTATED SEPTEMBER 21, 2001 (APPLICANT) Consider termination of Lease Number 7277, a General Lease – Recreational Use; and an application for a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 1340 West Lake Boulevard, near Tahoe City, Placer County; for an existing pier, two boathouses, three boat lifts, and boat hoist. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 7277; A4465; RA# 2023181) (A 1; S 1, 4) (Staff: M. Harless) |
02 | BARBARA C. THORTON, TRUSTEE OF THE BARBARA C. THORTON TRUST DATED SEPTEMBER 18, 2009 (LESSEE); SANDRA H. BARRETT AND JOHN P. BARRETT (APPLICANT) Consider termination of Lease Number 5316, a General Lease – Recreational Use and an application for a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 8748 Brockway Vista Avenue, Kings Beach, Placer County; for one existing mooring buoy and the installation and use of one additional mooring buoy. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemptions. (Lease 5316; A3809; RA# 2022089) (A 1; S 1, 4) (Staff: M. Waldo) |
03 | DOUGLAS ROBERT BRIEN AND RAMIAH SHANTI BRIEN, TRUSTEES OF THE DOUGLAS ROBERT BRIEN AND RAMIAH SHANTI BRIEN 1998 TRUST DATED MARCH 20, 1998, AS RESTATED (APPLICANT) Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 200 Pine Street, near Tahoma, Placer County; for use of two existing mooring buoys, removal of an existing mooring buoy, removal of an existing boat ramp, and construction and use of a new pier and installation of a boat lift. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemptions. (A4331; RA# 2023083) (A 1; S 1, 4) (Staff: M. Sapunor) |
04 | JOSEPH P. COLMERY AND LAURIE W. COLMERY (APPLICANT) Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 632 Olympic Drive, near Tahoe City, Placer County; for two existing mooring buoys. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 8624; A4443; RA# 2023163) (A 1; S 1, 4) (Staff: M. Haflich) |
05 | LINDA N. DAVIS, SCOTT E. BOHANNON, ROBERT WEBSTER, ALIDA C. LATHAM, AND ALVIN T. LEVITT, TRUSTEES OF THE DAVID D. BOHANNON AND OPHELIA E. BOHANNON 1988 IRREVOCABLE TRUST FOR ISSUE DATED OCTOBER 22, 1988 (APPLICANT) Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational Use of sovereign land located in Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 3655 Idlewild Way, Homewood, Placer County; for an existing pier and two mooring buoys. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 4311; A4271; RA# 2023047) (A 1; S 1, 4) (Staff: M. Pelka) |
06 | BRIAN A. FAHEY AND LAUREN KONDO (APPLICANT) Consider issuance of a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in the Sacramento River, adjacent to 10461 Garden Highway, near Sacramento, Sutter County; for a boat dock and appurtenant facilities. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 7736; A4375; RA# 2023167) (A 3; S 6) (Staff: M. Harless) |
07 | PETER MARTIN GLICK AND LYNNE MARY GLICK, TRUSTEES OF THE GLICK REVOCABLE TRUST; MICHAEL D. GLICK AND BARBARA J. GLICK, TRUSTEES OF THE GLICK FAMILY LIVING TRUST DATED MARCH 7, 2003 (LESSEE); DAMIAN DOUGLAS GLICK; STEVEN J. DRENNAN AND TRISTINE B. DRENNAN, TRUSTEES UNDER THE DRENNAN LIVING TRUST DATED APRIL 14, 2021; MATTHEW PENNINGTON AND ELIZABETH PENNINGTON, TRUSTEES OF THE PENNINGTON FAMILY TRUST DATED MARCH 10, 2017; HEATHER LYNEE ZOOK, TRUSTEE OF THE HEATHER ZOOK FAMILY TRUST DATED JUNE 4, 2021, AS RESTATED ON MAY 22, 2023 (APPLICANT) Consider acceptance of a lease quitclaim deed and issuance of a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 849 Stateline Avenue, South Lake Tahoe, El Dorado County; for an existing pier and one mooring buoy previously authorized by the Commission, and the installation and use of an additional mooring buoy not previously authorized by the Commission. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemptions. (Lease 3544; A4156; RA# 2022345) (A 1; S 1, 4) (Staff: M. Waldo) |
08 | ELIZABETH GRIFFITH, TRUSTEE OF THE ELIZABETH GRIFFITH 2019 TRUST DATED FEBRUARY 15, 2019 (APPLICANT) Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 6966 West Lake Boulevard, near Tahoma, Placer County; for an existing pier, boat lift, marine rail, and two mooring buoys previously authorized by the Commission; and for one existing mooring buoy not previously authorized by the Commission. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 4926; A4093; RA# 2022368) (A 1; S 1, 4) (Staff: D. Romero) |
09 | PHILIP D. CHAPMAN AND SARAH D. CHAPMAN, TRUSTEES OF THE CHAPMAN FAMILY LIVING TRUST (LESSEE); NICHOLAS HAEMEL AND ANNA HAEMEL, TRUSTEES OF THE N & A HAEMEL FAMILY TRUST DATED SEPTEMBER 12, 2022 (APPLICANT) Consider termination of Lease Number 3674, a General Lease – Recreational Use; and an application for a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 3890 North Lake Boulevard, near Carnelian Bay, Placer County; for an existing pier, boathouse with boat lift, sundeck with stairs, and two mooring buoys. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 3674; A4382; RA# 2023129) (A 1; S 1, 4) (Staff: M. Harless) |
10 | HUMBOLDT BAY HARBOR, RECREATION AND CONSERVATION DISTRICT (LESSEE/SUBLESSOR); NORDIC AQUAFARMS CALIFORNIA, LLC (SUBLESSEE) Consider endorsement of a sublease under Lease Number PRC 3186, a General Lease – Right-of-Way Use, of sovereign land located in the Pacific Ocean, near Samoa, adjacent to Assessor’s Parcel Number 401-111-006, Humboldt County; for an existing outfall pipeline. CEQA Consideration: Environmental Impact Report, certified by Humboldt County, State Clearinghouse No. 2021040532. (PRC 3186; A3254; RA# 2021069) (A 2; S 2) (Staff: M. Schroeder) Removed from the agenda 04/04/2024. |
11 | KRUGER TAHOE PROPERTIES, LLC, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (APPLICANT) Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational Use of sovereign land located in Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 1040 West Lake Boulevard, near Tahoe City, Placer County; for an existing pier, boat lift, and two mooring buoys. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 6937; A4397; RA# 2023148) (A 1; S 1, 4) (Staff: M. Pelka) |
12 | ARTHUR GRANT BURTON AND KATHLEEN KEANE BURTON, TRUSTEES OF THE BURTON FAMILY TRUST (LESSEE); LAKE OF THE SKY, LLC (APPLICANT) Consider termination of Lease Number 8739, a General Lease – Recreational Use; and application for a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 3216 Edgewater Drive, Tahoe City, Placer County; for an existing pier and two mooring buoys. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 8739; A4407; RA# 2023140) (A 1; S 1, 4) (Staff: M. McGough) |
13 | LCOF LAKE TAHOE INVESTMENT, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AND LCOF LAKE TAHOE OPERATING, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (CO-LESSEES/CO-APPLICANT); COMMUNITY BANK N.A. (SECURED PARTY-LENDER) Consider an Agreement and Consent to Encumbrance of Lease Number 3981, a General Lease – Commercial Use, of sovereign land located in Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 3411 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, El Dorado County; for an existing commercial marina. CEQA Consideration: not a project. (Lease 3981; A4366, RA 2023117) (A 1; S 1, 4) (Staff: J. Holt) |
14 | PEC TAHOE PROPERTIES, LLC, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (LESSEE/APPLICANT) Consider acceptance of a lease quitclaim deed and issuance of a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 7181 West Lake Boulevard (Highway 89), near Tahoma, El Dorado County; for use of an existing pier, water intake line, and buoy; and installation and use of one additional mooring buoy. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemptions. (Lease 7634; A4404; RA# 2023138) (A 1; S 1, 4) (Staff: M. Haflich) |
15 | 6980 WEST LAKE, LLC, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (LESSEE); TAHOE CEDARS ASSOCIATION, A CALIFORNIA NONPROFIT CORPORATION (APPLICANT) Consider acceptance of a lease quitclaim deed and application for General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 6980 West Lake Boulevard, near Tahoma, Placer County; for a pier and five mooring buoys, and removal of two water intake lines. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemptions. (Lease 3637; A4295; RA# 2023090) (A 1; S 1, 4) (Staff: D. Romero) |
16 | PATRICK WILSON AND MONICA PEDRAZZINI (APPLICANT) Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational and Protective Structure Use, of sovereign land located in the Sacramento River, adjacent to 10800 Garden Highway, Sacramento, Sutter County; for an existing boat dock, ramp, appurtenant facilities, and bank protection. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 8750; A4130; RA# 2022314) (A 3; S 6) (Staff: L. Anderson) |
17 | WS MARINA, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (LESSEE/APPLICANT); EQUITRUST LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (PREVIOUS SECURED PARTY-LENDER); AUGUSTAR LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, AN OHIO CORPORATION (SECURED PARTY-LENDER) Consider termination of a previous Agreement and Consent to Encumbrance of Lease Number 3953, a General Lease – Commercial Use and application for a new Agreement and Consent to Encumbrance of Lease Number 3953, a General Lease – Commercial Use, of sovereign land located in Lake Tahoe, adjacent to 5190 West Lake Boulevard, Homewood, Placer County; for an existing commercial marina. CEQA Consideration: not a project. (Lease 3953; A4530, RA 2023215) (A 1; S 1, 4) (Staff: J. Holt) |
Bay / Delta Region 18-32
Item | Summary |
18 | 5 BROS MARINA LLC (LESSEE) Consider a continuation of rent and a revision of bond and insurance to Lease Number PRC 6855, a General Lease – Commercial Use, of sovereign land located in Seven Mile Slough, adjacent to 1200 West Brannan Island Road, near Isleton, Sacramento County; for a commercial marina. CEQA Consideration: not a project. (PRC 6855) (A 11; S 3) (Staff: V. Caldwell) |
19 | JOSHUA CHRISMAN AND SHAWNA CHRISMAN, TRUSTEES OF THE SHAWNA AND JOSHUA CHRISMAN LIVING TRUST (APPLICANT) Consider voiding invoices 55098 and 55245, waiving any penalty and interest due, and issuance of a General Lease – Recreational and Protective Structure Use, of sovereign land located in the Sacramento River, adjacent to 3001 Garden Highway, near Sacramento, Sacramento County; for an existing boat dock, appurtenant facilities, and bank protection. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 8630; A4450; RA# 2023176) (A 6; S 8) (Staff: L. Anderson) |
20 | GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE, HIGHWAY, AND TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT (APPLICANT) Consider application for a General Lease – Public Agency Use, of sovereign land located along the south bank of Corte Madera Creek, adjacent to Lots 29 through 81 at Greenbrae Boardwalk, and the Larkspur Ferry Terminal, near Greenbrae, Marin County; for maintenance of an existing rock riprap revetment. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 7187; A3661; RA# 2022106) (A 12; S 2) (Staff: G. Asimakopoulos) Staff report removed from agenda 04/02/2024. |
21 | K.M.C., INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION (APPLICANT) Consider application for a General Lease – Other, of sovereign land located in San Francisco Bay, adjacent to Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 038-460-37, 038-460-38, 038-201-59, and 038-201-60, near Tiburon, Marin County; for an existing public park, breakwaters, navigational pilings, and maintenance dredging. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemptions. (Lease 2148; A3917; RA# 2022219) (A 12; S 2) (Staff: G. Asimakopoulos) |
22 | DANIEL MCKELVEY AND HOLLY MCKELVEY (APPLICANT) Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational and Protective Structure Use, of sovereign land located in the Sacramento River, adjacent to 3963 Garden Highway, Sacramento, Sacramento County; for an existing covered boat dock, appurtenant facilities, and bank protection. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 6157; A4367; RA# 2023114) (A 6; S 8) (Staff: M. Waldo) |
23 | MILLBRAE HIGHLANDS CO., L.P. (APPLICANT) Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Corte Madera Creek, adjacent to 1005 South Eliseo Drive, near Greenbrae, Marin County; for one existing boat dock. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 5211; A4401; RA# 2023142) (A 12; S 2) (Staff: M. Haflich) |
24 | KATHERINE G. DANA OSTERLOH (APPLICANT) Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Tomales Bay, adjacent to 12916 Sir Francis Drake Boulevard, near Inverness, Marin County; for an existing pier. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 8483; A4225; RA# 2023172) (A 12; S 2) (Staff: M. Harless) |
25 | BRADLEY H. SMITH, TRUSTEE OF THE SMITH FAMILY 2001 TRUST, UTD AUGUST 13, 2001 (LESSEE/ASSIGNOR); PORT ISLETON MARINA, LLC, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (APPLICANT/ASSIGNEE) Consider assignment of Lease Number PRC 7699, a General Lease – Commercial Use, of sovereign land located in the San Joaquin River, adjacent to 822 West Brannan Island Road, on Andrus Island, near Isleton, Sacramento County; for an existing commercial marina. CEQA Consideration: not a project. (PRC 7699, A3338; RA# 2021113) (A 11; S 3) (Staff: J. Holt) |
26 | PORT OF STOCKTON (APPLICANT) Consider application for a General Lease – Public Agency Use, of sovereign land located in the San Joaquin River, adjacent to Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 145-020-040, -090, and -130; and 162-030-070 in Stockton, San Joaquin County; for the construction, use, and maintenance of a new railroad bridge; and the demolition and removal of the existing railroad swing bridge. CEQA Consideration: Mitigated Negative Declaration, adopted by the Port of Stockton, State Clearinghouse No. 2021060578, and adoption of a Mitigation Monitoring Program. (A4018; RA# 2022283) (A 13; S 5) (Staff: M. Schroeder) |
27 | SELENA RAY AND BILLY RAY (CLIFF’S RIVER MARINA) (LESSEE) Consider a revision of rent and bond to Lease Number PRC 3264, a General Lease – Commercial Use, of sovereign land located in the Sacramento River, adjacent to 8651 River Road, near Freeport, Sacramento County; for a commercial marina. CEQA Consideration: not a project. (PRC 3264 (A 9; S 3) (Staff: V. Caldwell) |
28 | WILLIAM R. SCHOMBERG AND KAREN M. SCHOMBERG (APPLICANT) Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational and Protective Structure Use, of sovereign land located in the Sacramento River, adjacent to 3099 Garden Highway, near Sacramento, Sacramento County; for an existing boat dock, appurtenant facilities, and bank protection. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 5935; A3370; RA# 2021164) (A 7; S 6) (Staff: L. Anderson) |
29 | DAN S. SMITH, TRUSTEE OF THE DAN S. AND CARLA DILLARD SMITH LIVING TRUST (APPLICANT) Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational and Protective Structure Use, of sovereign land located in Steamboat Slough, adjacent to 3416 Snug Harbor Drive, near Walnut Grove, Solano County; for an existing boat dock, appurtenant facilities, and bank protection. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 7146; A4360; RA# 2023106) (A 11; S 3) (Staff: M. Sapunor) |
30 | STOCKON MARINA PROPERTIES LLC (OWL HARBOR MARINA) Consider a revision of rent and surety bond to Lease Number PRC 4049, a General Lease – Commercial Use, of sovereign land located in Seven Mile Slough, adjacent to 1550 West Twitchell Island Road, near Isleton, Sacramento County; for a commercial marina. CEQA Consideration: not a project. (PRC 4049 (A 11; S 3) (Staff: V. Caldwell) |
31 | UNITED STATES FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE (LESSEE/APPLICANT) Consider amendment of Lease Number PRC 8993, a General Lease – Public Agency Use, of sovereign land located in the Napa River and Dutchman Slough, near Vallejo, Solano County; for one additional temporary sediment offloading facility, one additional dredged material slurry pipeline, and use of one additional work zone. CEQA Consideration: Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement and Addendum, certified and adopted, respectively, by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and the California State Lands Commission, State Clearinghouse No. 2007092004, and Mitigation Monitoring Program and Statement of Findings. (PRC 8993; A4185; RA# 2022360) (A 11; S 3) (Staff: J. Holt) |
32 | UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY (LESSEE) Consider amendment of Lease Number PRC 7650, a General Lease – Public Agency Use, of sovereign land in the Old River, Middle River, San Joaquin River, Holland Cut, False River, South Fork Mokelumne River, North Fork Mokelumne River, Little Potato Slough, Three Mile Slough, Sacramento River, Sutter Slough, Steamboat Slough, Georgiana Slough, Miner Slough, Cache Slough, and Suisun Bay, in Contra Costa, San Joaquin, Sacramento, Yolo, and Solano Counites; for the installation and use of pilings and monitoring stations, and removal of existing pilings. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemptions. (PRC 7650; RA# 2023040) (A 7, 9, 11; S 3, 5, 6) (Staff: M. Schroeder) |
Central / Southern Region 33-45
Item | Summary |
33 | CALIFORNIA STATE LANDS COMMISSION (PARTY) Consider approval of the 2024 Category 2 Solana Beach Benchmark rental rate for sovereign land in Solana Beach, San Diego County. CEQA Consideration: not a project. (W27262) (A 77; S 38) (Staff: C. Wong) |
34 | CITY OF SAN CLEMENTE (LESSEE) Consider amendment to Lease Number 9753, a General Lease – Public Agency Use, of sovereign land located in the Pacific Ocean, near San Clemente, Oceanside, and Surfside – Sunset Beach, Orange and San Diego Counties; for the dredging of an additional offshore borrow site near Surfside – Sunset Beach for the City of San Clemente Coastal Storm Damage Reduction Project/San Clemente Shoreline Protection Project. CEQA Consideration: Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report and Addendum, certified and adopted, respectively, by the City of San Clemente, State Clearinghouse No. 2010084002. (Lease 9753; RA# 2023203) (A 73, 76; S 36) (Staff: K. Connor) |
35 | KHANH DAO AND TIFFANY LOAN PHAM (APPLICANT) Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in the Main Channel of Huntington Harbour, adjacent to 17021 Bolero Lane, Huntington Beach, Orange County; for an existing boat dock, access ramp, and cantilevered deck. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (A4415; RA# 2023149) (A 72; S 36) (Staff: M. McGough) |
36 | JANE P. KING AND EARL C. KING, AS TRUSTEES OF THE JANE P. KING FAMILY TRUST DATED SEPTEMBER 3, 1986, AS AMENDED APRIL 11, 2016 (APPLICANT) Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational Use of sovereign land located in the Main Channel of Huntington Harbour, adjacent to 16662 Somerset Lane, Huntington Beach, Orange County; for an existing boat dock and access ramp. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 3243; A4463; RA# 2023193) (A 72; S 36) (Staff: M. Pelka) |
37 | JPMORGAN CHASE NA AS SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE TO FIRST REPUBLIC BANK, OF THE BARON FAMILY TRUST ORIGINALLY ESTABLISHED AUGUST 4, 1983, AS AMENDED (APPLICANT) Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational and Protective Structure Use, of sovereign land located in the Main Channel of Huntington Harbour, adjacent to 16611 Carousel Lane, Huntington Beach, Orange County; for an existing boat dock, access ramp, cantilevered deck, and bulkhead protection. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 4099; A4435; RA# 2023159) (A 72; S 36) (Staff: M. Harless) |
38 | DEL B. BRAULT AND ANDREA MARGARETTE BRAULT, CO-TRUSTEES OF THE BRAULT FAMILY TRUST, DATED MAY 31, 1996, “FAMILY” TRUST (EXEMPTION TRUST) (LESSEE); JAN H. NGUYEN (APPLICANT) Consider termination of Lease Number 8241, a General Lease – Recreational and Protective Structure Use; and an application for a General Lease – Recreational and Protective Structure Use, of sovereign land located in the Main Channel of Huntington Harbour, adjacent to 16681 Carousel Lane, Huntington Beach, Orange County; for an existing boat dock, access ramp, cantilevered deck, and bulkhead protection. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 8241; A4208; RA# 2023097) (A 72; S 36) (Staff: M. Pelka) |
39 | TINH NGUYEN AND LAM-QUYNH NGUYEN (APPLICANT) Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational and Protective Structure Use, of sovereign land located in the Main Channel of Huntington Harbour, adjacent to 16651 Carousel Lane, Huntington Beach, Orange County; for an existing boat dock, access ramp, cantilevered deck, and bulkhead protection. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 8259; A4451; RA# 2023177) (A 72; S 36) (Staff: M. Sapunor) |
40 | ARNOLD AND SHIRLEY OSTROW, TRUSTEES OF THE OSTROW FAMILY TRUST (APPLICANT) Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational and Protective Structure Use, of sovereign land located in the Main Channel of Huntington Harbour, adjacent to 16831 Bolero Lane, Huntington Beach, Orange County; for an existing boat dock, access ramp, and cantilevered deck. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 7693; A4406; RA# 2023139) (A 72; S 36) (Staff: M. Sapunor) |
41 | PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY (LESSEE) Consider amendment of Lease 9347, a General Lease – Industrial Use, of sovereign land located in and adjacent to the Pacific Ocean, near Avila Beach, San Luis Obispo County; for dredging and the deposition of material associated with the Diablo Canyon Power Plant. CEQA Consideration: California Coastal Commission Coastal Development Permit No. 9-23-0599. (Lease 9347; RA# 2023021) (A 30; S 17) (Staff: D. Simpkin) |
42 | ERNIE W. QUIJADA, JR. AND DIANE G. QUIJADA (APPLICANT) Consider application for a General Lease – Recreational and Protective Structure Use, of sovereign land located in the Main Channel of Huntington Harbour, adjacent to 16671 Carousel Lane, Huntington Beach, Orange County; for an existing boat dock, access ramp, cantilevered deck, and bul khead protection. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 5625; A4468; RA#2023183) (A 72; S 36) (Staff: M. Harless) |
43 | SAN PEDRO BAY PIPELINE COMPANY (LESSEE) Consider a revision of rent and surety bond to Lease Number PRC 5636, a General Lease – Right-of-Way Use, of State sovereign land located in the Pacific Ocean, in San Pedro Bay, offshore Seal Beach and Huntington Beach, Orange County; for an existing oil pipeline, CEQA Consideration: not a project. (PRC 5636) (A 72; S 36) (Staff: V. Caldwell) |
44 | ROBERT SEBRING, JR. AND GAIL SEBRING, AS TRUSTEES OF THE SEBRING FAMILY TRUST DATED JANUARY 10, 2002 (LESSEE); STEPHEN TEMMING AND DIANE TEMMING (APPLICANT) Consider rescission of prior Commission authorization of assignment of a General Lease – Recreational Use; termination of Lease Number 8881, a General Lease – Recreational Use; and application for a General Lease – Recreational Use, of sovereign land located in Huntington Harbour, adjacent to 16402 Grimaud Lane, Huntington Beach, Orange County; for an existing cantilevered deck. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 8881; A4418; RA# 2023174) (A 72; S 36) (Staff: M. McGough) |
45 | THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, ON BEHALF OF THE SANTA BARBARA CAMPUS (UCSB) (APPLICANT) Consider application for a General Lease – Public Agency Use, of sovereign land located in and adjacent to the Pacific Ocean near Goleta Point, Santa Barbara County; for four existing seawater intake pipelines and rock revetments. CEQA Consideration: categorical exemption. (Lease 8011; A3842; RA# 2022113) (A 37; S 19) (Staff: J. Plovnick) |
School Lands 46
Item | Summary |
46 | KARUK TRIBE (APPLICANT) Consider rescission of previous Lease Authorization and issuance of a General Lease – Right-of-Way Use, on State-owned indemnity school lands, in a portion of Section 28, T9N, R3E, HM along Bald Hills Road, located between Weitchpec and Orick, Humboldt County; for installation, operation, and maintenance of two fiber optic cables. CEQA Consideration: Mitigated Negative Declaration, adopted by the California Public Utilities Commission, State Clearinghouse No. 2022060515, and adoption of a Mitigation Monitoring Program. (A3459; RA# 2021212) (A 2; S 2) (Staff: D. Simpkin) |
Mineral Resources Management
Item | Summary |
47 | CITY OF GRIDLEY (APPLICANT) Consider application for a Non-Exclusive Geological Survey Permit to conduct geological surveys on sovereign land, adjacent to Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 024-220-025, 024-220-032, 024-220-999 located within the City of Gridley, Feather River, Section 4, Townsh47″ ip 17 North, Range 3 East, Mount Diablo Baseline & Meridian, Butte County. CEQA Consideration: Mitigated Negative Declaration, adopted by the City of Gridley, State Clearinghouse No. 2022090465, and adoption of a Mitigation Monitoring Program. (Lease 5183; A4166; RA#2023141) (A 3; S: 1) (Staff: C. Fox) |
48 | GILDRED SOLAR, LLC (PARTY); OCOTILLO SOLAR, LLC (APPLICANT) Consider termination of a Modification of Right of Surface Entry Agreement; and an application for a 40-year modification of the State’s right of surface entry on 280 acres of State 100 percent reserved mineral interest school lands, Assessor’s Parcel Number 253-390-57, located about 5 miles south of the community of Ocotillo Wells, Section 36, Township 12 South, Range 8 East, San Bernardino Baseline & Meridian, San Diego County. CEQA Consideration: not a project. (A4359; Agreement 9363; RA#2023130) (A 75; S 32) (Staff: R. Lee) |
Marine Environmental Protection
- No items for this section.
- No items for this section.
Item | Summary |
49 | CALIFORNIA STATE LANDS COMMISSION (PARTY) Consider approval of Section 3 General Lease Provisions for General Lease – Recreational Use, General Lease – Dredging, and for other General Leases. CEQA Consideration: not a project. (A & S: Statewide) (Staff: W. Crunk, G. Kato) |
Kapiloff Land Bank Trust Acquisition / Expenditure
- No items for this section.
External Affairs
Granted Lands
- No items for this section.
VI. Informational Calendar 50-51
Item | Summary |
50 | NOTICE OF CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR Instructions to staff negotiators in Closed Session, pursuant to Government Code section 11126(c)(7), regarding four applications for assignment of leases governing the use of existing offshore oil and gas pipelines traversing state waters associated with the Santa Ynez Unit in federal waters, the Ellwood Pier, and two mooring buoys, offshore Santa Barbara County. Negotiating Parties: State Lands Commission, ExxonMobil, and Sable Offshore Corp. Under negotiation: price and terms. CEQA Consideration: not a project. (Lease Nos. PRC 4977, PRC 7163, PRC 5515, and PRC 4589) (A 37; S 19) Staff report revised 04/02/2024. |
51 | NOTICE OF CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR Instructions to staff negotiators in Closed Session, pursuant to Government Code section 11126(c)(7), regarding an application for assignment of two existing oil and gas production leases, commonly referred to as the West Montalvo leases, where the wellheads are located on the upland but produce from reservoirs in state waters, offshore Ventura County. Negotiating Parties: State Lands Commission, California Resources Corporation, and Cal NRG LLC. Under negotiation: price, terms, and statutory compliance. CEQA Consideration: not a project. (Lease No. PRC 3314 and Lease No. PRC 735) (A 38; S 19) |
VII. Regular Calendar 52-53
Item | Summary |
52 | CALIFORNIA STATE LANDS COMMISSION Discussion and possible action on state legislation relevant to the California State Lands Commission. CEQA Consideration: not applicable. (A & S: Statewide) (Staff: S. Pemberton) |
53 | CITY OF LONG BEACH (GRANTEE) Consider acceptance of the Long Beach Unit Annual Plan (July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025), Long Beach Unit, Wilmington Oil Field, Los Angeles County. CEQA Consideration: not a project. (W17166) (A 70; S 33, 34) (Staff: J. Abedi) |
VIII. Public Comment
IX. Commissioners’ Comments
X. Closed Session
At any time during the meeting, the Commission may meet in a session of Government Code section 11126, part of the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act.
A. Litigation
The Commission may consider pending and possible litigation pursuant to the confidentiality of attorney-client communications and privileges provided under Government Code section 11126, subdivision (e).
- The Commission may consider pending and possible matters that fall under Government Code section 11126, subdivision (e)(2)(A), concerning adjudicatory proceedings before a court, an administrative body exercising its adjudicatory authority, a hearing officer, or an arbitrator, to which the Commission is a party. Such matters currently include the following:
- California State Lands Commission v. Signal Hill Service, Inc.; Pacific Operators, Inc., dba Pacific Operators Offshore, Inc.; DOES 1-100
- California State Lands Commission, et al. v. Martins Beach 1 LLC, et al.
- Campbell v. City of Sacramento, State of California, et al.
- Candlestick Heights Community Alliance v. City and County of San Francisco, et al.
- Casa Blanca Beach Estates Owners Association v. California State Lands Commission, et al.
- Center for Biological Diversity v. City of Long Beach and California State Lands Commission
- Dezirae Cadena, et al. v. City of Parker Dam, et al.
- Eugene Davis v. State of California and California State Lands Commission
- In re: Temblor Petroleum Company, LLC, Bankruptcy Chapter 11
- In re: Venoco, LLC, Bankruptcy Chapter 11
- Johns v. Orange County, et al.
- Martins Beach 1, LLC and Martins Beach 2, LLC v. Effie Turnbull-Sanders, et al.
- Morrow Bay Commercial Fisherman’s Association, et al. v. California State Lands Commission, et al.
- North Waterfront Cove and City of Alameda v. State of California, by and through the State Lands Commission
- Oakland Bulk and Oversized Terminal, LLC v. City of Oakland
- Owens Valley Committee v. City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, et al.
- State Lands Commission v. Casa Blanca Beach Estates Owners’ Association, et al.
- State Lands Commission v. Plains Pipeline, L.P., et al.
- United States v. Walker River Irrigation District, et al.
- William Buck Johns and Elizabeth Colleen Johns, as Co-Trustees of the Johns Living Trust, dated August 13, 2007, et al. v. County of Orange, et al.
- The Commission may consider matters that fall under Government Code section 11126, subdivision (e)(2)(b), under which;
a. A point has been reached where, in the opinion of the Commission, on the advice of its legal counsel, based on existing facts and circumstances, there is a significant exposure to litigation against the Commission, or
b. Based on existing facts and circumstances, the Commission is meeting only to decide whether a closed session is authorized because of a significant exposure to litigation against the Commission. - The Commission may consider matters that fall under Government Code section 11126, subdivision (e)(2)(C), where, based on existing facts and circumstances, the state body has decided to initiate or is deciding whether to initiate litigation.
B. Conference with real property negotiators
The Commission may consider matters that fall under Government Code section 11126, subdivision (c)(7), under which, prior to the purchase sale, exchange, or lease of real property by or for the Commission, the directions may be given to its negotiators regarding price and terms of payment for the purchase, sale, exchange, or lease.
- Instructions to staff negotiators in Closed Session, pursuant to Government Code section 11126(c)(7), regarding four applications for assignment of four leases governing the use of existing offshore oil and gas pipelines traversing state waters associated with the Santa Ynez Unit in federal waters, the Ellwood Pier, and two mooring buoys, offshore Santa Barbara County. Negotiating Parties: State Lands Commission, ExxonMobil, and Sable Offshore Corp. Under negotiation: price and terms. CEQA Consideration: not a project. (Lease Nos. PRC 4977, PRC 7163, PRC 5515, and PRC 4589) (A 37; S 19)
- Instructions to staff negotiators in Closed Session, pursuant to Government Code section 11126(c)(7), regarding an application for assignment of two existing oil and gas production leases, commonly referred to as the West Montalvo leases, where the wellheads are located on private upland properties but the wells produce from reservoirs in state waters, offshore Ventura County. Negotiating Parties: State Lands Commission, California Resources Corporation, and Cal NRG LLC. Under negotiation: price, terms, and statutory compliance. CEQA Consideration: not a project. (Lease No. PRC 3314 and Lease No. PRC 735) (A 38; S 19)
C. Other matters
The Commission may also consider personnel actions to appoint, employ, or dismiss a public employee as provided for in Government Code section 11126(A)(1).